2:12 p.m.
Joseph Biden… B.I.D E N..
J B… Donald Trump.. D T.
D J.. T B… / B T..J D… Truth Beautiful.
Jaymes B.O.N D.. B O E N D…
OO 7.
66 7… 1 7. 3 7
3 7= 10.
October means 8 as well as the Tenth Month.
Jay Brown
David Jay Brown.
Beloved Jay Brown.
Dreaming Wide Awake
Lucid Dreaming.
Who is the true David Jay Brown.
the Dee Jay and Di Jay of Being?
Will the real Dee Jay of Being pls stand up..
Infinity always stands up.
My body has been in Lock down for the last 17 years.
It restricted my movements, income, balance of being.
It was Liberty who noted that what had been done to me was now happening to every one…
Except the reason of why my body was locked.
I have already stated that I know who did this to me, and to my body.
I knew that it was only one being who could do this, and lock me up using pressure points the same way of the worlds of Ip Man Bruce Lee.. B L. and Jet Li.
I have already proven this by the secretion of my body and this pathway way and anchors and milestones of this play..
link Lord Li.. Ye and his Hung Yeh.
H Y… Harmony is the Y chromosome.
Why would he do this…?
the play was to conquer terrible death.. to be locked in your body is truly a terrible death.
When your literal body becomes your coffin and if you do not solve the riddle of Terrible Death your body seeking its natural expression of expansion and expression of the Truth proven true that this is Evolution Awakening but via Arts and Science and using the Age of Reason and the idea of a Understanding Mind.
The completion of the play with Kamora Herrington as the lone person from whom i had not met before.
2:29 p.m and her designated role she has been used to represent in the play of the past – of Harmony as little sister confirms that the body is a Matrix… of numeric representations and once all the numeric sequencing and programming is resolved, the person breaks free of the web and weave of he matrix as Hologram, to Matrix…
You become real.
See Lovecraft Country season 1 episode 7. I AM
Yesterdays play with Kamora and I was linked to the Time code.. Oven and Phone..
O: 3:57… P: 4:02…
Yes, my body has been in a prison of my own body, locked and 17 years of 24/7 struggling and battle going on, because we all know what happens when you stuff something in a container which is to small for its expanding true size…
It hell and the bones and internal organs…
it feels alien… awful painful… hard to even absorb what is happening in you and reminded of it morning noon night and even as you sleep.
the fact that I had to pass through one more Human Avatar representing 48.
meaning by aligning her intel from her higher self and my act of compassion of alerting her Human self to the awareness by explaining … and observing the awareness frequency she represents so that she or each of the thousands … hundreds of interaction to reach at last the end and final Avatar Descendants.
I recognize this play linked to my Grandfather and his brother…
This is my Grandmother and my Mother… Lucy and Ceclia… Ojugo and Onuabuchi play both who had the male y chromosome in female bodies and both of them the first harmonies… one of creation as Eden ( my Grandmother had memories of the Garden of Eden which was confirmed by the late professor Catherine Achulonu.
*Eden in Sumer on the Niger: Archaeological, Linguistic, and Genetic Evidence of 450,000 Years of Atlantis, Eden and Sumer in West Africa
Catherine Obianuju Acholonu
It was published Jan 6, 2014.
she became my facebook friend in 2013 when Billy Hung contacted her and told her about my work.
Arden – means Eden… Love…
Lucy Cecilia… L C
Ojugo Onuabuchi… O O…
L OO.. K COO… K..
Look E COOK..S..
By solving each persons riddles, the invisible binds and webs which they can not see being woven around them as the lie, or forget that they are avatar descendants being used in a play by the Ancestors…
Or the effort to rescue them by the E Family
Every one is of the Energy Family.
But to be of the Eternal Family you must not only have come back to your most natural and now naturally refined self and prove awareness..
But the to be of the Eternal Family you have to also be able to Express and explain eternity.
I came to be the translator of those who are of that E Family as energy and then the the two as the Sources of the Eternal Family as expression, beyond.. or the big brother of Energy and Awareness…
Every one could have reached the E F.. it was all based on a choice …Awareness being and truth.
I became the voice of all the E line who were undercover and no one could speak up for them or recognize their truth and way of being as being of that which is the original way of being in existence and none, not even they were are of the importance and relevance of their way of seeing and perceiving reality…
That was the play which culminated in Arden Jeron .. Aurelia Ferril Leander…
A-J A … F L…
1-10-1.. yesterday was 1-10-1.. 10-1-1.. .. 20/20 is 1…
It was established that the play completed at O N E… 1.
meaning that each has to individually come back as I.
