
2:05 p.m

2:05 p.m


26-5-9… Z-E.I… Zei Means Wolf in Hebrew..



Ezi is an O.INri Igbo world meaning Genuine..Swine (Pig)…or Good…

It also means Compound-Homestead…

Truth is called Ezi Okwu…. Home or the way of Truth…

Ezi is also means King in Igbo.. and Help in Hebrew…

Wolf and Help in Hebrew…

To Bring home the Genuine, the Good back to the Homestead…

The Pigs…

Why is it that this code reminds me of the Three Little Pigs and the Great Wolf…

Well what I can affirm from this riddle is that the Pig are the Unclean or representatives of Greed..to Good luck and to fertility…

Pigs, widely present in world cultures, have taken on many meanings and been used for many purposes in traditional arts, popular culture, and media. As one scholar puts it, people all over the world have made swine stand for extremes of human joy or fear, celebration, ridicule, and repulsion. [1] They have become synonymous with negative attributes, especially greed, gluttony, and uncleanliness, and these ascribed attributes have often led to critical comparisons between pigs and humans.

2:43 p.m.

There is a riddle here of course, links more to this play has been the based on what has happened here…

One including my interaction with a Dog here which moved from friendly to literally vicious…And though there is a logical grounded reason for that swift change, I also observed through the this play, how it also coincided with a deeper meaning…

The Play of The Wolf… And I am born according to Lore, The Day of the Wolf…

The Folklore about Wolves are exhausting…But those that relate to this play would be Lupus the she Wolf who nursed Romulus and Remus…

Norse mythology prominently includes three malevolent wolves, in particular: the giant Fenrisulfr or Fenrir, eldest child of Loki and Angrboda who was feared and hated by the Æsir, and Fenrisulfr’s children, Sköll and Hati. Fenrir is bound by the gods, but is ultimately destined to grow too large for his bonds and devour Odin during the course of Ragnarök. At that time, he will have grown so large that his upper jaw touches the sky while his lower touches the earth when he gapes. He will be slain by Odin’s son, Viðarr, who will either stab him in the heart or rip his jaws asunder according to different accounts.[7] Fenrir’s two offspring will according to legend, devour the sun and moon at Ragnarök. On the other hand, however, the wolves Geri and Freki were the Norse god Odin’s faithful pets who were reputed to be of good omen.

Geri Frefi… G.F…Please notice the code G-F..7 6….

As well as Geri Frefi Fenrisulfr… G.F.F… 7 66…

The Turks believed they descended from Wolves..

In Slavic they represented the Totem of Fearlessness

In other cultures it means Wolf

As I was writing the this and solving a riddle, once more in the E-spirit world.. Melissa Aldana came arrived. we haven’t seen her in Two three days… Recall she said always had the Wolf Companion…

Well a play took place here with some called Raoul…

Which means Wolf Counselor….

As you can see from the posts Zei and Ezi in Hebrew,

Wolf and Help- that it is alluding to an play of the world of Nature…

The Animals… Samuel…

I know that I have decided to end this play as soon as I can, yet I can not help but feel that I have to comment somewhere as to what is going on… in the plane of Nature…

Just how real all of this is…

Right now I am at 643 Face Book Friends…

This is the code of the Sacred Portal of True Life….43….

What I am saying is that is this is Real….

It is true that I am no longer invested with all my heart and soul in seeking to communicate what I am reading is taking place in the Energy realm.. The Spirit Realm of Nature and Mind….

Or seeking to holler out to gain peoples attention…

I spent so much time and effort doing that…

4:07 p.m.

Sacred portal 47…

To alert people to that which is literally approaching, Destruction and Creation….

On a epic level… the movement of the Extinction of a People and now the resurrection of another…Peoples..

Evolution of the Speices..

What an impossible task….?

Perhaps but Reason, Evidence, Demonstration Exemplification should have been enough,

In the age of Reason that we have just passed through, there is only so much evidence and facts which one can provide..

I do believe that this play of the last 4 years, publicly demonstrating that which I had been made to read then confirm alone.

To alert the World to something which most are aware of but only in their minds…

Not as a reality…

Nor do people realize that this Play was not designed by me, that I am reading and decoding, a Script and that this force has such a grip of me, that even now, at the end of my tether with this play..

I am still compelled to decode and write into Existence what I have been linking and weaving….

I have never asked any one to Believe me.. such is not required…

Facts are required, attention is required to listen to what a Messenger’ has to say…

My post addressed to those who think that they are better than I am in the sense that they believe some one would literally go out of theri way to live such an Existence, moved…is for others amusement and entertainment, I suppose was a last passionate call to Listen…

Not to me but what is being deciphered…..

Read it for your self… use the codes yourself, and it will bring you to the same conclusion…

Which is why Donna O’Sullivan was so pivotal in this play in establishing just as Billy Hung had, the validity of the Codes..

Meaning anyone can read them, themselves…

4:19 p.m.

D.S… code Robert Sullivan…

This play has been about establishing the Universal Laws, the Eternal Laws….

Which people seem to think they are above, that it does not apply to them.

I spoke over and over about how I am called Beloved, and yet how far I have been driven, to bring this Message even Love letter to your attention…

Because the message is that Relevant…

The Boy, Youth, man who cried Wolf….

That is really truly not my story, nor is it my way…

When this condition began, I spent many years seeking to affirm that not only this source of this condition, but also the intelligence and thorough checking that what I was reading was and is the Absolute Truth…

That a story written as a 8 year old boy, from a vision and a memory of a Plan-E.T, and mission from another realm was and is literally true..

I had basically forgotten about the book I wrote as an 8 year old kid.. but not totally…

Only the subsequent reminders non stop which appeared afterwards, all detailed here.. so that others would be aware…

But not even I could have imagined the Refuse… the Extraordinary refusal to even investigate.

And this confidence that people have, an absurdity of not believing that they are Safe from what is to come…

You are safe, but only if you are aware of the Rules…

The Eternal Laws… which Energy Itself is Establishing as the Laws so that people would be aware…

Right now, all I see is the preparation for Destruction…

Myths are Myths…

But the Eternal Truths residing in these Myths have been activated as tools to manifest this end…

This Energy is using the ancestral stories of Humanity to manifest the end of the Species, in order for the resurrection of Hue-Manity…

A New Species…

I am stunned beyond belief by the role of Prophet and Seer, Poet and Scientist imposed upon me, especially in this day an age…

It is and was an impossible task, despite the simplicity and reasonable logic and how the message was created and tailored for for Humanity to understand…

The addressing of only the Beautiful Truth in you, the Heroic so that the ‘Demonic’ the illusion would not be given power…

Publishing, Films, Money, Power Fame… what are any of these to the Eternal Truth of a Species about to Evolve and the remaining set to be made Extinct…

And I have overwhelming evidence and have as I stated, over the the last year that I stand with the Extinction of the Species…

The Complete Extinction of the Species and the Elevation of that which many call Evolution…

But which is really returning to the Origins, the True Origins of the Species…

4:43 p.m.

The Eternally True Expression….

T.E.T.E…(The Head in French)..

Of The Origins of the Species…


The Beautiful Ones





of the 5th Dimension.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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