Posted November 28, 2015 (approx)
Posting his birthdate on Facebook, he received 10 comments.
Facebook Post here:
Posted November 28, 2015 (approx)
Posting his birthdate on Facebook, he received 10 comments.
Facebook Post here:
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Original Comment by Ogemdinakachukwu Jasper Ahamefula:
hello Emeka need to know your birthday not sure 1984 is
It is correct…
66- 84- 85 now… Eternal Youth Y.E
Original Comment by Ogemdinakachukwu Jasper Ahamefula:
1966 and 13 years later i came 1979. i see the connectiction because iam now more connected to the number 13
Original comment by E:
1984-5 now…
I have no real d.o.b its is all a code.
Came before invention of Time…
Original Comment by Emeka Mbonu:
yeah right
Original comment by E:
Emeka Mbonu “Yeah Right?
Yr…25-18…B.E..A H.”..
Nice E.M…
Since you are not M.E…and have obviously been moved *1:3Opm..
To state your stance..” mockery ”
I gladly take up the Challenge of proof.
1:3O is actually a code.
Science in this consciousness has proven that the human body regenerates from nothing every 7-1O years which means no human being is actually limited by time or date of Birth.
Meaning through expansion of Consciousness a being can break through the limitation of physical space and time…
Numbers and dates..
And instead align through perfect Harmony to their true symbolic state
I saw you had commented and knowing what you represent and having known you when we stood in competition for that fashion design contest in 1986.. Where we stood as adversaries, then..
Just as you are from Amawbia “Meaning” the “Visitors” which was where the illusion of my father cane from which has been established as the consciousness of the Virus, sickness, jealousy Contempt which
While I represent Enugwu Agidi code EA. 51…
And seeing you once over a decade ago in Barnes and Nobles.. Union Square New York..
It is with great pleasure that I see that you are still the great antagonist.
And the same cowardly Expression of having been a “Facebook Friend for over 2 years” having known you 28 years ago in contest – which if you recall, I won that contest “Fashion Award” and you became the protested sore antagonistic sore loser..
But the people gave me that Victory by what I Designed and Fashioned.
Of course I knew when you became my Facebook friend that it was only a matter of time before you would rise as the Alien..
But I shrugged knowing all was a set up
So you can not imagine my pleasure to now find us here at the height of this end play.
After you waiting over 2 years to express this derisive comment “Yeah Right”
So here we are the Energetic representation of the equation Amawbia – the Code “The Visitors” and the place where by brother was buried and the last place I saw him in physical Form…
And my mothers land Enugwu Agidi -OINRi…Code EA. 51…
Rose well.
The deformed Aliens and the E.A the Beautiful Ones…
A play from 28-29 years ago to now the Highest Consciousness in Existence…
All aligned…
It is because of your kind that Nigeria will cease to be…The memories of that play time now aligned to its full.Meaning as to why the great Spirit versus Espirit War symbolized by those two towns..
Amawbia Enugwu Agidi..
I get it.
And why you were brought forward to comment 8 hrs ago.
It is symbolic of a much higher play which began at the birth of creation.
But what astounds me is the Arrogance Supreme of being so sure of my not being who I am after all this Evidence..
But oh well let us proceed since you and I find ourselves at a play which marked the Beginning of True Nature versus the Invading Physical nature of destruction of Truth decay decomposition and venomous cowardly nature.
Old age and disease.
I accept your Challenge.
But since the time 1:3O was the code of my comment representing Nnamdi who passed O at 13 and was buried in a Plant..
O Rien LA Plant E..
And I just completed his code of 1:13O pm just before I deigned to observe your comment
Let us make this swift justice of Truth.
I summon Nnamdi’s 13O wrath in Amawbia from its symbolic representation in Nigeria to it first Challenge and contest when Creation (not Existence began) when it was that illusion an awareness called Death Disease as Negation of the Beautiful truth..
The Death as the E ND which it could never be.
I call Nnamdi as the past..the 13 yr old boy and Ndubuisi Boom Boom to bring The Destruction Alpha Omega your line from you as Emeka Mbonu to Amawbia to the Mau Mau Animal Consciousness the jealous Cruel hate spiteful ones …
Death as Non Existence..
