
The true and one universal name of God and this planet to me, is Beauty…

The true and one universal name of God and this planet to me, is Beauty, and Beauty brings forth the twins Truth and Love. Strange… The meaning of Samuel is “The name of God” or “The one who listens or the one who hears.”
Uncle means your father’s brother or your mother’s brother… he has the source as Male\Female or Female\Male… or in french it means UN CLE which means One Key… Which could mean the one key that opens a door, lock safe, or the one Key to sing in for everyone.
Why is it that this one key whose source can be either or both Female\male… FM (Like a radio) is the name of God, the one who listens, the one who hears, the one who understands…. is used as a call up poster for war… As in Uncle Sam wants you… I am a foreigner here and was just wondering about that… Is not God, the God according to all philosophies, love, truth, justice… and would not his one key to open that door to the Promised land and not the American Dream be a song of harmony and universal understanding?
On the American Dollar Bill, it says “In God We Trust” But I have found according to my research that very few trust God, unless God is money, then yes then that would me near but not actually true, because I found in my research that most do not really worship money (though some do) but rather they worship what it brings… the ability to buy things which makes them feel safe, comforted and validate their existence.
And is money not a false idol, so why do so many agree to this collective deception and hypocrisy….
And if we can not see God except through form and sensation would it not mean that God is Energy? Why do we as a species worship God in our churches etc…and place our bet and pay homage more to money than God, even though we know it is human energy (Divinity\God) and natural energy (God) which gives money its power.
According to my research and experience very few have sought to investigate or understand the true nature of God, the will of God (which is order-understanding, harmony and rising\uplifting.) Instead we are told from childhood you can never know God, that he is the unknowable yet we call him a father who loves us; we have a template of God as Father and Mother… and we understand that by knowing our parents, we can better know and understand ourselves.
I have found very few who love God, trust God or even know God. Many want to but few actually accomplish this, for to love God …is it not to know god and to know God, as to know anyone, you must remove yourself from the equation and simply seek to understand the secret, sacred language of that being; a person’s sacred expression…which to me is obvious… God loves Beauty. Instead, most make assumptions about how God works, without even investigating the very blue print of God, which is how nature works, and what is true human nature. In my own life time investigation, I find they all have harmony, symmetry… beauty. Nature is Beautiful, human beings are physically Beautiful, Space is Beautiful, the very planet we live in is Beautiful… Beauty inspires us and gives us breath, yet I have been personally challenged by so many for living and fighting for the truth of these words. And still, every scientist, mathematician, philosopher, artist and street cleaner will back me up saying that one can see the symmetry and beauty of god in every sphere of learning, faith, creative process…
I just had to wonder, why so few people really trusting God, take the time to understand God by investigating how his principle works… You may ask me, what is the underlying principle of God in all things… the answer is self-evident… Planet Earth is Beautiful, the Human form is beautiful, human love is beautiful, the heavens are beautiful, the way water moves is beautiful, even the awesome power of natural events like a tsunami is beautiful… Everything that we did not create, which was here before us was and is beautiful… Would it not then be fair to say that the true name of God is Beauty and Beautiful… and the true consciousness which brought everything into creation, its source is beautiful and its creation is beautiful?
Question: Why is it that man can create such beauty…inspired by nature or the energy of God…and yet be so stuck in the cycle of creating ugliness, especially vis a vis each other…And why is it that people like me, and my mother C have consciously wielded this principle for all our lives, this consciousness of Beauty, and met and suffered so much resistance, opposition and rage for seeking to prove this very truth? Why are we constantly being called out and tested for not being real… is it because people have forgotten what is right before their very eyes, even in the cities we can still see nature and the human nature is beautiful? Why I wonder do we distrust, mistrust beauty and the consciousness of beauty so much? Why is it easier to distrust that which has no natural template… hypocrisy, jealousy, envy, malice, power, why is it so much easier to give in to what is not natural…
Is it because we think that beauty has no power, that Beauty is to be possessed as we possess the earth, its resources…to seek and destroy those of us, and that which is in us, which is Beautiful? It is so strange how humanity has come to distrust that which is truly beautiful and has turned it into a possession, source of war, strife and conflict. It renamed and disregarded those who fight for this principle as fake, and hailed that which is fake to be considered as real. How ugliness is so easily accepted, making us feel more at home than beauty. To have a possession with acquiring beauty, owning that essence we know can never be possesses, that quality, which according to my research, we each are.
What is this quality, so readily accepted as being possessed by the evil and cruel deeds we do, becoming like possessed creatures of dark coveting the light of beauty that we each innately possess? I think the real reason people seek to possess beauty is because they feel, and know that Beauty is the true source of power, this energy so magical that I call it the true name of God.
Would that not then mean that all those who seek power and beauty believe they are ugly and powerless and so by possessing that which they already own, they can become beautiful and powerful too? But we all know this is a lie, a self-deception which causes us to feel insecure, fearful, enraged, inferior…so the cycle of possession continues creating evil…this possession of beings created not from evil, but from beauty…
I think this cycle could and can only end when Beauty, which is the true IS IS, going beyond Truth or Love or 2012, that which simply IS, rises up and speaks on its own to point out that the one universal key or key note to God…. and the true name of God is Beauty and Beauty all alone is what brought forth everything into existence being and creation… Beautiful Energy. And all those who deny this principle that everything that ever was and could be was brought into existence by the Energy Consciousness of Beauty will be destroyed by the very lie they created and he very truth they desired until in the end it is not Africa that remains standing in the end as depicted by the film 2012… But as a friend Nikoma pointed stated so beautiful…. That in the end all that remains at the end of the day, through all the lies, hypocrisy, crisis…. Beauty… the real name of planet earth and the true meaning of Love.
Original Facebook post here
Edited word count 1/8/24: 1359

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