
2:10…2:11 a.m.

2:10…2:11 a.m.

Ah…Blair… He was wearing the code B.K.

2:11… note the Time above..

Which means that his E-Spirit was indicating the Time Code my Harmony had to meet.



Fred Delshad once years ago commented on this page that I was writing a new Bible…

Book of Eli….for those left behind..

a E Manual.

And B.K.. as in the meaningful of the name of my facebook friend Bilal Khan.

Moist Wetting.. Lord of Desire..

in the realm of C 3rd Planet from the Sun Consciousness: My 3rd Book of Drawings.. Sacred Portals The Book of Sex And Desire…

Earth is after all the realm of Sex as Creation.

I would not have been able to post at 2:11am

and make this play since the T V room at Delta Manor closes at 2 am but my Obama Phone (Free Government Phones ) Minutes come on every 18th of the Month.

Black Panther…

really Beautiful Pride.. B P. …2 16…18…



No….Not at all…

A challenge given to me to prove Symmetry based on Someone else’s rules..

R..is 18…

a Reflection..

Because there is only One Ten…1-10..

which is why Peter Nyarkô was moved to give me Ten usd today.

He actually gave me 11 then on realizing that he asked me to give him One Dollar back.

Thus 18 is A.H….not R…

There is no real reflection is there…there is no man in the mirror or Woman.. just you…

me as One.

One Expression… no duality… just perfect symetry of I..

1 8…9…

letter I…Infinite Awareness… Limitlessness..

Thus, there can be no break in the line of who you are, what you say, think, express, say DO or Be…ALL must link in one contiuos constant sreeam full Circle from you the anchor to you flying projecting, Astral projection through time and space, life time after life time full circle in an unbroken wave from first note first drop all the way back to you.

Peter spoke of this today, how he once traveled to left his body and flew but yet he said he did not move.

I said is that not the same thing as music..

when he sits at the piano, which his teacher called his gift Genius…

Yes he said the sadness in his eyes…

I do not know how else to Explain to the World that from this last portal of a 28 year journey through the Thoughts Homes Minds Heads of Humanity-right to Delta Manor the Mental Health Shelter where the Wave of Human response to my sharing and responding to the Challenge and betrayal of all the Human Portals I was led to -who led me to this Pit of Jealousy…that I am manifesting the Truth of the Evolved Hueman being to move all Existence to evolve and the Others to Extinction.

This is what I am doing and the Extinction part which I have finally re-earned by ascending and alugning and even expanding on my Original Expression when I rose in the Eternal Beginning.

E.B… 52 which is the same alignment of Black Panther the Marvel Comics #52 which came out in 1966… Stan Lee…S L and J.K…

S.L 19 12…31….4….

10 11… (yes Peter..11..10 usd)…21…210


My noting the Time and Links was not to convince you (Don’t be absurd…) it was my notation to myself and the plural of myself rising as the E…Family…

And a record for the future.. which is why I am so incensed by the meddling the constrictions impsed because I could have made it a billion times more beautiful than it is now.

My expression, the Music, the Dance…



Dee MarieDee…

Meddling Humans who leading me here revealed the truth of their being ruled and possessed by the spirit of Jealousy..Haters who say one thing speak about Love but my surfing on your Thought waves, hidden veiled to the Blind reveal your True Hearts…

A Shelter?

Mental health…me..

no sponsor no media attention to such a persons who speaks non stop to the world for 6 years straight calling people out, not out of malice but love, love of a like no one else gives in this realm of lies, masks, politically correct Cowardice or Haters Vomit so that you may have a clean mirror to clean that which is not always easy to see of Onself..

Me starting a religion..? That is what one gossip girl told my Uncle, and he did not even pause to recall who he was adressing…

one whom his church had called the Chosen One Direction of God whom he spent decades warning me about my Father out to destroy me in the Spirit realm.. gossip.

not checking the facts..not pausing…

A Life time of his knowing Ceeing a Suffering from childhood and this is his expression to me..

And he is amongst the best I have met of the living.

Peter told me that he is named after his uncle, when I told him of my mothers immediate younger brother Peter who occupes the same place as my elder sisrer and I, with my Mother.

I lived in his house through out the Time I was in Nigeria and and I dedicated my thesis to him.

his igbo name is..was Ogochukwu…

(Ogochukwu Aladum)

it means the Friendship Fellowship of God)

P O.U…

A True Man.

No… Each of you made your choice by how you chose to see me, understand and read my Posts

I made myself clear.

Support is not simply financial aid… that is easy and even then left to you all I would have starved to death, that was is how much respect I understood years ago that you had for my work or Truth…fair enough.

But I am the head of the Family of X men wumen..

Evolving the Existence is a walk in the park for me..It was proving Humanity out of Existence ..To make this Species extinct which was the nightmare…Headache…because I was given the burden of providing Evidence that from Inception to the very threshold of Eternity and in the Face of the Clear signs of your own impending extinction that you would never change but repeat the same process over and over again.

Which is the meaning of Insanity Madness..

possessesd by Rage.

And then extricating the Naturals from the web of the Haters…A Nightmare beyond reason..

for the Haters Rage wished to take the true with them in their rage at Existence All manifested and were complicit…

And they had a point.

hence thus this Evil Cruel Play

3;53 am.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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