
2:16 p.m.

2:16 p.m.

B P..

Beautiful Pride.

Black Panther.


K X- 2020.


A-A E M F… Perfect Vision.


I am not surprised at all by the arrival of Miguel Figueroa as my 1500 Facebook friend.

E line links to M F.

E A connects to M F.

MF Masculine Feminine, Male Female M F= 19 add E=5, which I represent and it becomes 24.

And yes link Aiyoyorwoth Natasha A N 1 14 which is where M F, first took me to 114 Grant Moor Hotel and later Esteban linked me withTree Chiefy, Kim Arthur Hines

Tree. Chiefy.



E K.

E E T C .. I.


* Terra is the Latin/Italian/Portuguese term for Earth or land. Terra may also refer to: Terra (mythology), primeval Roman goddess…

Emeka Tom Chris.

Esteban Tom Chris.

Earth Heart… Jeron Satya S Lang.

I kept fon finding my reflections momentarily turning to him for the last three-four days, so no, I am not surprised in the least.

E S P is real.

So is what I have been posting for anyone to read.

I am transparent and fully aware of what is using me and why.

I am fully aware of what people are gaining from reading my posts and the way I interpret this Wave ( Chris) I have been moving on as the silver Surfer.

I am fully aware of what I have done, who I am and that whose script I am aligning.

AS well as the impossible injustice done to me..

There is a post on his page ‘The Wolf does not care what the sheep say…

that which Father Brother Terrible Death have to say.

I listen perhaps to the Lambs- knowing that I am born the day of the Wolf and have been compelled again and again to wear Lambs clothing…

appearing Meek, because of my being forced to obey my Big younger brothers play.

I do not care that I had to stand up against the whole world peoples with my Beautiful Truth alone.

I did not care what people thought of me.

Or have everyone family friends communities, abandon me, slight me, twist my words, laugh, or pretend they cared.

I knew the truth, the most beautiful truth and most terrible truth.

Call me a Fool… doubted me, denied me – or better the truth I was sent to share as a messenger of M.Y S E L F…as Eternal Eden Arden Nnamdi C.

My an the only time I listened to people was to listen to thier opinions expressions so as to determine who is aligned to H-is Script in which I had to navigate to conquer what each Avatar Descendant represented, so as to rebuild MY SeLF back to E K.

C K by defeating all those sent to challenge and contest my Guide Fathers Intent and Truth and recognize that which is the lie of the E-A and that which aligns to the our truth.

All I have been concerned with is getting my Power back even through such a Terrible Play.

I am not afraid of anything, any person, any world, any Universe.

I am the greatest actor, but I have been transparent and fearless in my expression and in the Will I A.M E.

I am Beautiful Death, Terrible Death.

Why on earth should or would I care what is said about me by that which I am sending out of Existence?

Why should I care what people think of me, or assume, or contest me, really the one who sent me…?

When I have always known who I am and my true intent, and the intent of my Brother Father Harmony.

*See the meaning of the name Jae Sherman

Shear Man.

Shears as scissors..

I connect, I cut.

I have been totally transparent, given shared the information with All but expressed the reason why I was made to do so, and that this is about your Judgment Day, not mine.

Who cares if people pay attention, or believe me, or betray me.

Why would I care who Cee’s me, See’s me, or have decided to translate my presence here in the way they wish to, and not by the words which I have written posted demonstrated and made crystal clear for almost 9 years ( *8 years and11 months actually) on my page, and now 19.9 years on my page.

Why would I care?

If I already know who I am and why I was made to play such a character before the whole world.

Or why I walked the streets, lived with people in 7 countries.

or why had to pass through a shelter for a total of 31 months, or live through 64 portals.

Why on earth would I care for your opinions translations of those who refuse to see me truly.

Or why I spent so much time explaining posting?

Or point out to you, that all I have been through was all for your benefit, and my corrcting you, fighting for you was the truth of which anoher, not I put me through to prove that the I am is I.E.

Why would I care that you even know that I am.

I A.M. Eternal Knowing, Eternal Knowledge or explain to you that I am the Source E re- earning my body and being, collecting all the fragments of my past and rebuilding a new me as E K.

It was H-IS script of M.Y S E L F of the beautiful past and aligning it to the present to create the original species a new species created by One who is Two.

And that your understanding i never craved, nor your acceptance, nor your approval.

It was His script, I was obeying, explaining, moving through and that none of this had anything to do with you as the public in forgetfulness accepting my expression and experience as truth.

It was only between Him and I, and his script was about him proving my truth.

Completed at sacred portal 22.

see sacred portal 118, 110, 76, and 22.

326 code in total.

3 26… C Z C A-Z. C B F..

