
2:07 pm – 27. A-A. – 2 67. B. F.

2:07 pm

27. A-A.

2 67. B. F.G.

2-10-2022. B-J-T.V.


Kim Arthur Hinds Jr came to my room to tell me that he is off to the Alabama, the 22nd State with Delois Larkin ( Mom).
He told me that his guest yesterday also was called Kim, and that he had painted on her a Cosmic Egg- I laughed and shooed him off- all had been taken care of, and all that had taken place the last time he left had been corrected, and just as I was nor sure that I would see him again, when he returned, was the same sensation I felt again, but this time I was sure that I would see him again, and had said as much as he painted his guest in his room, I had told him, that we will talk about all after the awakening…
I knew I would see Kim, the man who knew infinity, but this has been a true terrible experience.

2:17 pm.

I do not wish to talk about such things here, or while the world is still waking up. but the Blackest Knight play had been completed and that play in the script which had been such a long time commming…. a life time of my Bio father going all the way back to his ancestral line and the restoration of his beautyiful Truth to Nnamdi and finally to Arden and Arden -Kim.

It was and has been a despicable play to pass through absolute aloneness, to Alien Father- that Force of 5+1 resolved to that Power and Controller ( PAC/ CAP) Behind the viel of the Darkest Knight ( D.K 4-11/ 11-4) and the Darkest Night. D.N…DNA- D.N.E/ AND, END to The End).

… To be homest, I had been personally dealing with this scipt not only beig sanctioned, but that this is the what you the public required as a play script to finally pay attention.
This is the play script you required to awaken…

I began this post at 2:06 pm but at the last minuet it turned 2:07 pm

Like now it is 2:26 but just turned to 2:27 pm.
I understand exactly what that means…”Close Call” Too close a call, to much Danger to place a person under, too much Risk, and that all I already figured out as that which could never be- the refusal of the Manifestation for all to see and experience the Solid Facts, literally held up, intenstionally, leaving me, who had said no to this very mission to be physically twisted, forced and lies of Omission used to get me to complete a script which as I had stated was the wrong way, and the abuse of power, the use of controll, the challenge…
Allowed to go so far, and leave me hanging and deal with the fall out of what is meant to be the absolute destruction of Trust.

No, I saw this and could read it, so no, it was more my knowing what was in store, what was intended and manifestation being denied until the Ancestor the Unnatural and the Awareness Natural, being denied for Nature- an Illusion and once a truth, turned evil by the influence of Humanity as Physical and Spirit beings, and idea never Inked but written in Pencil, and inked by only those who align to the Energy to Expression Harmony/
This was the script allowed to go this far, to allow the Insult to the true expression, exhoed, and confirmed for 21 years becuase of an Idea of U as Universe- and it playing the card of :Pity Me and a distorted idea of Love in order to gain Understanding in an Unssen Dimension that this is what you require, when in truth it was always a play of the Beautiful Assassin.

As I have already stated- Evil is now defined and proven as that which negates and seeks to erode truth.

You can not erode truth, it IS, and yet all this play has been about 20 years and 10-11 months of it has been about people seen and unseen eroding the truth, the proven eternal truth, and it completing being finished, and even then still being denied manifestation- It is true, I would never have concieved such a play could exist and so now that it has…
2:49 pm,

There is really only non existence that is left.
And to force me to fid a way to rescuse the Truth, after all laws were broken before my very eyes, with me being forced to move through the script, correct it and the use of Torment and Torture to rescue those I had no desire to rescue, and from a play script that you fought for and denied even the presence of the ancestors in you, DNA, really only D.N as E.N.D, holding that Ending back, that Manifest Destination back just so that it- could find a way to force me to find a way to break the law so that you could be given a second chance. which I have seen you did not even really want nor deserve.

