
I just wanted to say something rather personal…

Hello… I just wanted to say something rather personal. I do not think many who know me will be aware of the significance of the document written my Professor Catherine Acholonu above, and many will not even read it, but to me it is a vindication of a journey that took me away from every one I loved and cared for…
It took me away from the naughty boy life I had planned, and onto a mysterious road that I was unraveling and figuring out as I went. I am from Nri and take my roots from there. And I have been plagued since I was a child of visions and memories of another existence and awareness. I tried to live here in this consciousness of the world and almost succeeded until this call of the heart, this “Energy,” and later…this mission, took over my life and overwhelmed me such that, if I did not figure it out, solving the riddles and putting the picture together, my body would create unceasing pain and discomfort. I could not sleep, rest or relax for the constant stimuli to solve riddles. I had memories of other consciousness invading my mind. I had to conceal who I really was, how I saw the world, and why I went so far down a road which seemed rife with pain, isolation and challenge. I was born in London, and grew up in Winnipeg, Canada before moving to Nigeria, where I discovered stories of my mother’s people. I had hoped this background would enable me to convey the mystery of the worlds I had visited, and communicate pieces of a puzzle which were unraveling to me, as I linked and solved equations. It was quite a load to bear, carrying such a consciousness of not only Ancient Nri, but also memories and murmurs of existential creation.  Then I had to prove it true in the western world…limited to a group of “chosen people” I encountered moving naturally through my life.
Very little is known about ancient Africa and even less about the Igbo (though it is generally scientifically accepted as the womb and birthplace of man). This is beginning to change…but to bring, translate and bridge the gap between the two worlds was an unbelievable task… too many prejudgements, and superior notions made it difficult for people to seriously hear my voice and words, and then see it mirrored in what was happening to me. I am aware of that and how odd it may seem to people when some one states that they seem to be led on a journey which I later identify as what the ancients Nri priests used to do: ritually cleansing the land of abominations and waking people up. Who knew? I did not even know what was happening to my life until I began to read it and watch it. It is Africa and other ancient cultures who hold and guard the mysteries of the world, and how it began. To so easy to discredit and ignore the voices of our collective ancestors and their scholars, their stories and experiences seems somewhat foolish and arrogant to me.
Thank Heavens this was not about proving the truth to the world but rather linking and reaching the truth of our collective, unified consciousness by being all inclusive, hearing everyone’s voice and every culture’s song. Respect and Devotion seems to be the principles of our ancestors, the very DNA which forms us. A little respect for them is not too much to ask, or is a devotion to the principles which brought us into existence and to this point. It is terrible thing to so easily negate that which made us rise, because of a sense of superiority, no matter how well-hidden; as is not hearing voices…their voices crying out to us to because they have something so urgent to tell us. Professor Acholonu speaks about the Beautiful Ones- and many have witnessed these frequency’s energy take over my body and sometimes rise so high within that they speak through me.. They are real, I feel them in me and I suppose they are in everybody who allows them to rise. But they are more than just energy, they are beings…I remember even their names.
Professor Acholonu’s work is the absolute truth about what my experience has been vis a vis the Nri priest Kings. Their experience parallels my own experience to such a point that I feel relieved and vindicated that the truth is rising. It does not matter if a whole world turns a blind eye and deaf ears, if it is truth then it speaks for itself. I am a being of existence first, a human being who exists even if I exist entirely alone and separated from others by my consciousness- it is not a lonely place, it is very blissful and does not have the aggravation and fear of this consciousness… Like the strange things that happen to my body, the beautiful gestures, voices, and memories coming from listening to the spirit in me and investigating its truths. The compulsion to move to places of such discomfort, living with so many strangers I’ve come to love, and giving up a life, my life…for a quest that I did not understand. It was only when I started to piece the puzzle together, verifying it with evidence.. did I find it all made sense and was true. For a very long time, I was very alone with my findings. How do you share such information to a world distracted and lacking imagination where countless lifetimes of beings occupied the very space we walk each day, breathing the same air? This is now all changing.
I wanted to be brief but this is difficult, as I have spent most of my life explaining what many called the impossible (especially in America and the modern world.)  I explained how energy really works… through memory and original vibration of the first wave or surge of existence and life.
But here, I just wanted to share what this last discovery means to me, the writings of Professor Acholonu. I wrote her to say well done, that what she theorized, I have lived. When I finally unraveled the last of my personal mystery, her work just popped one day when I was looking for a movie on the Internet.
I know her discovery and the puzzle piecing arrived at her conclusion in the same way I pieced together what was happening within me to arrive at the same conclusion as hers. The same way that the last of my subconsciously inspired portal drawings was number 155 (and reverse 155) and shows the beginning of existence with a male/female looking into the eyes of his own reflection, who is female/male making it 1 2 4… one being who is four observing himself with his sixth sense…and the next day, watching the series TOUCH I saw that the kid used the codes 155 124 as the sequence to access the music of the Spheres,  and the silence that is the song all hear within…
I applaud her for arriving at the truth while most were sleeping, and others, simply ignored Africa’s point of view.
It has been a long road, full of tremendous hurt and isolation but also great excitement at what I sought to share but which was my burden to bear alone. I feel very proud of myself for not giving up, or letting shame for not being rich any more, and for saying no to things that would have compromised me, but made my life easier… 23 years alone doing this work and oft times people mis understanding my intentions and not understanding why I could not ask for money for my services.  Maybe no one heard me but I know that the universe did, that it acknowledged and affirmed my truth.  It is the universe and existence that really matters anyway, not the arrogance of modern man. Why did I complete the journey…? I guess because there are still a few of my kind left, those who truly love people and the world…and the only way to bring peace, I felt, was to find truth which then led to the origins of how the true story of our world began… which is the only way we could establish what the plan is and why we are here….
This was a very personal message. It was also a feeling that life alone in my consciousness and being under cover, disguising how I really see and what I really have uncovered.. as well as the things that my mind can do.. is no longer a secret…
Hey Oprah! the real SECRET is out.. and its name is Igbo Emeka…!
THE IGBO! And they have the WELL and the DONE.. PRAISE!
Original Facebook post here
Edited word count 1/7/24: 1476

One thought on “I just wanted to say something rather personal…”

  1. Original comment by Chukwunnaemeka Ezeufonna:

    Igbo Emeka, … hahaha affirmed, anyway. … Respect = Realise. . X Devotion = Devine. … Nri Eze the HighPriestess/Priest. ……Priestley ONRI, …. NRI IRI/IGBO, UMUANYANWU, IWUANYANWU=JUSTICE. . . . . IGBO GA – ADI KA ECHI MAKA NA -ECHI ADI AGWU AGWU. OJE NA MMUO KA IBU X ODOGWU, .. ONYE -EKWERO, ANYI EGWE TERU YA. OFFOR NA OGU KA ANYI JI AGA. … ODINANI ELVOLVES. …

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