
One of the most difficult obstacles to rising up “Jacobs Ladder”…

One of the most difficult obstacles to rising up “Jacob’s Ladder” to see the true view is when people live in different consciousness. I am not sure if most are aware of just how deep the spell is when we live in different states of consciousness. We can not understand what we are really saying to each other, conflicts arise from mis understanding and miss interpretation; communication becomes virtually impossible and even if there is no intent to harm in that communication, if the consciousness is different it can bring the most terrible conflict even the end of the world. We have lived in the consciousness of Holy spirit for the last 2000 years, holy spirit to me is the unseen that is seen, it is the realm of energy, perceiving how energy works. Before that we were in the era of physical manifestation of the idea… Where we were ruled by the seen world. Thus the tower of Babel was seen before as people literally not being able to understand each other, as each had different languages of expression. Thus Babel, which has plagued our world for the last 2000 years, exists mainly as each of us existing in individual expressions of consciousness… the Babel of our time was energetic, it was the way we saw and perceived reality. Which was from a personal experience with reality, and most times it was affected by fear. So we saw through a distortion of the truth–because true sight or clarity exists outside our personal view.
Babel became a language of spirit confused, hurt internalized and we found ourselves not being seen or understood and we say the greatest atrocities created by this conflict of consciousness. The individualized consciousness in fear, taking over the true consciousness of our world, exemplified by the peace, bliss, and awe nature provides us to anchor ourselves in the correct foundation before we go flying off into the abstract. Abstraction, distraction and fear of not having a home, not able to take care of our families… not being safe and the drive to survive became our world theme. And like a disease it began to spread throughout paradise, Eden, Earth. Slowly the beings of beauty began to disappear from the earth, then soon even the consciousness of beauty, then finally even the consciousness of nature and true nature. Until most of humanity became lost in their individual bubbles and consciousness of reality, lost in space, no longer linked, anchored by the fundamental truths of our natures. And so I found that though many accused me of living in every dimension but here, I and people of my consciousness (the golden ratio) were the most anchored, tethered in the present, E den, the here and now. Because we could see the interconnectivity of things by studying nature as did the ancients of Kemet. And in studying the truth of nature you are reminded by its most beautiful logic how we were created from an energy consciousness that not only made sense but which creates only that which is beautiful and functional.
I landed in the present after being spirited away to find out why there seemed so few who lived in the present, I was spirited away to space, where there is no air, to the dimension that is death for humans because of no air, and there to my surprise did I find millions of people billions, trapped in their individual perceptions of reality, but none anchored on investigated and verified fact… They lived in the past, the future, in worries, in forecasts, in spells, in trauma but very few in the Here and Now.
The idea of sharing was never about bursting people’s bubbles or destroying the space suits which gave them the illusion of being alive as they drifted along lost in the space of their minds. No it was to find a language, a bridge language of consciousness, of energy which would enable them when they came out of their dreaming in the realm of space to climb down and land here in the present, the true heavens and haven of man. The journey of entering into all these dimensions of people’s homes and minds showed me just how intensely people have shut themselves off from true reality. And why it was so difficult for people to understand me and people of such consciousness. It was because although they were not dead, these people were living in the space of death. The only way a person can awaken from the space of the dead, or the false idea of mind (what is on your mind) is to have the available information, language and articulation made available to them to resurrect on earth in the present. I can think of no greater love than to offer that, and the choice for such dreamers to choose to come out of their protective bubbles, to realize that they can now breathe true air, feel true emotions and know that they are in the land of eternal sunshine and the moment of the rising… But only if they come out of their bubbles and protective space suits… wake up and see that there is order, harmony, logic, and reason in existence and only in the true view of earth can they be safe and see that they are loved by seeing the true meaning and connectivity of all things. 2012 does not reside in the alignment of the stars, it resides in our own alignment to our true natures which is then refined, expanded upon, naturally, to the highest state of consciousness, the consciousness I call my home state… the consciousness that is simply beautiful.
Original Facebook Post here
Edited word count 1/3/24: 949

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