
2:16 pm. – 3-26-2021. – I have a

2:16 pm.


I have a new face book friend.

Suprise, Surprise… ( I say with Irony- Drolley .. Lord knows I was posting enough expression as Rocket Fuel to move this play script along to its completion)

Edith L Schreiber is my latest Facebook friend.

She just got married yesterday- its stated on her page.
Congratualtions and well done.

Edith is the name of my Grandfathers second wife, Unaku’s 8th child.

My grandmother 8th child is Julie who lives in the Lone Star State.

Julie and Edith.

J E.
J A E.

I know how easy it is to suggest that that since Esteban Miquel Filguria and Jae Sherman are aligned even with the same mother Bio and Spiritual sharing the same name- and that this is a play of a Spy inside here and Estebans play with the caretaker Landlord Scott, that it was they who were informing Scott about me, and and thus preparing him for Spring when he could leagally kick me out.

Or that both being “Hot heads” in a pique or fit of anger each made secret telephones calls.

That is something which I do not really take as something worthy of consideration as to whether it is true or false.

I know them both, and I also know that all of them are perfectly in Harmony with the play- even if the play is aligned to the portal of Terrible Death.

I see them, I see them all and I see the truth in their hearts.
The heart pumps with red blood of passion.
I know that that in each is Supreme Love.

That perhaps, it may not have occurred to many, that Scott might have all the while been invesitgating my page for himself.

After all I met him, found his keys and sunglasses which he left twice, when I was living in the 3rd floor- suggesting that his E-Spirit did not wish to go.
And was drawn to something in me- which made him wish to investigate for himself that which was my truth.

You may recall that Jae Sherman was obvuisly still trilling my page, and the other day when I commented that I fought to make sure that she would not share the fate of the intention of this Evil Spirits of the play- I came back and saw she had liked my page before her like vanished from my page.

Why would I care who is spying on me?
It is very obvious by my posting and making her and everyone aware that I of what I am saying about them but more the lines they represent and characters they represent in this play, that I am fully aware of their presence and they have not tried to hide that fact from me.
Esteban hangs out and calls Kamora Herrington- of course he knows that Kim will tell me.
His response of kicking down the door- what do you think that was?
And then his mistakenly moving first to Jae Shermans door.
Or Scott alluding in his message to Tree- Kim that he has found someone to ocuppy the middle room, which is the room Jae Sherman is in.

And did we not just complete the play of Stephen Johnson line- do you really think I do not know that Steve is also a Spy…
A Spy who finds he had begun to love me, or at C E and that came naturally.
Line of Supreme Justice.

29 is a code which I had already aligned to far beyond Jamel Salter.

Do you think have forgotten that my own John Scott is the one I recognized as Love Supreme?
He who was I recognized as the Dark Elf and who knew me and acknowledged me beautifully.

2:42 a.m.

He became a prison guard I was told by Joseph Henry Carey J .H C.
And that was over 18 years ago.

What was he guarding.
Do you recall that his girlfiend at the time was Kristen Dunst who he insisted that I meet with him alone.
She played the child vampire daughter of Lestat- Tom Cruise ( T C) and Louis-“Brad Pitt) in Interview with a Vampire, as well as Mary Jane ( yes my former girl friend in Nigeria and sacred portal 34. “Cannabis Weed”

What was the treasure he guarded? Was it African Gold, or the sacred portal to the Golden Age? The beautiful Truth of the past and Icarus – Daedalus. I D.
Deadalus “D’alu in O I Nri Igbo means “Thank- You” … could it be the portal to the Grateful Dead?

How can you know or even boast of being aligned when in truth yiu do not really know the script or read it the book on my page from beginning to end, and only now really begun to Cee and See what I am saying.

Such as my stating the code over and over again when I moved here “Scott Free”
S F.
S F S.

Or that perhaps Scott had read my page and moved by his heart, wished to get me out of this portal he recognized through my own experiences and his own, as the prison of the Spirit world.

What are the 4 Agreements.

