
2;14 pm – B N. – B A.D. – Gwen Kin

2;14 pm

B N.
B A.D.

Gwen King G.K. 7 11.

Gemino Knox.

5000 Facebook Friends

Twice Today as the 12- 13th.

A Scene played out here with Kim Arthur Hinds Jr as Royal Mayan Rodriguez Santana, Reign Maximus Rodriguez Sananta… Majestic Rivas and Ritz -Maritza Montess and Minerva her mother all speaking and channeling through him and the Computer T.V.
And yes my own sister aligned to Liberty C and Jeron Azure.

You do recall that Thonas Lang has German and Puerto Rican ancestry.

Jesse Macias Orejuela on the other hand has Pueruvian Ancestors.

Anyway. that is all I wish to recount of what just took place.
Santeria Voodun.
First and Oldest most Ancient science in the world, is an Art.

2:25 am.

Yes, Jeron Satya S.Lang u cage.

2:26 am..

B Z.

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