
2:13 a.m. – A quick note to my-

2:13 a.m.

A quick note to my-self,
There are 7 Pennies on my desktop in front of the photo resembling Liberty with Aurelia’s hair.
Which is beside the “Florence E Stem Sch- which looks like a Jeron as a boy which brought Adam Farler Joe Farler.

On the extreme Left with the 3 metal Rods, I realized I had set my D.O.M Light blue coffee mug also to the extreme left were there 16 cents, silver- a Dime and a Nickel “Ag” and a penny, that was 16 and four pennies surrounding it.

2:19 am 219 South Whitney.

That got my attention, 15 1= 16 and 4 Pennies and One with the silver.

2:20 a,m.

That made 16 clustered together. And 4 around it, 15 Silver +1 and 4= 20.
P D is Dignified Pride, Mother Supreme Matter.

Curious, I had found a bowl weeks ago and had been using as an ashtray, it is all black I had placed it right in front of the Square Waves Gift from Liberty, it had 3 pennies in front of it and is right beside The Solution to Your Future CD which has 5 cents on it.
The black ashtray I had realizes was for a cat, because on the side it has a gold label with the word “MEOW” literally * Sacred Portal 59.

The K Vape ( 11 22 yes… 2:26 am) it is on the David Darling CD, its forms a Black, letter 1 of I.and its os right beside the orange V with the 5 cents.
I V it forms.

See sacred Portal 7. It is the No by Eros the Clarity crossing “And where do you think you are going with the illusion of a broken heart’ Harmony 8 is Male and I am Infinity standing up to your idea of clarity.

Curious I checked my wallet, but only the change.
85 Ag Silver and another 7 Pennies.

I understood.
I am at 17 85 Facebook Friends. H E.
Harmony E….K. A-A.

7 pennies copper in the pocket.

They used to use wire in the play to twist the bones and muscles in the body, I learned and understood that while living in the Green House when a Warlock came to with a hoard of people to attack the people inside, and I snapped in wand in two. But he knew who I was and he was yes a demon- having assumed that person and embodied it.

He would twist it, around following even to 268 East 4th Street when I moved there after I left.

Then my eyes moved to the Mug where Liberty had signed it with a black Diamond with the letter E which could also look like and m, it was in Purple the 7th color, but suddenly it hit me, it was the same shape as the Square Waves gift Liberty had given with reddish copper wire- I saw what is was, The Black Diamond was to sink into the black hole as well as E and the M manifestation.

I had known of this intention before hence the play Witches Landing.
2:40 a.m.
But as far back as the assessment Shelter when Harold bed 8 had handed me that last book- see what I write about it.

Witches Wizards are only Mad Scientists.
The play was not about these Ancient forms of witchcraft and Voodoo- Vibrations or that Puddle of Dark Matter I realized this was intended to represent, it is based on the age of reason, hence Numbers and Letters. And Black is not a color it is the deepest blue undercover to create the illusion of Night, darkness Pitch Black.
It is not an Ourubus, Jogumundr of V.I.King Lore- Mead.
It is Literate and Modern.
I B+ A T E ( ATE. “Ate” oh, I saw that when the gift was first given I just switched into E T A when B I + ATE- HAT-E- HA.TE – I B +001/ 100 C 1 OO…
One watching you with two eyes wide open as the one True All encircling Darkness that consumed Ourubus Jogumundr like one consumed a tiny worm.
I V is what is formed on the two CD’s and I V. I Vie…6th Sense and

Ah that is enough, its a play, the darkness seeking to consume me as the Voodoo play and ancients to modern
The E M F will not swallow me, how can it be when you’re moving with like my own “Russian Doll” from Inception.
layers and Yyers you sinking back into the Cosmic Soup of Pures Hatred and Evil, The Black Seed Oil as Jae Sherman gave me and I was aware, I recorded it all on my page, and then used drank the whole damn thing, Fossil fuel like Pandora’s Book in Laura Craft Toom Raider and Signoyrey Weaver in Gorillas in the Mists- Of Avalon.

What is Mist Magic Voodoo?
It seeps into your pores – process Osomis and the Symbiosis and soon Voila! Body Snatchers, Walk-Ins? Some has taken over your body and you are crying inside “Help me” of course it is real, it is ancient magic – oldest in the words still used in modern medicine as Drugs and then addiction alcohol which take you over

I starred at what I read and wondered how I had made that all so clear without even being aware of the play of Change- Pennies- Copper and Silver Coins.

To be honest, this is a note to myself for after, so that I have a reminder, and so it is indented, written.
Odera – Acted out and brought to Awareness to manifest to its Source.

2:57 am

Rules Of Engagement to quote Kim Arthur Hinds Jr

I knew that was the cheating and was used that which is forbidden the darkest cruelest Black Arts, Darest Magic.

I lived in Nigeria, Istanbul, Europe see the Drak Web, of course I know it exists and recognize when it is at play. Sue of the Green gave me vials of blood ad other things when she sent me out of the Greenhouse and into the “wilderness’ to find the cornerstone of existence.

I was irritated because I was not interested in a human children Kindergarten and Nursery school play which they took so seriously… it became…

3:14 pm.

Okay, done.

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