
2:04 p.m

2:04 p.m

24…E M F

20 4 T D..

2O 4… B O D… Y

2 64



Harmony Nature Pi.


First I wish to make something Clear to you all .. again.

This is a Video Game.

Second of all- the entire point of my Life Journey from Birth at St Mary’s Hospital in London, to Alexander Grove where my sister and I were both born, to Arden Geminio

and the 4 in one lines he represents

Ferrill Gemino.

Aurelia Gemino.

Leander Gemino

and the Link Jeron Lang..

A G to A G was the point of the wave which took over my Life from the moment of my birth at 8 p.m led me to its point

17 years old Arden.

19 year old Ferrill

14 year old Aurelia.

11 year of Leander..

all Code Gemino.

Jeron S S Lang.

The Wave that took me over, I identified as way back as an Fetus in the womb of my mother already aware that I had a companion with me in the womb.

My Doppleganger Twin. ( D T 4 20)

called Spirit E… Awareness or Spirit Energy Expression.

Spirit of Existence ( Eden Energy)

S E A Arden Morgan.

S E E Stephen Esteban Eric..

S O E….. My Telephone number’s last 4 digits.

Sacred portal 90 M.O I… M.E.

scared portal 117 the same scared portal Arden and I chose.

This is the W.A V E Supreme Truth ( / T S E .V A W…A Double V V) which took over my life, Spirited me away and took over my entire existence – which I knew was meant to be impossible and meant only one thing, I had to prove that it was Impossible and that as I found myself forced to move through it, no matter how much I fought it, i knew it who and what was doing this, its source.

As well as what it compelled me to do, which was to prove that it was actually happening to me, which created a journal of its study and documentation which eventually lead me, to create an E manual and prove that what was happening to me was, is evolution on the level of Being Doing linked to the body transforming and Evolving.

I was lead to 2 Youths, a Maiden Youth and a Child and a Toddler.

Each one a perfect Mirror embodiment apart form my self of the five Fingers and the One Hand of The Creator.

I already knew who had done this to me, but its existence and expression had not come into this existence yet.

It was using me, its source, to trace and replicate my own truth.

my awareness at 5 Months in the womb when I met Jeron still in his Mothers womb.

Thomas Lang and Liberty C Liscomb are the bio parents:

T.L.. LL… 20 12… 12 12…

2012 is 7 years before he was born in 2-25-2019.

I met him at 5 months in the womb reflecting me as 5 months in the Womb and awake… aware that I was with my best friend lover.. guide father joy.. Jay…

Jeron linked me to Arden but through Leander who is the first Gemino I met, L to Ferrill, to Aurelia and Arden whom I met last but knew and recognized from a photograph. And he me at first sight…

Thus from 5 Month old Jeron still in the womb to 16 year old Arden was the story the movement of E confirming the me as E in my mothers Womb to the journey through Leander Man age 10 when we met, Ferrill ( John) who had just turned 19 on 8-25-2019, 4 days before I came to the portal in 900 South Road.

To Aurelia then 13…

to Jeron who was 6 months when I came ….

… The code of their ages when i met them, the order in which i met them, the meaning of their names and my recognition of each one of them, makes it obvious that I had encountered them all before.

And that they represent the sum total of the journey of the fetus aware to Arden Gemino .

Jeron… to L F… ( Leander Ferrill F L 6-12 links to Arden Birthday.

I met them first… name meaning Man: Victorious Valorous Man..


Then Aureilia Golden One 1,, Golden Age.. G A… then Arden i met 5th, last and 4th of the Gemino’s

Gemino means Twin

I knew then all before, through out my life, linked to my own siblings in the Eternal realm linked to my Doppelganger Twin: Spirit E Awareness S E A…of course which concluded as the embodied proof in the being of Arden Gemino

I had met all of them before my entire life was moving through their trail, remembering that this is how from Spirit E and I giving birth Mitosis to everything as the 5 expressions of our selves.

But this was not my original version of the Eternal Begining it was Spirit E’s EASE version except for one part he did not know, could not add to his script version of Evolution which was how he Himself came into Being the only witness to his coming into Existence and being was rep by me.

