
20:54 Hundred Hours

20:54 Hundred Hours

8:54.. 55 pm

This is she Naomi Simms

Yes Simms Computer Program Game

Building of Civil izations.

Noahs Ark

Just In Case.

Kelsie Bissell

Liberty C Liscomb

Alicia Norris

Anirbas Lem

Kamora Herrington

Tree Sage

Stephen Johnson

Do you see her..?

Her higher self as I know her and knew her as I traveled in Space of the Celestial Heavens in my E M F and True Mind following the Rhythm Beating of my Heart.

Radar Redah

Krishna Kristna

As well as walking the Earth looking around to see the people my star trek encounter above with the Trail of The Elegant Nomads in Heaven above Earth below and in the Space here transparent which led me to thier Avatar Descendants and then listening om encountering them, being invited by them into their worlds, and my entering only when thier higher selves, speak through them aligned with the conversation I have with then in the heavens with myself acting as a High Tower and the Satelite Disc. Jockey.. and C D.

5G. 5 H. I pick up their frequency and then I break down using my brain and heart with my inner See to ground anchor the Lightening flash…speed of light I am above with them and below

Soon I become their Medium and Mediator above to below.. clearing the static of this realities blocking signals with all thier babble and distraction cloaking true intent.

This part is and was not a play..

Enders Game. Ernest C-line.

This is True Nature.. the only thing real in this reality..even if it is a solid csrbon copy of True Nature.

This is Matter Hari

Loves Expression as its first incarnation in feminine form.

John of revelations

John means Grace

Do you wonder why she weeps?

She is certainly not Forgetting or Death.

She is Transformation Day to night

Evening Star

Yes She is Wisdom Jonn


Erek Eclass Mateo


M.E. E

135 usd. E.K

See sacred portal 147 A .B.

112 A

And 3 on a trial raised from her Prison in the center of the earth for her crime of Loving the World she sacrificed?

Her only son for the world.. she was God..bit her male self was rrally be hind her..

Alien Father Alpha I call him or Daddy O.

No she sacrificed her Self. And her 5-6 children and even Alien Father so a new species could rise as the Equal of Supreme Nature

Supreme Existence to Evolve Everything at last to completion.

None that was real to us, except our literally being enclosed like a stassis in a mothership.

With the illusion that we were lost in space..

No… you were…out of your hearts and minds..and true nature.

Lost in a Matrix and even beyond that because your translation of the programmed characters and scenarios set up by Alien Father

A F K G.

You had taken in a totally different direction spin on a flights of fancy.. imagination until you had gone so far from the original characters foundation set up to inspire you to rise accessing in your body suit that potential already in you.

Instead you went out of your minds heads with no anchor ( it was right there but you could no longer see or activate your 5 senses…because you.were in Non Existence

And Clara came as Lazer Light to find you.. but even then, she he too was in her own evolution play of C. Seeing through sound not just light and dark night.

No, this is of Universe as Nature..

It was. And is Real.

See the film the Matrix but in the coreect consciousness

Nature is Numbers

It is the beginning of Quantification



21:27 Hundred Hours right now

9:27 p.m

That took a lot out of me.. for that moment

Took me patience time and over 20 mins to find this image in my thousands of images.. on a faulty phone.

21:28 Hundred Hours right now

9:28 p.m


Yes Clara E K. You are were and a Lady Warrior Supreme

But not beyond I and your 2 original.male versions.

9;29 p.m


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