
21:14 Hundred Hours

21:14 Hundred Hours


9:14 p.m


And let me sieze the opportunity to introduce Aurelia Gemino to the World and this play.. and Leander.

She is the one I Identified ( Correctly) as Aphoridite Kali Avatar Descendant Line energy frequency wave, in a past story incarnation as well as the new line of E.V.E in female form

Yes Ancient Harmony revived.

The whole Idea, of the End play represented in 5 Western children, linked to the West, Europe, Middle East Africa.. The World O full Circle and Looping back to I.E

Infinity Eternity and the E Famiily, culminated with Arden, is the Old Story and Original Story and now, is Actually now connected and acted out in a micro micro play of the Macro Ultimate Supreme Idea Of Consciousness C E

21:22 Hundred Hours


9:22 p.m I.V

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