It was never by Job to clean up, alert and explain to people that which they already know and made a choice to ignore and focus on their way of doing and perceiving things.. if not so, why then would each be given Free will and choice.
You can do as you please, but there is only one caveat, you can do as you please but you must respect the rules of the play… your body your being and the place and setting, none of which did any person here present can claim they created.
meaning if you di not respect the body, and Being… nor do you respect the truth…
Ah… then there is nothing which can be done for you and as most can see and observe from my dramatic change a transformation from how i addressed the world people 8 years ago and how how you can literally seem my attitude and behavior the more I experienced the cause and effect of your choice…
And it has become so clear and so bad how how much i see the person and their shadows.. which is not so bad, but its is their response.
they way they respond when you call them out even gently…
It is just not worth the bother.
Especially the stunning amount of lack of Grace and manners..
All I see mainly are bratty humans still at the stage of infancy or childhood trauma.. stuck there and masking it all with adult lies webs using language attitude and words..
A Spell… of Glitter Glamour… But I see making running, I see awful things…
But no desire to explain.
And so yes lock down…while another opens up…
A Tomb they made.. you made… with all this fear which twists and sought to cripple main and condemn The truth to the Dungeons and Dragons of D A D .. My Bio Dad, to take his revenge on his arrogant head strong son.. me.
Death And Destruction…
But no, it was all about the Principle of Respect.
Reason Explains Awareness
Ali Samadhi… it brings Together. it Collects… which is the act of Supremacy Stephen… Crowned. Full Circle… O…Naturally…. by H E…
See sacred Portal 85.
R E A S O N A B L…
B L/ L B…
So perhaps you can understand that just because you are designated E Family and that is who you might actually be, but you have to at least prove it even if you are not aware, that you are E Family.. And that can only come from your being yourself and then i am sent to prove and ID that which is yet to come into bloom into this world.
I am about to stop posting in on facebook, I desired to do the E Manual is complete.
19.6 years in U S A.
S F… A I..F… Armor Ifunnanya Feelings…Fun Facts…
But it would appear that its now about the verification of the Sacred portal and completing it almost just after the E manual.
I began the sacred portals in 2010.
i began the manuscript, The true Conversation between Energy E and Atom.. AH Tom… in 2011.
.. already aware if the play of TOMB…. TO..MB… 2 Manifest Beings.
embodied and not Entombed… in a Crypt.. krypt…
Tomb Raider…T R….
Laura Croft…
Love Crafts Country… U S A.
Angelina Jolie… A J…
Beautiful Messengers..
The Beings of the End…
Story of Lot and the two men..
I just began watching a Britania which i had seen before…but this was new and it tells the story of the two men…as the man Child as two brothers…
The sacred portals were created in 2010… the last manuscript in 2011…
T J and T K….O… T S K H…T K O…
2010 T J…
/ J T… John Taylor…. tailor fashions…
it began on my Birthday … I began the sacred portal 11-29-2010.
Kasien Thompson was born 11-29-63…
I am at ..E Kasien… at 29 Lincoln.
63.. F C.. Full Circle…
J F K… 1963….
13 Gate.. Aclepius Ophiuchus…
as we can surmise from the data and the end play, at 48…
8 58.
2 99..
11 22 usd.
984 .19… these were the numeric codes today…
Once the play of the 48 as me, is confirmed by having completed the play with Kamora Herrington linked to Esteban in the sequence of this play…
but brought to the play by Tree Sage…
But the Script of S A.. G E…
19 1 7 5 was confirmed as being I…Emeka .. E K… I K…C K…V K…
11-22… 1968.. and 19 47..
Death and Destruction does not come from my Bio DAD…
As terrible death… no it comes from the two.. The ones who played my Grandmother and my Mother…L C..O O… L O C O…
Loca… It is my Mother and Grandmother… It was their rage i promised would be the worst, once they reached the end of this play of which they saw how savagely and brutally used.
They are the expressions of Terrible.. my mother and gransdmother.. G M.. represent the true Power of Love.
L O P… P O L..E..
when Love rises and says you have gone too far and responds as the protector… of the True who protect the truth…
Did i not say… Love is the twin of truth…?
T T… LL…
1 1… 41…= 5… 1 24 = 25.
1 1 A – E.. Y…
4:00 p.m
4:01 p.m.
Do Da…
There was never really anything to Do… but there was the question of who you wished to Be..
Being manifest Doing even if you are not aware or have forgotten your original intent and focus…
It all comes back…
Ali Samadhi.
A S..
E Knows….
E Knowledge of the Origins of All..Worlds..
4:03 p.m.
Original Facebook Post: Click Here