
Oh yeah, “they” say its all about 2012…

Oh yeah, “they” say its all about 2012, begins some really cool story, well we will just have to wait and see. I for one am just glad to be back… now what to do with all this info… anyone got any ideas… let me know… I know most people who know me in New York only know me when I was seeing and speaking from my view from my intergalactic travels from my space ship… Dudes I saw some crazy views and possibilities, some of then outrageously beautiful… others…not so much. I want to focus on the beautiful possibilities I saw. But what a weird journey!
If anyone’s got some ideas on what to do with all my info, love to hear from you… And Oh by the way Happy New year everyone…And wish me a happy landing! Ha
Original Facebook post here

2 thoughts on “Oh yeah, “they” say its all about 2012…”

  1. Original Comment by E:
    Yeah Dude, Thanks, its about time!- My body still hasn’t landed though, its still jerking about even more as if it has not made up it’s mind about landing or ascending- my body seems to be the spaceship… I am still hoping for a happy ending.. orgasmic… but then I have always been a hopeless optimist! Love and Light

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