Mma Adu… Beautiful Being
Adi Erlanger…A.E full Circle “Adi” We Are Being responds to you with our True Nature of wrath…
For opening your Onu..
Alien Predators of Evil since time began…the ones who Lie in weight..of grudge… Gravitas begone..
Ah that felt good..
And Yes Right ..until there is nothing left but the Vision of Sarah Jaclyn Arrijani…Revealing truth if your consciousness of hate.
And the juju planted in Amwabia to destroy everything I do…
Let it respond also to you..personally..
Let’s see if I am right.
Manifest Wrath micro wave them
Cause a Effect
Original comment by E:
Ah… lord James Kerr
11-25 89…That is the year my journey in the simulation began.
84 is the Date listed as my D O.B..of course it is a code representing that my Existence in Time did not begin until 1984-5-6…86 is 68 and 89…
Thus, until that moment when a Scandal set to destroy me was unveiled in Nigeria while in university concerning something of sexual nature but went much deeper as to cause ppl to wonder what was really the cause for such a reaction over something which was none of their business..
One of the key players was called Ros as in Ros well…Nicholas… Meaning “Victory of the people” and Steve..”Crowned with Laurels ”
And Osista Nwabude who was once a Friend and appeared as a Facebook antagonists as above.
Before that point I did not exist at all in the Physical.realm.
A Good actor but I was perceived by the ignorant as Arrogant Aloof.
As you can see by the appearance of Emeka Mbonu and his derisive comment and the code of the key player including a guy name Frank.. It reflects the story of the Aliens Ros well and a battle to enter into this realm taken over by the Alien Virus.
The Crowds turned on me in that “Scandal a set up”
*time 228 see Sacred Portal 58.
I was in 2nd year University Sept when a few people created a story which turned many people a crowd into a Mob.
A Sexual scandal of involving intimacy with a male which none knew the truth of what happened just as it was also preceded with the girls I slept with.
A Strange pre occupation with my sexuality.. Which in truth were not of this realm’s consciousness at all…
That is how I was born in 1984, to guy staying in my room that night because he had no where to sleep and my room mates not around, I allowed him.
It was a set up..
And yet something beautiful happened to that boy that night which had nothing to do with sex but the ability for a man- a man a young man schooled as I was (but which I rejected) in that old school macho man Hypocrisy… (Most were scared Little boys acting as tough bullies…face my life with my “father” that is tough)..
That men can not show tenderness vulnerability Fear “weakness” not to women who were taught to look for “Strong men” not even to their fellow man.
But if they did would they be judged ridiculed..would it be used against them…
Something beautiful.happened that night between two young men
It was private but it had nothing to do with Sex..
And even though fear perverted it..Fear that I was not that person he saw I was…
Made him react the next day with Fear.
I never told anyone what really took place, I could would never betray the beautiful Truth for the perversion it was turned into..
And yet the funny thing I was 18 and it was no one’s damn business.
The Community rose up and it was so overwhelming the tidal wave of hatred that many ppl became scared terrified of what this had unleashed and why..
I was released from my Fraternity strangely called the Alpha Fraternity.. F.A 4th note…
But I knew and many girls who were my champions..
I had been punished a great deal in boarding school for being “a promiscuous corrupt ladies man” in school because I had been in many relationship from the age 12 when we had moved from Canada to Nigeria. I had already been seduced by an older girl by age 9 and disvirgined by age 13…
But it was all while living in another realm of consciousness.
I see now why the code of 1984 Listed above .
I always supposed it had to do with August 4 2O13…when B.Hung had been satisfied on our Road trip to the South with Ravindra D Sing..that the codes worked everywhere which was marked by our re entering New York on that Date and B.Hung having a Supernatural experience as we entered New York..
But I did suspect it might have to do with that “Scandal” and my birth into the world in 1984 where a force more powerful that students and gossip which spread all over the country to “ruin” my name and hurt my Grandfather’s Name…was a deeper malice infecting the people…A Virus the Visitors..Aliens Amawbia…
I was born and I came out fighting
I did not go away or change ppl advised.
Or even take break from the 24- hatred thrown at me.