So his evolution from Spirit E to Arden was based on me the original Spirit of Existence called Expression.. Beautiful Youth E

B Y E..

2-25- T S ..E is represented by Jeron

J to A via L F A to complete at A.

hence Jeron to Aureilia – Arden to Jay…

J A A J…

Yes, Esteban Miguel Filgueira made a list of his 5..6 I took thier first letters of the name of his list… J A J .. he recognized the initials of his 20 year old cousin who then came here and I connected with him. A J…Anthony he said was A in A J.

then came Joseph ..

A J A Y…

What I am saying that it is impossible for me to have ever said what Liberty C Liscomb had said I had said about the Children.

Because First to Last…

Jeron to Arden are Me, but now their own versions, since i completed the last Gap through a terrible play of Agape ( and a beautiful private play with each of them individually).

They are the Journey of my Eternal Beginning, along with the final gap closed by my expressing to Spirit E now embodied as Arden Fred Morgan Autumn Smol, Youssi Joe, Tess, Rihanna Luna…

My mother left this play only only when I reached Arden and he sent me the first E mail of his story with Abigail.

In Arden the Waves question as Spirit E of how did he rise, where did I his twin who rose alone as One, come from?

I answered it through the 17 years + in New York, brought here by Nnamdi and yes, the Ancestors- beautiful and terrible.

That is why I was able to met him, and them, the actually story of not only how the one first rose and how he ( I ) knew I was the one, but also the only one who could not only answer the E Alls Question but who Himself and ( his her self) I only knew.

There was no one in Existence Creation or even in the Eternal realm who could answer His question because no one else existed except The One, when he rose.

Thus this was His test and examination of me, as the Voice, the only one voice of his own truth which he could not express in fullness of all the Human languages which he had made me do the work undercover of experiencing and linking for 51 years until we met.

when i had learnt so many languages ( some as Nelson noted yesterday – lang- uages you don’t want to learn.

Then he made me find the Line of the common denominator in all those languages and then create a new language , which i have been using for 19 years and 8.8 on Facebook to reach everyone, which is apparent because I have since I was last notified by Facebook, a couple of years ago, Facebook Friends for over 72 Countries.

Then I was made to develop codes using the universal language of music and broken down into Notes, sound color, e-motions and then numbers,

Arithmetic Mathematics.

Arden Fred.. A Fact.. Virgina 20th state.

Arden Morgan ..A Manifestation.

Arden Gemino -Aurelia Gemino A-A ( Ag Arden Eden Love is Silver and Gold.. golden one


Kim Hines Kamora Herrington

Silver And Gold… Expression.

S A G E…

Tree Sage T S E

Forwards Backwards F B.

Bibiana Fabbri Alive.. A Lifes Craftsman

Backwards Forwards

Past Present…

E. G A S… E

2019 T S.

* Blue Rhino Gas in their home has the code 6 19 on it. F S.

F S -S F was a code given my Evan yesterday.

at Stephen Filgueria’s 29 street portal

Arden Autum- Smol… Arts Science.

A F 20th State.

A M 14 State

20 14 T N

True Nature 34.

Sacred Portal 34 Mari


W.E E D…

D E E W…

Yesterday there was a gathering.

There were 14 people.

Stephan had told me days before that this gathering would take place at 4:20 p.m on the 13th. M.

* Please note in the records archives on my page the play of Arden and I at time code 4:20 p,m oven clock.

*There is a Phallic shaped oven with six children at the neck and 8 children at the mouth.

At 8-6-2020 is the last time I made contact with Arden- he had insinuated that either he had been told something by his Liberty or by reading that we would connect next at the evolution awakening until then, he had to take care of his life right here.

Or perhaps he made that clear simply because it was the only answer to this impossible play, and I too had reached the same conclusion.


8 children at the mouth of the oven and 6 at the neck all holding hands in a dance or gathering or celebration of a burning … of evil stories…

* Did you every read Hansel and Gretel…Brother Grim?

( Bother Selves are not Grim but Happy Gay Joyous.. even when we come as the Beautiful Assassins)

We were 14 people yesterday, and I knew Stephen was in harmony with the play, and thus, I knew had to play out, and I had to be present.