Kim was 32 when I moved here now he is 33.

6 is six sense.

I did not care that you did not respect me, Cee-See me… this honor the truth of what He made me do- all to see the Truth of you and how you would treat the messenger, his true Big Brother he sent to you, to see how this time you would treat the one he calls the Absolute Truth of everything.

And that sacred portal 22 is literally E K.

Why would you bother, I have always aked him, Kill them all and lets be done with it, the True will rise and the others willl enter a place of consequence they merited and earned.

Why bother with proving all of this true to them, I asked Eternal Nnamdi?

His response…?

To Be Fair.. to be Transparent, and in obedience to Divine Law, Natural Law, Eternal Law.

D L / L D 16 16 =1 32..33 1 6 rep Tree Sage

N L / L N…26-26 Link Chris Filgueira 2626 1 52 A:E B. 53 ( E C= 8 .. 53 code 11 28 67.66. 65.

Eternal Law EL / LE 17 17 ..1 34 35.- 8 ( C E.. H)

6 1 7

788/ 8 87. 88 = 1 16…. 17-7.

8 7 7=8


1 6 64 1 70. 1 7 O. O is 6th sense.

1 76

A G F.

A is Guide Father.

77 = 1 14 … 49

Do you see it?

And Miguel Figueroa perfect timing of arrival as 6th Sense.

and perhaps aware, that he is the one designated and as 1500 facebook friend.

15 is letter O..add OO.

O O O.

A E O O…

A E F F..

A E sacred portal 66 Emergence from the black who with the Information Carbon… DNA DNE… is Expression.

Mission Impossible.

I did not care, who believed me, and you can’t decieve me, its an advantage literally of being I.E Source.

A E A.. 66 is 1.. 12 36. 49. D I.

A E D…I.


Why would I care if any one paid attention, was kind Compassionate, Cruel and Kind, generous of miserly, make claim that they are the ones supporting me, caring for me…

or refusing to confront th eself evident facts, that this is indeed Judgment Day at last completed.

I was the PC of my beloved…S E L F…My Youth.

Penelope Cruz.

Personal Computer which HE used as his thier P.Cand T.V to Observe you.

Or how you the public placed your trust in only that which you can see.

Tis He who was Judging you all in an Examination Test of your Truth when confronted in this absurd script of Mercy and Grace to that which since the beginning of Time, had raped H-Is truth, that Harmony was always present.

O O O.. 6 6 6…18.

Chiefy is coming back at 6:06 tomorrow.

6 O 6… 666 … Marcus Terry

Me Him Mark of the Beast?

Oh yes, the Beautiful Beast, B-eing of the East where the sun rises at from the deepest darkest night to Dawn.

Two Wolves undercover, do you recall the play of Arden and I- 4:20 p.m play.

Two Black Panther Leopards.

See the meaning of the name Fahad Hassen F H 6 8.

Code 3-22-2020.


Miguel comes from the name Micheal.

( link Micheal Frazer… M F-Atlantis M F 2005 Hells Kitchen… Alien Wizard A W .. See Jeff Sullivans Art.

See Adam Waldron).

Micheals name is asks a question

The theophoric name is a rhetorical question – Who [is] like [the Hebrew God] El?, whose answer is “there is none like El”, or there is none as famous and powerful as god.

*I prefer EL rather than the world God.

EL O HI.M… ( Elohim)

E Liberates… Emeka Liberty.

Emeka Light.

* from Abarim Publications

The interrogative pronoun ?? (ma) asks what? Its counterpart ?? (mi) asks who? The latter pronoun is spelled the same as the construct-plural form of ??? (mayim) and thus also means waters of …. Its opposite, namely dry land, signifies certainty and mental footing. A similar particle ?? (mo) combines with the usual prefixes to form poetic equivalents of these particles.


The name Michael is commonly translated with Who Is Like God?, but, more accurately, the name denotes an inquiry after the identity of God: Who’s God? or What’s God Like? As captain of the heavenly armies and expeller of satan, Michael’s main mission is perhaps to inspire humans into seeking the identity of God:

Find the Identity of God EL.5 12… 17… 53 = 8.

Ready Player One. R P O…

Find the Easter Egg.

Cosmic Egg.

B- EAU..TY… Eau is water in French.

I met Leander with his friend Noah and Ferrill with his friend Noah.

Noah actually means Rest and Repose- which i never had there or any where else but i have found at least peace in Kims portal.

I realized it was to my astonishment that I was still in a story of Noahs Ark. N A.

But my recent facebook friend Leland Johnson who arrived when John Mack announced that he is about to be a Father… ( John Son…

And here I am receiving non-stop notifications from Stephen Johnson.

