
Yeah Dudes, what I recently learned is that my physical body is too exhausted…

Yeah Dudes, what I recently learned is that my physical body is too exhausted to continue on this journey and reporting what I had been seeing from my dimension, that is how I finally know it is over… (for eight years I thought it was over and the pt made). They say that I must get rest and no more expending energy in conversation or seeking to point out the evidence to others, that human beings, by looking through their third eye, can read the true story of existence and why we are here. This is something I see and have researched to make sure that what I was reading checked out. The universe literally responds to you, if you radiate love (sincerity, purity and integrity and if you fight for the principle of truth…expressed gently to others) and it can be explained now through all energy consciousness of creation… the seven energy points or the six seven colors of the rainbow. Since each represents an age and consciousness of man. I have seen and proven this fact, that the universe can be read and that it responds, and got validation of this from mathematicians, scientists, academics all over the world coming to the same conclusion… The Secret some call it, the true way energy works on matter… of course since I must now get some deep rest (dudes i have been talking non stop and linking and surviving this reality since I was 19, my body and this energy in us is fuckin’ amazing!). The last part of the equation would be that I do get to rest (all who did my journey) and that the truth of how the universe literally works and energy would respond by manifesting these findings on the universal collective consciousness of everyone….
I put my life on the line for this, not intentionally or not for any other reason other than I know I spoke the truth, why should I or any other deny it because it does not give us what we want when we want it? That is like a spoilt child. Of course, the manifestation of the universe responding with a wild and wonderful affirmation to you all that I spoke the absolute, absurd truth makes sense, and would make me very happy and everyone else (i would think), because the energy of the universe I am talking about is beyond Pi, it is the energy of harmony to infinity, this energy of harmony destroys struggle because things come together as if by magic. But, as I told a friend yesterday, Naturalness takes a lot of work and effort to achieve before it becomes naturalness.. naturalness is ease, naturalness makes things look so easy but we all know how much work required to achieve that state. No we do not put our lives on the line or as the risk we take for the truth, it is more that if that is what comes with embodying the truth, then that is what it is… Truth can not be denied because it is no longer convenient…
Anyway dude, the last equation should be, according to my evidence of how this all works, that the universe, existence, the reverberation of humanity’s expressing from that refined frequency they attained (coming back to the garden of Eden, the true state of purity), that once we vibrate on that state, and we express from that state it can only be truth.  And since existence creation is composed of truth, fact, because we see and grasp it, that expression moves to the furthest reaches of space, the very edge of existence and creation… then comes back as echo, faster than even C the speed of light… as evidence Truth. the more your love is refined the faster comes the response, for the I and the collective. I won’t say that this is what I am waiting for, but rather this is what I expect. Meaning that one can have great expectations if you know how things work… If you create a great plumbing system for water, when you turn the tap on, you expect water to come out; if it does not, something is wrong.
This is how I see it, the universe set me out on my journey…I did the work as most of my consciousness did (my consciousness like most children and some adults, is not tainted by fear or the notion that people do not mean what they say or mean to hurt you, we use deep understanding to know why the dragon roars… this is mirrored in children’s programs on t.v.) thus, since the universe has revealed to me, us how it works, it would naturally respond to whether I spoke the truth or lied… so far it has given people around me evidence that my discoveries are correct.
Yes, I expect a beautiful response from the universe now that it is telling me that my body now should rest. Silence would mean death, a response would mean life which is love….true love is unconditional. I have fought a life time of people isolating me for saying what I have discovered… it would be nice if the universe responded by telling them that all of it is true… and then there is consequence for making a collective responsibility, the lone responsibility of certain people only… that is hardly fair if it benefits all. Respect the teachers I say and let there be magic and consequence for those who fought for the truth and those who denied the truth that appeared before their very eyes.
“Over and out from the cosmic traveler of the psyche of the world…” Got to land from the collective’s out-of-their-minds-lost in-space and now land in my heart\ the true earth.
Take care folks… Emeka Kolo REPORTING LIFE FROM Channel 5 NEWS… 5th letter=E, Existence, North East West South….
P.S. Respect the teachers who show the way to the unattainable and show you how the mission impossible is possible! Respect the one’s who share, instead of keeping knowledge a secret to wield as a power tool over others… respect the humans who care for the common good of all… stop crucifying them!
Original Facebook Post here
Edited word count 12/26/23: 1038

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