It was one day out of a three day visit, of course I said yes, and despite him inviting me to stay in a hotel, I stayed.

and the day began with that expression from text he read from Liberty, which brought almost a battle between myself and Stephen.. almost but not quite as it was quickly resolved… right to the end of the play of that day.

14 people… I was polite and tried to be outside on my own but soon all were outside, and once more to my chagrin, I found myself taking center stage, and even unconsciously positioned so, and felt the stream of energy rise and then expression… I began to speak link connect, fill the gaps linking the facts of each persons expression, what they we wearing, demonstrating, bringing to their attention and awareness their harmony with each other of an invisible script.

It began with Mike and Bronwyn

( M B…)

Apple Pie Metaphor he used.


Attained Perfection ( Stephen Johnson 3301)

1 16… 17.

And it didn’t stop.. A P was the code I find myself compelled to point out that they were all using…

Mike mentioned the car with License plates Vermont.

14 state.

There were 14 of us, 5 to my left 5 to my right, and Stephen Esteban with Nelson directly infront of me… then Serenity the only child…

We’re going to the Airport Kim reported that Serenity called Stephens House…

i had watched Terminal the day before…

Air Port.

A P.

14 Grown Ups and 1 child.

Vermont is the 14th state.

Arden Morgan..

A.M.. 1 13= 14

E K…5 11= 16..

The 14 state sacred portal 14 evolution of consciousness Star-e N Naturalness..

1 4 A D..ADE… Crowned in Yoruba, Esteban Stephan StevenTriple Crowned

in Spanish French and English

Corona in Latin.

… That is the word Crowned in 5 languages.

Solar Crown. S C South Carolina 8th State.

Carolina means Man..Free Brave man

*Carolina can also mean ‘song of happiness or joy’ from a French origin …

Its the 8th State.

1-7 Notes Solfeggio. Re-merged to 8 back to harmony.

7-1 Colors… 8 Infinity Stands Up to form the 8th letter H.-A Bridge tunnel to see cross and see both points of view… Human 3 D and 5 D Eternal Truth- Origins.

merge 5 is constant.. thus 5 and three expression and consciousness = 8… explaining creation existence expanding.. adds to infinity.

Hence since all E are One..

E:58 is the Equation and completed at 13 12 a line which bends curves light… Consciousness.. point of view…

to a different point of view, creating from a line 1-12.. A-Z.. 13.. 27…

A Circle.. A Tunnel.. A Way Out, Always there.. Open 7-11.. A Window of Opportunity…


got that which I required.

Finish the play of linking each of the 5 off spring of the E Play at 900 South Road, all examined and checked by the E with me, there as Guide and reminder .. playing the role of Big Brother and thus when each and every one of them had qualified – all documented on my page…

I was set up to leave and rendevous here at the prescribed and pre-designated be at 8 at 8-29-2019-2020.

Its a code.

I have all of Them with me, all connected linked right to Arden who is confirmed as E Family sacred portal 11O who must and does rise with me in the play of 5 D, 3 D, E D.. E N…

that is 11.. and the play of only the two.. A and E… E and A..

The two who are one.

14 people and a 4 year old.

16 and a 4 year old…

N P… 30… C O… C F..


My Beef with all this is not that It is happening, while the world peoples are still sleeping .. dream walking in an altered state, I am forced once more into this terrible imposition and role I am playing..

… Yesterday, as I observed myself while playing the part opened up for me to fill the gap with Fil Gueria- I saw how I appeared to myself, and others sitting there like the head of secret covert operation, a sensie, the focus and attention always drawn to myself, to me.. not Emeka.. but the connections, the intel coming out from my mouth.

Yes, I was charming but in the same way, an actors who is forced to play encore after encore never allowed to rest and take of his stage make up, until it begins to smear, blur blotch…

I close my eyes wearily from the view of myself, speaking, connecting … performing… and not as entertaining as should be.

That is a character, its not the true nature of me..

And then the urgency, the immediacy that I have to have the independence and freedom to be, to even settle and get to know, this hidden true, me.