S J.

water F.L..O W S…Transforms, I C E… Vapour Vanish from this world.

See Marcus Terry post which i shared yesterday.

Jennifer Etue..

E Tue .. is today not Tue S Day ( 19 usd in my wallet.. letter S.. D.. A Y.. Yeshua Y chromosome debut 23 23 pairs of chromosome

Yes born 2-003. 23 W Double V.

So tell me who is as EL if not this 17 years old A G?



The Spanish surname Figueroa is a habitational name from any one of several small towns in Galicia, Spain named from a derivative of figueira, meaning fig tree. Figueroa is the 59th most common Spanish surname

Hmm 59th most common name…

Fig Tree… Sage

Did Yeshua curse the Fig Tree.. in the story of the Bible.

Because Adam and Eve were disobeiendt and then brought shame and Arch Angel Micheal drew his flaming sword and sent them out because Eve listened to the forked tongue tunning fork serpent who was then unfairly blamed. After all she did not have to listen to him, nor did Adam have to listen to her… Perhaps they were sent out of Eden to learn Personal Responsibility and not shame for being naked and transparent, because they how had become Dr Jekyll and Ms Hide, instead of being as water simply flow…

Because they were already as God.

A and E.

E and A.

Fig Tree

Tree Sage.

Sage Plant

* As a keystone species, the fig spirit awakens our collective memory of belonging to each other. It inspires us to share our creative energy and desires. The fruit, also known as a fig, resembles a womb, symbolizing a very fertile time to create something new. Fig trees have inspired humanity for over 10,000 years.

Fig Leaf… is what they covered themselves with.

I know why he as brown yeshua and pale as the Moon yeshua

*Knights in Shining Armor

Knights 33.

Jessica Knight J K

Jae Sherman

Kim Arthur Hinds

Arden Gemino

E Knights went undercover.

Ma Ma/ Am.Am.

Arden Morgan Morgana Aurthur Camelot

Author of Harmony Came Alot Lances Alot – Sword Spear Ecstasy of St Theresa of Avilles.

Ceclia Theresa C T, went undercover Sacred Portal 87.

It was to rescue the truth of themselves as the A.M.

Awakening Man.

WO Man as Death Matter. The Body as the rep of the Beautiful Truth -Facts.

Fig Tree. F.I..G 6 9 7.

T R .. 20 18… Emeka Esteban E E.

Do you understand?

Adam and Eve.


E A – A E..

E V E.. full circle.

A .D..A…full circle M.E.

SP 117 Arden and I both chose randomly each taking our turn

See the code intel from Kim today of the man who gave him a ride and charged 20 usd instead of 100 his name was Prakash Patel.

and another who charged 30 instead of 35 for an 8th.

He then spoke with Ross Paul ( R P.. O Ready Player One

and Arthur Ravenel A R…

Prakash means Prakash is a common given name in Asian, Hindu, Sanskrit names and widely used in Nepal, India and Sri Lanka. Prakash, is generally used as a masculine name. … The word Prakash is derived from the Sanskrit word prakasa, literally meaning Bright light or Sun light or Moon light or simply Light.

1-7 colors and solfeggio created the reversion back to O but as O-8 ( O H.. A HO!) Bright Light.

Gabriel Harmony Lightbringer

Patel: The last name Patel carries Indian roots and remains most common among Indians. The word comes from Gujarati, an Indo-European language spoken in the western Indian state of Gujarat. The Hindu name originally translated to headman or village chief and was first given to those in positions of leadership.

Yes, Chiefy… P P 16 16= 1 32.. 33. 6.. 1.. 1 6… O is filled with Sixth sense.

Which would mean Esteban as M F.. Kim and Tree Sage and Arden as Eternal Eden all represent now O O O..

3 full Circle C O…

add Chris Filgueira O = F.

And myself E K N K used as the coach trainer of those in Eternal Arden A F K G’s

Eternal Nnamdi’s play of his aligning the original truth back to E K.

5:00 p.m.

I loath and despise this play, having to walk through such a script called Dna-Dne all nonsense to me- all ignorant human expression.. I do not care for it and even if it is based the destruction of a selfish self-absorbed self centered species who each seem to think that they are the center and most important creatures in the Universe when in truth my Big Self now in male and female form had intended that this entire creation and university school was really all about me.

The one he used as his example with out asking my permission because let’s be honest, why should I, why would I care about proving my I D to you who he sent me to Judge because I am the first hue-man, and he trusts respects only me… because I a man, am his is his source.

Big Brother in the past and now my Cee… Consciousness Equal – Harmony I.

5:15 p,m 5-27 … 61


Eternal Dancer.


5:16 pm

E P.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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