In the End, what has been really accomplished by all this?
My mind has not changed, and this long extenstion already too long when I was made to draw those Sacred Portals in 2010 including Sacred Portal 55.
All the Sacred Portals were completed in 2011.
meaning that when I inked them and totled them, that it had already gone too far.
So that is 10+11 years added all to arrive at the same meaning and conclusion, the only difference being I had to show and demonstrtae to you, and win your approval.
That is how I knew that this was simply all about evil and not the Truth, not the Eternal Truth or Infinite or even Natural or Natures Truth, its has all been a lie to find extra time for you to finally get it and jump on the band wagaon of evolution after I have been made to go through this, constant lie and deception so that I could find a way for you to still rise?
And play it out in this seeting and mentality… All this?

The purpose has been defeated of this the Betrayal of them Selves by Humans and what some call the Gods, the Masters, and your higher selves, those who were meant to rise, even if I did not come to the United States or stay longer then 3-5 years in this abimination were still the ones who were going to rise, and all this lies deceiet, changed nothing, just made it worse.

3:05 pm.

And to see it, experience it, day after day, watching all that Ii already saw and knew, being played out and in such a cruel and truly vile way… worse than what I had already read and knew- called out, is indeed pause for thought, to absorb and realize just how far the Unseen and you the Seen- Both Seen by me- It just comes back to the most terrible consequences much worse, so much worse than it should have been, and an blue print of the Eternal Family Forever destroyed.

And there is nothing in any existence which can change my mind heart about that.

3:10 p.m.


Cj Akunne

Who is C.J? who is Akunne- Seed and Wealth of the Mother?
You- your ancestors, your life stories…

I Mother…
I A.M Mother… Father, The Boy. the “Year Of Birth”

When I first rose, I was what you might the one who played Mother and Father to my own self, and later when Alien Father and A-Lien Mother began to Manifest in the First Darkness and Light Clarity, I knew already that they all came from me.

My Poem that I read David Roman Nicholas was called Sadness and Joy.
S A J.
J. A.S. I M.I.N. E.

And was my Sadness and he was my Joy, all parts of me, Mother was sadness because she represented my having to stay in my my Mind sent by my Heart -Father.
Father was JOY because there was nothing wrong, He was the Cock and Balls, Mother the Perfume S.P 34, but she wished me to prove her truth of Harmony and so I had to live in my mind to prove to her the truth of what you see in Sacred Portal 112 A. And Sacred Portal 112B and 44 Godess Bliss.
That the answer which she could find reflected in her by her seed, was right there before her, as played out with Liberty C now at 42 Facebook Friends.

There is no Mother- Father.

Only Alien Father. A,F.

A Fact that you Exist
SELF= 42.
Self Created.
And all these ideas of Mother Father- Sibling, Family- in the end all is a reflection of you, created for you to sustain yourself in this new inverse reality of Matter and Physical senses, tools created to support and nourish you.
To see your reflections embodiedand now with a life of thier own, a window of oppurtunit to be able to see the truth of yourself, by overcoming the idea of gaps in what you began to create as epectations of others to fill those gaps, when they are all you.
All Fractals of you which you were meany to put all the pieces together as Humpty Dumpty, sitting n his wall- a Line seeing both sides. Yes-No.
Why did he have a great fall?
He lost his Balance, The raw shaped Egg, created Like a scrotum shaped Oval with no place or way it could stand on its own as Egg Shaped- Raw.
And all the kings horses and all the Kings men could not put humpty Dumpty. H.D back together again.
The Mother Hen, lays the Egg and it cracks revealing its origin. Transparent Yolk and Yellow Center.
Life Sunny Side up with no hardened Shell to cover it up.

What is that saying, when Life gives “Broken Eggs make an Omeltte.” or something like that.

3:51 pm.

The idea being that when life gives you Lemons mke Lemonaid. Le Mon A.I.D.
Youu have to crack a few Eggs to make an Omelette.

To get to the core you had forgotten, that core which actually came first, all exposed Life Sunny Side up.