And most importantly, it s very obvious that this is not my Script but Eternal Arden’s the one beyond even the All Seeing Eye.
Because he is the Back Eye which you can see on my page as Sacred Portal 65.

2:55 pm.

The script is his hands, and he is my beautiful past, who is present here and real as my Beautiful Youth.
E B Y.
Jeron Arden.
Arden Jeron- Jay- Aurelia.

I just wished to point that out, that which I call the Simple Truth.
Never assume to know, until you are awakened to the Cee of True Clarity and read the whole book.

ED-I T- H- E

Edith means Blessed and Properous in War.
“Edith is a female given name, derived from the Old English words ?ad, meaning ‘riches or blessed’, and ??ð, meaning ‘war’, and is in common usage in this form in English, German, many Scandinavian languages and Dutch. Its French form is Édith.”

Meaning: ‘riches or blessed’ + ‘war’

And Lord Knows I have been at war- from the moment I popped out of my mothers womb.
Forget the play in Connecticut, the war here, or the war since I was brought to Face Book, or even to New York- that was just the Revelations being made aware to you the public and in private.

Though lord knows, most of you have made it all about you, blinded by the attention and focus coming to you and the codes aligning to you singing your praise.
Like Pure children.
I and my E family are not children we are Eternal Youth.
And the two 99- as in 9 99 I – I I and Infinity.
I am the one giving and confirming that mantle to the I & I.

Schreiber. S C H R E. I B-E R

means *”German: occupational name for a clerk, from an agent derivative of Middle High German schriben ‘to write’ (via Old High German from Latin scribere). Jewish (Ashkenazic): from German Schreiber, Yiddish shrayber ‘writer’, adopted as a translation of Hebrew Soffer ‘scribe’.

It means Writer. Writer.

Pray tell me who is the Writer?
The scholar in this play?
The Scribe… writing researching and investigating the one playing his Guide Fathers findings translated me me as his I and I.

Discernment is being able to put your Ego and even its purest meaning and self projections aside, and reading that which is written clearly between the lines.

I leave this portal alone.
Kim Tree line rises after to the E family. why do you suppose it is like that?

That is what discernment is- true scholar ship is, its not being distracted by the ego and the attention and the glory.
It is pure, and it is innocent and even well deserved.
Kim and Liberty are were representing the All as the Body as Human Children evolved now to Eternal Youth.

3:17 pm.

But they as all had to do it without being in my presence and reminding them and All by my posting every single day, so you could read it and then align to my expression and admit only now after years of tutoring and my calling out to say to me well done.

That is something which I have found so absurd, my even having to remind you to say Thank- You.

Does that not smack of the most ironic absurdity – the real test will be when I am gone.
And I am desperate to be Gone.
Or hasn’t that been made crystal clear.
Of course, I came to assure that you will rise and Awaken, no matter what happens- those who are anointed and then trained and are obviously qalified now to do the last part of their own.
But how you rise, and even how you will enact and conduct yourselves even after the Evolution Awakening, will determine now simply how you awaken but how you will come down and do the work after the Awakening when you mist go down and rebuild the world which you destroyed.
And another had to clean up that mess.

3:25 pm.

I am obviously desperate to get out of South Whitney and this play script and even from the people I have assured will ascend transform evolve, now that I know that it is a sure thing and that no matte what you do you will be safe.

What number Facebook friends are we at now.

To be as an E you have to even for a moment, walk in my shoes and even if that means a few kick in the but.
It will still be a E Family Divine Comedy.

E- D C… a play theater, but at least you will have fun.

It is no coincidence that I just finished the coding of my Grandmother Lucy, while each of you are chilling, sleeping content in you beds.

All the true hard work was done while you were sleeping.
And thus, you can understand that I never required appreciation or gratitude from any of you- It was simply a course requirement.
Indicated by Sacred Portal 91.

Remind you again and again?
That is insane, let us see how you fare this graduating class of 20 20…Vision 20 21 in the play of Expression.

Common Sense.

3:33 am.

When you can no longer chose to like or dislike my page, and think that I truly care, it just my being made to see the truth of who each of you are and what you will need to polish and refine.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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