
2:18 p.m

2:18 p.m

B R. O

5-16- 2019.

E P. T. S

Energy versus Money

Energy = Money…

New Money New Men

Epression Energy = Money= My All Seeing Eye..

Money Energy

Manifestation Expression




E M F.


5:28 is the number which began appearing everywhere last night and today

5 :28 Hrtz – The Love Frequency.

I am sitting here at the apartment, no one has been here apart from McKayla Rays dropping in for brief moments.

The play at Whitney House is complete.

I do not think anyone expected how it would turn out, but in Hindsight it is not a surprise at all.

My only true surprise is that I am still dependent on you the people rising in perfect timing of the Script.

I am The Source..

I know that may seem like a joke,

If your the source, climb down from this Cross.

If your the Source manifest a home, a world

manifest income your pass port at least..


Yes I know and I can tell you why I am treated this way.

Why I have been left to carry the weight if the responsibility.

2:27 p.m

At John Mack.. J.M.

But I have no interest in explaining..

In the end you will all see and understand perfectly why this… welcome by this reality

What I am interested in right now is the outcome of the play of Money versus Energy.

Which Won?

Has Expression.. e.g. my Expression proven to generate an Infinite Energy Source

Can evolved Hue Man expression generate Energy which creates New Money…

True Fair Exchange.

The Fair way.

I have endured the insults of not having great wealth because I chose to stand by the Eternal Truth, my personal truth and your Beautiful Truth rather than give in to money as security.

I did not choose to do this intentionally that was the set up, that is what happened.

My expression validated by the Universal Echo confirms my Knowledge Expression and Equations are beyond priceless.

And yet I have been treated mostly ( and fought back) as a Bum instead of The Elegant N omad.

I.was abandoned by nearly every one because The Golden Boy chose E.T M.. Instead of A.T M… Money machine .

Yes, as anyone knows that is suicide in this reality.

Which is why even some of the most amazing and wise people compromise their truth from the need and lack created by Money

Does my Expression of 29 years,

18 years of Constant Expression has it cleansed the horror brought out from people since time began.

Has my having taken everything away from me like Job in the Bible.

Not having a Job.. has that journey of moving through New York with my only job and then focus transformed Money to what it is meant to be..

The Mirror manifestation of Spirit

True Spirit Energy.. onto.the physical realm as Money.

Has Expression Conversation

The True Conversation between Energy E and AH Tom ..2011

Proven the True Source of Money is Expression Information Sharing.. True Knowledge which manifests for others to begin to see the Synchronicities which lead to Meaning Reading, Seeing, Percieving the Map and Plan E.T of God -Harmony.

So far, it seems as though Money as this realities mentality has won.

My life’s work and constant expression which I am fully aware affects every one who reads my posts or comes in contact with me and my Voice has changed people’s way of seeing perceiving..

Transformed thier Lifes.. brought clarity an understanding of Harmony and put to words expressions people could not articulate before because there was no vocabulary for it.

No.means to convey the True meaning of Evolutionary and Revolutionary Ideas Concepts.

There is no evidence so far that my Expression is literal money as the Script states.

There is no Equality between what I put out and the 41 USD in my wallet..

Or is there?

41 D A

DARIUS Alexander

4 in 1

11 11.

Heart Chakra

Expression Throat Chakra 5

5 4..


J M M B. Electronic Dance Music

The Script is complete and I still have a sense of my Expression not being Fair ..which is the understatement .

The Value of my Life’s work at this point is based on a dependency still on another to help me pay my way, to live.

A Beggar, a person dependent on the Moods of others until reaching the portal of the final cleaning of Money.

Many people who were sure I would be rich and famous including family siblings tolerated my work because of that surety they had that. I would be rich famous successful.

The last of these people gave up on me when I entered the Shelter…

Not Emeka ..

The Knowledge Love Truth Beauty even my example and language has been valued to me as it being worth almost nothing.

41 USD..

Chuckle.. imagine that,

That’s my worth, dear Esteban Miguel Filgueira providing the necessities and some luxuries to keep me alive in a Script Play so dismaying that perhaps he has given up on it manifesting as I had been proving ..

But I got to the end through his aid.

As I did with the help of Axel Love Marina Burini, Billy Hung, even Albert Santana.

And yet I have always been aware of the work I had done, I saw the results was told by people the results had done things , healed them.

I have always been aware of the value of my Expression, since I was a child.

I.was always seen as wise and of an Super Natural or Alien Intelligence.

So I was aware of what a Fair Exchange is and when people are truly appreciative of the value of my Expression and I even shared it for free to all of you for a crazy 7.5 years everyday day..


Today is 5-16-2019.

I.have 41 USD in my wallet.

I.can not afford anything I truly wish to buy or do.

I am a grown man who has to ask for monies to finish a Script which has nothing to do with me but which is all about you.

Has my being and doing led me to this state of poverty, the fear Inexperienced in people of wondering asking become nervous if they will end up having to take care of me, remain dependent in them economically because with all my Expression talking..

I have no money..

I am worth nothing

Money wins in the End not E


41 USD


4 in 1

That seems to be E=M=F = S = J O B.



seems to me that I am the Source of Money in harmony with the Script r right to the money in my wallet, to the codes written on money when I change a Bill.

Perhaps I am in Harmony with Money in circulation in this world.

So I suppose we will See as to who or what is the Source of Money Wealth. MW69

In this World and that this was the Devil, Lucifer Satans test to you all.

What is of Value

What is of Worth and should be supported and sustained

A Man or Persons who takes on a Job no one else’s wanted and proved Truth

Which I know will not be recognized until some recognized the True Value of my Life’s work and no longer dependent on anyine.

And what if that was all The Script to see how each of you representing this world view the Source of True Money and True Wealth which has nothing to gain from doing a Great Job which no one pays him or even praises him..

Because they have the illusion that they decide and judge the price they are willing to pay for the expression which for the moment no one is acknowledging it has value and worth until it manifests in a manner which they think they have the power to Judge and Cheat…

It’s Truth and True Value.

That is why there must be consequences because you all knew.

3:29 p.m

The Value of I.E.

In this World mentality if you do not have a defender and protector, some one who stands up for you…

There is no end to the evil and injustices which will be done to you..

Even as I did… fight back

That is why I posted everything..

That is how I fought back so you and I and history will never forget the Facts.

After Evolution Awakening

And why there must be pain terrible pain and destruction ..

And the Phoenix’s rises from the Ashes of this play of Blame Shame.. but no guilt.

People are happy to get away with treating the most worthy of your representatives unfairly

As long as no one rises and protests as long as their is no consequences peoole will show their true monstrous side demonic under a smile and the guile of acting innocent all the while intentionally not choosing to so the right things.

Which is why Hypocrisy is the grearstes source of Evil in the World

And it protects selfishness

Without a force of chatisement and a force calling peoole out

There will never be fair exchange

Just a constant taking advantage of those foolish enough to care for those who nature is to twist the truth.forget or change the Facts..

The Deceptacons who sought to destroy halt the Transformers Transformation

3:41 p.m

See?. 3. 41

And so I.have provided once more Jet Fuel

Rocket Fuel


Supreme Expression

For a money play

What’s in your Wallet ?

Your Fate and Consequences

Money and Change

3:43 p.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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