
How Science can create Poetry, common link Art\Technique…




How Science can create Poetry, common link Art\Technique.
The Theory of Evolution is no longer a Theory it is now proven a fact. The Greatest Battle–proving the power of energy of the collective and the influence by the illusion of money–past, present and no future. Human beings will not warp or manipulate reality, they can only manipulate the illusion…which is not evolution). Instead, by being in harmony with Infinity, Eternity and Pi they will be able to expand upon and influence their will’s force on matter and non-matter to expand upon the truth and possibilities of existence through consciousness.
But first, they/we had to understand the foundation of the ground we walk upon, the bodies we live in, the heavens we walk under and the true nature of the air we breathe… We also had to understand the nature and reason why everything in existence is literally a fragmentation of ourselves, why we were fragmented, and how we could put ourselves back together to become one again.
Human beings have now evolved to the fact–not possibility–of literally changing the fabric of existence from sitting in a place of stillness. When I state this, I mean that they can change the fabric of their DNA, mutate, change physical reality; as in, literally move mountains…turn wine into water. Correct, to me Jesus Christ was sent from what might be called the future, though this term is not accurate. He represents what humanity is capable of when we reach the apex, or height of human evolution; he came to show the way for our possible/potential humanity. Once they understood and did their work in refining frequency, energy and vibration and became harmonized with original intention, the frequency which created the planet. This aligns them with the energy which created the Cosmos\universe\Everything, then expands upon it through embodiment, eventually be tested by it, and then sustain it in the darkness\ignorance\pit of human poverty of spirit. By this I speak of meanness and Poverty (crucifixion), for that truth and going against the grain. They must retain that vibration, passing through Death (made invisible), passing through the vortex (their truth being completely distorted), passing through the stillness of non-knowing (patience, perseverance–the true invisible darkness…by guarding the light of truth in their hearts while being oppressed with the illusions, the webs of allusions…) and then still regenerate this energy in this state of non grace (purgatory and hell) to cause the light to fill the heart, then fill the body until your body becomes so full of light and energy that you become a being of light and emerge on the other side.
Theory of Evolution is no longer a Theory- it is a fact. It was done individually and collectively by the greatest minds and hearts in the planet, working with intentions for the same goal: the common good of the species. But first the beauty as a truth in humanity and not their illusion of ugliness had to be proven.
The Beast nature–the beast is the dandy in humanity; the beautiful vanity, beautiful pride: the beast nature as a ravager is the poverty of spirit in the masses. It is the great illusionist\hypnotist and its twin, the great witch… The Spider Man and the Queen of web, both the same being.
By establishing the governing energy of existence-creation or the energy which formed the planet earth, which I have investigated and come to the conclusion is beauty, enabling human beings to evolve to their highest nature through the process of naturalness, leading to doing, then Becoming…and then seeing their devotion paid off and all of a sudden they see their existence in the light of truth.
Evolution of humanity moves us from human to super humans. The process of my 11 year investigation was to give evidence of how, by first establishing the base and true energy of the foundation of natural existence, human existence and will power….the force to create that transmutation, transformation and resolution. Evolution of the Human consciousness through S.P. which is Poetry and Science but inverted to Science proving the Poetry of Existence.
Poetry is the expression of Love of Existence while Science, to me, is the Evolution of Consciousness… Existence and Consciousness, Love and Evol ution (use of will- “volition”) to find the Solution. E and C both create love- E=5 in alphabet which is adam’s apple, voice box, sound. 3 is C–see through the third eye but anchored by two eyes, piercing to see the depth of meaning. Seeing through sound comes first, learning how to listen on the sub atomic level to see the atomic or physical level…connections like the golden ratio seen by the child in the film called TOUCH.
To get to the depth of meaning and understanding, I find one must dig deep, deeper until you build a tunnel and in the end of the tunnel is you, as light of understanding and discovery. And with the newfound information you emerge]\transform from a human to a superhuman like a caterpillar; knowing when to build a cocoon and knowing when to emerge and butter fly away… The experience of the science of deep investigation into the darkness of our probing minds creates this: a most beautiful transformation of moving into one with our own created will to see the light. Science, evolution is the transformation of existence into a consciousness of understanding and negating the lie and self-deception and instead moving towards the will to see the light… This transformation through will is seen in people who could not walk anymore…when they later do walk again and see life transformed through that experience is, to me, the true meaning of learning how to fly…. and to see ourselves fly is poetry in motion… evolution self love, universal love, science, universal truth applied with consciousness and respect for human existence brings forth to the truth of how to create light, electro magnetic current, electricity…fire and light… like the fire fly.
The Theory of Evolution is not a theory it is a fact. It is here, it is proven, and it is in articulation proven backwards from P.S to S.P…. Sir Patience. Science has proven the apex of humanity’s evolution is through understanding the steps of fragmentation or breaking down of everything, to cause and effect C.E. and then finally the true understanding of current, currency, exchange, magnetic effects, climatic effect, wind movement, earth lines deep within, etc. Science has understood the map and, by following the road map and blue print of how things really work, creates the art of investigation and observation. This creates passion and love and then finally compassion for humanity and understanding of the self, that we can link what we have broken down, then weave the pieces through energy and magnetism to come together, create colors, and finally weave a tapestry…enabling us to see a picture, a painting and a place to step into this tapestry (also understanding why the pyramids of Egypt were built with slopes while in South America, it was with steps). Having understood the picture which creates a moving (touching) story of us understanding, at last, the importance of identification and watching unravel the true significance of our purpose.
I have spent 11 years proving and gaining evidence through science as an art and technique. My intention was on how can we ever get to universal harmony… with need, greed and religion…?  By linking only the facts of my life and the truths of higher selves revealed while deep undercover…often times forgetting I was undercover; I sought to unravel all the information out there which corresponded to what my life was unraveling…What literally is the true nature of Energy and Consciousness? I found that it was not awareness nor ignorance, it simply began with naturally being and then I found that, in this seemingly unconscious state, you can see your\our own natural harmony by observing and watching the outcomes upon acting from this place called the true state of amazing grace.
Emeka Kolo Science Art Technique (not Technology)
Original Facebook post here
Edited word count 1/19/24: 1352

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