
Here is the video evidence of the origins of the journey that I and many people did…

Here is the video evidence of the origins of the journey that I and many people did undercover as a sacred mission. I did not realize that this was the mission that I was on until Albert Santana a few days showed me this video, saying that he understands my journey and mission from watching this video, amongst others. I am very grateful to Albert for identifying the truth of my mission which began with my grandfather educating me about I NRI- MY SPIRITUAL HOME TOWN IN West Africa, southern Nigeria. The ancient Nri say they come from somewhere in the east, so finding myself investigating the nature of harmony, like the Kemetic sciences would demonstrate that the DNA OR ANCESTORS CALLED UPON me and people like me, who were channels  lives were taken away in order that we fulfill what our ancestors started… which was the quest for the truth about existence and why we are here. Enjoy.
Original Facebook Post
Edited word count 1/3/24: 164

One thought on “Here is the video evidence of the origins of the journey that I and many people did…”

  1. Original Comment by E:

    Please check out the Kingdom of NRI in wikipedia… it speaks of a people who ruled for a thousand years- Priest Kings who ruled with the power of Nature and truth…

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