The Girls where mainly loyal explaining to me why I had inspired such hate. (I am not really Aloof more shy)
Anyway, I stayed and fought back. I turned to Beauty and began designing..
And went back into my world.
A former school son Uzoma…
As in Esther Uzoma and Uchenna Uzoma…Uzoma means The Beautiful.Way…convinced me to enter into the Nation Competition for Fashion designer of the year… The First of its kind.
I had seen the world I fought it and never betrayed Frank or Niki…
F.N..N.F…which reminds me of 246 Facebook Friend Neil Furby N.F..
Because they showed that side..
I later discovered that Niki died of Aids Dominique El Mallah told me after her reminding of that scandal over 2O yrs later was one of the first things she asked me after not spoken in over 2O yrs…
I knew about Nikki sexual orientation but he was my friend and it was no one’s business especially in macho west Africa where it happens Everywhere but just don’t talk about it…
No, Frank’s was not sexual in Nature it was Energetic..the sensual gentle nature denied and repressed in anyone who sought seeks to be a true man.
Original comment by E:
So by I went to the Competition dragged by Uzoma Nwakuche..
U.N…* notice the codes…
His mother a Famous writer Flora Nwapa. F N..again sponsored us…
We got to show right at the end..
Emeka Mbonu and his team were set to win and the judges were not so sure to allow us on..
But the crowd set up such a roar changing the name of Me our company “Urbane D”_
Urbane Designers..”
These same crowd which had sought to tear me to shreds because they wished me to break, to break another man, break a trust of a young man’s Beautiful Truth which out of Fear made both turn on me so that the “heat ” would be turned off them…
Because Nikki was afraid of the world while Frank did not trust me…And I stayed and fought and brought a show of Beauty which they saw me create and display and finally…the Judges let us show my designs, curious no doubt and that is how we won.
And thus I find it no coincidence that here is Emeka Mbonu from.Amawbia and Emeka Kolo from Area 51 EA Rose Well at the very end of this play challenged after the tides have turned because the crowd recognized me through my refusing to run away, to stand up to the beautiful Truth in all men, the Feminine Masculine Strength in us, our appreciation of Beauty to stick it out in New York for 14 yrs alone..
We won not because of the crowds or number of designs..
Lord James Kerr 11-25..K-Y
A-A-B.E…1989 S HI…
See I am essentially Shy…
And A.I…Aloof Indifferent even I meet ignorance which lies to its own self and knows exactly why men women how I turned the rides by simply showing Beauty
Beautiful Designs.
And that is the story of how I was born into this world 1984-5…
4-5 was Nnamdi…Meaning I was living Nnamdi’s life who passed in 1982…
The Truth of a True Mans Nature is not for Show…
But of True Nature
And so if the Truth be Known I was born 11:28 6/6..123 128…1986…
Which is 68 89….
That is why I am st 2-68 full.Circle 1989..1986-1968..David 1969 Nnamdi..
1919 66 89…
38. 12 3. 17..8
To turn the tide the Collective Consciousness
To 38..
The 19+19
To the Consciousness Harmony.
Mer (Spinning light)
KA…(Ascension Inner)
BA…(21 U Uzoma the Beautiful Body Mma Adu Auriel Morgana To the Golden Shores to see Dawn….
Akil Davis Birthday is today..
The first day met him he told me the story of a man carrying a ball of Light and how everything and everyone was against him..
And how he endured walking one way while the entire Globe was spinning another until the people began to change and to see and ascend until all awakened to see the light was pointing to a Beautiful View ..the True Event Horizon.
I defeated the Alien in 85…and the People crowned me Victorious with Uzoma Nwakuche….UN E….C.
My mother mother and his mother by our sides and there was family…
And so Yes…I won.
We won
And Lord Kerr you affirmed my truth by your date of birth
11-11; 22; 58…
85: 22 11..
H.E .V K.
V K….
5 11
Emeka Kolo.
Three days apart 66-89 84-89…86-89…
2+3- 5+3
5 8
We C
FA..4th note.
FADE AWAY…the Virus Lie
As you can see I am communicating with the Unseen but seen also by you.
C :Rose Well
C Rise Well A.B.C
Original Comment by Esther Uzoma:
Ya diba kene…ya diba…UDO