For truly, that sillyy question, “Which came first, The Chicken or the Egg.
How can you get an Egg without the Egg.
What gave birth to the Cosmic Egg.
What ferlized it?
Do not all things come via Insemination.
So there must be the Cock, Male Y Chromosome.
Then it created itself as HEN and the Hen lays an Egg, the Egg is hard bt fragile and cracks, and to get back to the original Egg you have to learn to break and cook and Joy comes from the eating of the Egg, satisfaction, Ingestion Absorbtion, Digestion, Constituton, Expression. E.G.G.
E 77= 1.
Nap/ Pan
you remember by looing into the reflection of the Egg, your own reflection and through them, it, you remeber, that I existed before the Egg, the Ovum, the Darkness and the Darkest Knight and Darkest Night.
That I had Joy Bliss Extase… J.B.E…In the Begining.
That there was just me.
Manifest Expression… Awareness I.
I Exist.
Now how are youu share you really exist and are not some dream in your head,
Look to your heart, whatt causes it to beat, is it beauty desire, Light Radiant, Lightening Expression- Truth- I recognize this, what your saying, reflecting radiating back to me…
Manifest = 87.

Express=5+24+16+18+5+19+19= 106.
Sacred Portal 87.
Sacred Portal 106 aka Infnite.

Add I.O.N. 9+15+14.= 38.


87+59= 146.

Expression +38.= 144. L.L. Ascended Masters?


Manifest Express!
=193. A.I.C. S.C. “I E N C E”


Manifesation Expression.

Sum 290. B.I.O. as in Biography.

193. M.E.

290 M.E. B.I.O.

*”expression. / (?k?spr???n) / noun. the act or an instance of transforming ideas into words. a manifestation of an emotion, feeling, etc, without wordstears are an expression of grief.”

There is no Father Mother- Mother and Father.

There is just you, and Self Reflections created to help you in an Inversed realm 96- 69-96.
15 Letter O. via 54. 9×6
66 – 1 =36= 9=I.
99=1… 9×9 = 81= 9 =I.
O. I I I. 111 is the Numeric Code for Perfection.

111 III.
AAA III=3-9=27 2+7 = 9=I. 2+7=14.N. 1+4=5. E.

A A A I I I E.
3 3 5.
C C E,

Just look at what I had to do, become, fight right up till yesteraday, just to Manifest Truth.

Travelling through Chris Filgueira and Kim Arthur Hinds Jr
Born in 1987.
87 87 H.G. I.G.

Below and Above.
1 -174.
= 27 5. 175. Q.E.
To that which you already knew.

Manifest= 87.
Truth = 87.

4:43 pm.

To Manifest Truth already present right here and now.

Why am I even posting this?
That which I have reported, proven- demonstrated here on Facebook countless times before. and have been doing for 10 years publicly- Manifesting Truth which Echo and Responds every step of the way but not its finished completion, and yet All was Completed and Finished from the Moment Manifesation rose in the Eternal Beginning as I.

4:48 pm.

There was never a U as Universal Understanding.

21 -21= 1 42.
Door of Life. D.O.L.

And yet, here I am.
Becase of an Idea that I have to proof it all over again, and again to get to the point that you can C, when 21 is B.A Beautiful Assassin Black Panther, and that truth has not changed, even with 5 New Facebook Friends- I am still at 3437 Facebook Friends after having to attain again from 3434 twice to 34 35 Facebook friends, Two have been added to attain 3437 Facebook Friends again.

No one, Nothing not even Alien Father has the right, to do this, not even the excuse of Woman Manifesting as Wu-Man, do you see and understand what they did?
The truth of the Liars Deniars.
L.D. 12 4= 16… 48.
Sacred Portal 16 and 48.
Total 64. F.D.
10. J. 24.X.B.D.
34 C.D.
Really 8.
87 87
Not 7-8.

4:59 pm.

That is Evil, that which has been proven Non-Existent, allowed to prove it does exist, just so that it could buy more time in using my expression of C. 21=3 C, that it was blind when it simply chose not to be conscious and see.

5:01 pm

5 61.
Emeka E left on the streets of New York for 61 Days.
To prove F.A. Ferrill- Arden, and my having to correct Ferrill = 80
to Ferrell= 76 aligned to Aurelia=67.
Me, 67/76.
97 When Azure was conceived in 2020.

5:06 pm.

E Family?


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