
One might wonder why I am continually bombarding people with information…



One might wonder why I am continually bombarding people with information. I recently received an e-mail that my intelligence might be the reason why those who love me also alienate me. To this I replied that I am the one who leaves people who can not live or dwell in a consciousness of Beauty once it has been made clear to them… its benefits made so obvious to them, and the hurt caused by a consciousness of superiority to those around them, or clouding the true perspective of things. I also seek to establish the truth that I am living with an incredibly difficult condition which makes walking, or doing any other thing than writing extremely uncomfortable and often painful… And that when I “channel” (I do like this word) and write, through stream of consciousness, I use my own consciousness to reign in what I am streaming, to hone, link and supply the human quality to what I can only describe as my super self.
Speaking of Super selves… I have recently been watching Smallville, (anything to stop seeing, linking and solving riddles) where, in season 10, Super man and the world (including the Daily Planet’s Clark Kent… funny enough, we share the same initials) is facing the greatest evil in human existence… This Evil feeds on humanity’s doubts and penchant for seeing evil in things rather than goodness.  I relate to the collective human expressions and actions throughout the ages which cause so much suffering to others. After all efforts to show humanity the evil that this penchant for destroying another’s spirit, lives or highest gifts can cause, offering the remedy, and doing everything to get their attention, finally this evil arises… In the episode, the evil smirks at how easy it is to plant the seed of doubt and evil in humanity and how much contempt it has for them… that they move to evil so easily. The only people who are immune to this ravaging monster, are those who are pure of heart, having no mal-intent for anyone.
Superman is threatened by it because it calls into question his ego, and pride in being a hero and saviour of a planet… The evil wishes to use Superman as the weapon to bring humanity’s annihilation. My mouth dropped open… because before I got to the riddle of Beauty, I was streaming and linking my consciousness with what was coming out of my subconscious to write a post about evil being real, and embodied in this planet. It feeds on humanity’s reluctance to cleanse their thoughts and actions, nor take responsibility for the words and thoughts that they allow to enter their minds, thinking that no one will know, or hear what they are really thinking…. Sigh…but I can. And I know others who can and that is why we were, at first, very cautious with humanity as a collective….
One might wonder, why would my super self take over my body and consciousness to express things which it provides proof for….I do not think that this power forcing me to write and link really cares who reads these posts or e-mails. According to what I understand so far, it is willing itself into existence/reality by proving itself into existence in my consciousness and to those few who pay attention.
It does not need people to understand it, it is simply using certain people to prove it into existence and into this very reality in which we live…in every kind of language and consciousness. I am acting like a reporter CK of the Daily Planet seeking to point out, based on the evidence of so many people also seeing the same facts and the links, that something is going on.
But in the end, I do not care who listens; to express is to bring something into existence, by linking it with the facts until it becomes real, tangible and manifest… solid. The codes work, the process of linking sub conscious (the Super self… superman Nietzche Heroic man) with conscious man. Like Clark Kent reporting the News in the Daily Planet, I was forced by circumstances to do it for free of charge (in New York mind you!) because what this is linking is more important than money, it is the energy of breath… Something is rising…. the gardener and the landlord of the conscious of the true earth… Beauty is coming home.
Original Facebook post here
Edited word count 1/10/24: 741

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