
2:17 am. – B Q. – B.AG. – 2:18 pm

2:17 am.

B Q.

2:18 pm right now.
B R. I T -Z.

2:19 a.m.
B S.

B A,

No, it was not the Being of 17, 18, or 19 who held up this play- it was that which was pretending to be Supreme Love.
Who promoted the Idea of Negation and Self Sacrifice but was not of the SELF and would not Sacrifice itself, but rather spread the seed for others, then trapped them in such roles and put them through such abominable misery and Pain and suffering to create a cautionary tale, which discouraged anyone from truly understanding SELF- their and this Code S E LF.=42.

And they caused such a traffic Jam and then turned around and put the Blame on the Beings of SELF and accused them of being Selfish.

F L E S. H.
F 6 L 12 – ES 5 19 Pegasus Fuel Station
Long since as 8 = H Harmonics.

The Flesh made me do it.
The Body.

2:26 am

2:27 am right now

Amoy Shande.

Volt Author I-Z-ADA- Cell
A Volt-o-lin-E

V A C A V… The Illusion of being Trapped in the allegory “Alle Gory” of The Cave. T C.

Did not Yeshua, Mohammed, all not have their Transformation in a Cave- C. A V. E.?
Chukwuemeka Arden Victor E

As well as the wonder Cave painting discovered in France
where they discovered the Artist was over 6 feet tall with a crooked Thumb as the Artist Painter.

Lascaux is famous for its Palaeolithic cave paintings, found in a complex of caves in the Dordogne region of southwestern France, because of their exceptional quality, size, sophistication, and antiquity. Estimated to be up to 20,000 years old, the paintings consist primarily of large animals, once native to the region.Sep 12, 2016″

And did not Bear, and other predators, as well as priests humans all, have their first homes, not of trees but Rock?

Ancient Petra.

*”Cappadocia, a semi-arid region in central Turkey, is known for its distinctive “fairy chimneys,” tall, cone-shaped rock formations clustered in Monks Valley, Göreme and elsewhere. Other notables sites include Bronze Age homes carved into valley walls by troglodytes (cave dwellers) and later used as refuges by early Christians. The 100m-deep Ihlara Canyon houses numerous rock-”

Since when did Rock formation, naturally dwelling place of the first man, become Prison Cells, Dungeons as in Hohjh Sooshh Have H S H Full Circles post of how he saw me via my eye on Facebook.

At 268 East 4th street, I coded its confirmation as Dungeon And Dragons D A D.
And Alcatraz “A- LC.A.T. R -AZ. U. R. E. Existence Light-Life Energy
Elle Magazine.

When I have long since been confirmed as the Golden Dragon of Existence
An EAGLE in the Actual Play.

2:42 pm.

See? The play is still going in full swing despite the time.

2:43 a,m
To pass through the Door of Life and what level of Darkness pretending to be Alien Father, Terrible Death dare impose its will on its source that it is the one who determines if I am who Its own play and race course confirm who I am.

A Supplenter and a Usurper.
A Lie, which you all feed into because Oh you are so addicted to lying that you can not imagine life as being fun if you always have to tell the truth.

That is why it is so easy to tamper with the Evidence Facts which just don’t go away because that is one law you can not control- the continued manifestation of Solid Facts.
Evidence Facts.

So here I am, instead of sleeping relaxing chilling, after another unpaid, day of being waisted on this so-called awakening play of stalling and slowing the inevitable.

But here are my words to 2:49 am rep in this world B .D I…
The Evidence Facts are mounting- surrounding you and taking away any possible denial that it is a Solid Fact, that this is the end of your world created by you.
And of the World Expression and Universe created by your words.

Amoy Shand.

Volt Authority “yes Sacred portal 52 is the Guilty”
You do not Grant me the Authority of that which is already mine, I will surround, drown you in facts that you can not Deny Escape to your Delusions,

Peter Tosh.

Down O Press A Man- where you gonna run to

The Point
PT has been made.

Like a body left in the room- nothing you can, no perfume, can hide the Stench of rotting, decomposing FLESH.

That is a Fact you can not deny as you begin to rot decay and fall like flies.

A.S V A. C A V E.K

Amoy *”According to 3 people from Florida, U.S., the name Amoy is of Jamaican origin and means “Beautiful goddess”. According to a user from Jamaica, the name Amoy is of Jamaican origin and means “Beautiful Goddess.”

Yes, my passport and all my luggage were stolen from a basement restaurant on 14th Street during 9-11.

The bill here at South Whitney code 64.14 USD but this is my 62nd portal twice, why are you putting the blame on my 64th Move, and yet it is 46 still aligned part of that same circle.
64 46 10 10. 1 10. 20 is that not T A Tree of a Note of Ti! Te 7th note?
Crown Chakra by the Trees?

I thought I gave Kim Arthur Hinds Jr a bracelet from Eton on his 33rd Birthday, twisted Bronze copper with silver and a bracelet

46 64 24 24 = 48 1= 49.
D I. E. SP 49.
Flip 94 ID.- 13 and 36 M F C…A.F C F. back to 49.
D I/ I D-D -I. aka D I/ I A I / I H I/ I -I-I = C.

I C.

Shands *”Scottish
Variant of Scottish Shand, formed with the English patronymic ending -s. Perhaps an Anglicized spelling of German Schantz.”

*”Shand Name Meaning. Scottish and northern Irish: reduced and altered form of McShane, an Anglicized form of Gaelic Mac Seáin ‘son of Seán’.

Princess Diana Spencer. D S

Line of John Mack.

*”Image result for Princess Diana’s mother name
Frances Shand Kydd, the mother of the late Diana, Princess of Wales, died Thursday at her home in Scotland, her family said. She was 68.”

Do you see, the play of Terrible Death your version and how it always moves to me.

I had no idea that she died last Thursday Thors Day.
age code 68 and so all the lines of David Cecilia John Nnamdi come through my CODES.

Sacred Portal 104.
* Yes, Sacred Portal 104.

Cloak Of Death E S. P.
Com Pass me Declares Terrible Death
Declaration of War
Electricity Power Direction.
Do you recall the poster Jae Sherman just had to show me, of Terrible Death- don’t you see it was a Mirror, she was holding up a reflection of me.

Supreme Hand.
Adams Family.
The Hand
Game of Thrones.

Jae is a Mirror that you can not pass through all it does is reflect the ROOM as Space Full Circle and the End.

3:26 a.m.

While Kim is a Window.
Recall the play how I left 900 South Road and thus refusing to abide by Liberty’s Rule of she being the Supreme Authority…
She had called it Respect – her Authority, I had left by simply coding the window of opportunity on the picture of Arden age 9 – next thing I know I get a call from Esteban Stephen telling me he is in Town and to meet up I left and he was only in for a day and that is how I ended staying in his home while he was in organ and I began the play with his Dog Sagan and Aunt Cecil and Isabel-Esther in the background.

3:31 am. C – AZ URE FLF ”S P” 31 Egypt

So you see how the play works and any time Full Circle Hohjh Sooshh Have confirmed.

3:33 am.

SP 9.

I. as two.

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