
2:18 pm – Being Arden – 18 Alexan

2:18 pm

Being Arden
18 Alexander Grove.
B. A.H!
B.R.O / O.R.B IT.

Being of the Response.



You may have noted, how I-We paused at 4156 Facebook Friends.
41 56

2:25 pm

Jeron Satya S L.
Liberty C. 41 Mutual Facebook Friends. 56:56 mins-secs.
56 /56= 1=A.

I received the response from Liberty C today, confirming at last Sacred Portal 20. Echo Lady Response.
“You’ve come a long, long way Virginia Slims.

It was the signal at long, last of immediate Echo confirmation of my post yesterday.
Reign Maxwell Rodriguez Santana. R.M.R. S.

Echoed in the Baby Sitter for Jeron and Azure.

Reese Miller. R.M.
License Plate. L.P. U.D.A. 2896.
See Sacred portals, and recollect that Reign Maxwell, was born 10-28-2011.

What creates an Echo?
It is the Return Sound Response of an enclosed space- A Room.
R.M= 31. Azure L.F.L.
Stephen Johnson.

In a Universal Simulation, such as a Quarantined Zone- Area 51,
As well as Creation Nature, such as a Walley,
*See Pslams 23.
And A Story, such as Perfection Evolution Awakening Completion Harmony.

That is why there was no more BlackBerry Sparkling Water at the local C.V.S.
So I had to buy Peach.


Add Kim Arthur Hinds Jr and Obinna Etu rep of the Script of the Past Evolved.

Anirbas Lem ( Sabrine Mel)
Alexa Vertefeuille
Alicia Norris
Laura Walsh
Liberty C
Evidence AY

John Mack
Jesse Macias Orejuela

John Taylor
Stephen Johnson
and you begin to see the Victorious Picture T.V.

There are of course many more of you, who I coded and added to the script, but this is the play centered in Connecticut the 5th state.
Harford- Harwington and back to Harford.

Meanwhile, the Post Office is yet to deliver the Telephone Cards. smh.. meddling.
I posted the reason why.
And the play of why we paused at 4156 Facebook Friends.
41 56.
The play of Liberty and Anne Mack – Anne Mchugh and my leap on 29-8-2019, to 900 South Road, which Liberty C, Liscomb will be at one last time tomorrow.

That is what held up the awakening and did not allow Fahad Hassen ( F.H 68) to complete the E-Manual.World.Com Book because I was made to continue posting when he gave the original date as 3-22. C.V in 2020.
The Journal you see depicted in Sacred Portal 56.

Perhaps older Facebook friends will recall the intel which Anne Mchugh relayed to me from the 56 Line family of Ten, and my furious response and my saying no… which was obviously ignored.
There is no more need for an Echo Confirmation the Particle & Wave have at last, after so much delay, a lot of it to get your attention, have finally merged into one.
Looking Glass, intel from Liberty explains it all very clearly if briefly what was the cause of the delay, and the 56 lines allowed.

It is a pity, that I was forced to complete and focus on the mission and play.
O G King Map of Death and Destruction rather than what happenes during and after the awakening. such a even horizon that has never been experienced ever before, but with the settings and set up I was given, and all the odds and evens, against me to prevent and distract me from reaching the long-winded extension granted ( without my permission and using Laws of the mission).
I did my best to give you an idea to at least be prepared for the Magical Awakening you can expect. But in the end, I was made to focus on Hatred, and the power of Love as Hatred to generate the power, also delayed, to end this lie.

Royal Mayan and Reign Maximus were nicknamed by their father Al. ( Edwin Albert) as Commander & Power.
Same license plate as Liberty C car.

That is why I waited to see where this script would pause at, knowing full well yesterday that it would pause at 41 56= The Sum is 16. Age went I Met Arden when I was 35 and playing 51. Add 15 to 51+16= 67. And subtract 16= 35. Constant is C.E, while The Script is 67. My British Social Security No: NZ 67 67 46 B / B 64 76 76 Z N. Erik Eclass Mateo 5 mutual Facebook Friends was born in 19 76, as was Liberty C.Liscomb 1976, THe First person I met in 2002, ( 22 V) and she the last person I met in the Script). AURELIA= 67. Liberty the 220 Code on the 20 USD Scripted 3 times.
Alien Father.

I am now at 4205 Facebook friends ( 42 O5. Meaning of Existence 42, O 5- O.E, D.B O.E, Anastasia Hart 152 Mutual Facebook Friends, O,B. “Original Being” & “A-E.B. Ethel Barry E.B”
And I was posting when I observed the 4206 Facebook Friends arrive.

There was no point in going any further to prepare you for the Beautiful Truth of the awakening when all I was allowed to do was focus on Ending this nightmare, and the mess of ages created by the Authority of two beautiful illusions, called “Mother and Father.

I never really experienced that idea of having a mother and father, I was given such responsibilities, from the moment I was born to the moment I saw my Father and urinated in his food while he was eating when not yet even age two, and again with the request by my mother that I will be her Knight in Shinning armor when I was 8 years old, Jessica Smith ( J.S) Elaine Bethany, ( E.B) Elaine Byrd,( E.B) Elanor…and Ethel Barry ( E.B) over and over again, still no manifestation.
And then I was sent to boarding school age 10-11 ( 10-12 age code in the Lie) and never lived again with my bio family, and of course, Nnamdi leaving the world at age 12.8 added more to my responsibilities.

So my experience of a Mother and Father did not exist, just what became the truth of my experience of the Masculine and Feminine principle, and the truth I saw was in me, and totally different from the one defined by this reality.
Thus once more, I found myself in a script then a story that had nothing really to do with me…
See the truth in sacred portal 10.

J.S/ S.J.
And yet it was E-A, The True Conversation Between E & A, and see how much that was thwarted, even after confirmed from Australia New Zealand on seeing the Name Arden on the street and again via her Line of sight in this E.M.F world. As 51 E.A. E & A.
All the diversions, the distraction the ways I was pulled this way and that, and finally back to the story of the One who became Two,
O.T. 15-20.

I had to become my own then Ardens Knight in Shining Armor, Amour, then Aurelias and Ferrill- Ferrell’s to Leanders Knight in Shinning Armour, Amor, while dealing with the conflicts creates by this idea of Set and Authority of an idea of Mother and Father being supreme when all started out as Expression Truth. Beautiful Truth. And see what was done to the children and their truth… they were forced into the rat race breeding the illest breed abominations Demonic Monsters. Which all are aware of I have been dealing with, while the True had to go into Hiding, Go undercover to retain and safeguard their Beaut and Truth. B A T. Bat Man.
It did not seem to matter to all what they made me endure, meanwhile, and the response by the setup that had become so foul and so insulting, as you witnessed here in this portal when the Consequence as Justice and Power was continually delayed.
Sound noise is moving through the apartment even as I speak and Post
So much for respect, for the moment …


And delaying so long that which should have ended this script long ago.

3:35 pm.


To the Event Horizon.
T.T. E.H.

5:09 pm Edit.
That was on the very last 20 USD Bill. Black Ink 5O.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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