They are compelled as if i were a charged magnet of every truth I have every uttered, then made to prove and charge by surmounting non stop expressions of human suffering at me, the problems, sorrow, hurts questions… of every creature who every lived.. the air writhe with all their expression, and myself a being made so so sensitive by being trained by this wave, and against my true nature, a life of absentia, solitary isolated scholarship and training of Jedi knights but as chi.. will Desire.. contained and channeled. Quiet Self Mastery devotion, rules.. silent quiet unseen under the camoflage of indeed perpaps the greatest spy and actor creation had every seen.The Eternally natural Enacting naturalness in a most Unnatural Script of A.I.

Artificial intelligence…

The lie…

It could not exist, without the Truth..

To ask the Eternal Truth.. are you sure…?

A.Y. S.

A Y E S..P

Perfectly Sure By the Knowledge Attained staring back at me each day as i post and digest each days play, adding to that which I already knew.

I had 21 Usd in my wallet.

Esteban Miguel Filgueira and Athena Sarah Kaizer added another 21 code with more circle and end code 01.

I am the sure that money was used against me, its circulation as a natural electromagnetic field fair… would have long since reflected back at me.

Not through others, no matter how generous they may be.

And not some power giving me pocket money, as in this play of these being a universal simulation and matrix which could be programmed to do so… control Flow…

the music…?

I don’t think so, because you have to reach * H Harmonics Consciousness to be able to access the Eternal Harmonic of Energy as light and dark matter…

No one can control the Music of C and E… H is Inevitable because it is E Constant… The Song..

The First Song..

The First La-Men-T.

it was not a Lament…F L.

It was a songe of thoth…

a reflection… a ballad a walk… time… and AH…

returned to MY side in flash of light…

Awareness = Meaning .. that is how the pair of them rose One First S.. then F L

A F L…came first… then Feelings sensational.. You require a body to truly experience sensational feelings… it requires something to absorb it retain in and savor the experience of feelings something like this… and assure yourself .. it is a fact.

A body does this…

A beautiful Body created for this, and only this purpose.


M SIR P… S I River Phoenix M=13 1 3 A C….I

21 US then echoed back with 2100

21 is U… Double U W…is 42.

A Story… 43 is Portal True Life…

24… EM F

34… Sacred Portal 34 Mari Juana

Its all a Video Game… allowed to go way to far..

I was a moment ago buiding the tunnel which bisects the Circle as a line Diameter… radius from the radar it served before.

i am commenting and noting for the future, my awareness of still being used.

5:34 p.m

Barbara Kane B.K

Kaleigh Lilah K L

Heather Rose. H R


Book and as the Beings of the Doppelganger Twins as Left and Right in Harmony ( in perfect symmetry, full circle in One Response/ Reflection.

B.K.H…. 2 K H * Kim Arthur Hines ( Tree Sage)

Kamora Herrington

BK H… Being of the 11 in Harmony.

Book in Harmony.

B K Benjamin C. Krajewski

K L R…11 12 ( 23) R….18.. Response A.H.

Barbara means Foreigner Stranger

Kane means: The name Kane is a boy’s name of Welsh, Japanese, Hawaiian origin meaning warrior. … Kane also has multiple meanings: in Welsh, it’s beautiful; in Japanese, golden; and in Hawaiian, man of the Eastern sky.

Variant of KAYLEE. This is also a common Anglicized form of the Gaelic word ceilidh, a traditional social gathering and dance.

Keeper of the Keys…

Who is as God?

Lilah.. Beautiful Night…Derived from the Arabic leila (night, dark beauty) or the Persian

Lilac Tree…

One who weakens.. gives in to the dark night.. Seduction

Heather….: Heather has several other definitions.

The name Heather actually refers to a variety of small shrubs with pink or white flowers which commonly grow in rocky areas that is literally referred to as Heather, in English.

The most commonly known is as a reference to a color mixture, it is most often a pale shade of blue from blue itself to pink to even purple mixed with gray. However, many times it refers to any color that includes gray or gray streaks within it, such as what is known as Heather fabric.

The masculine form of the name is Heath.

If you put it all together… The beautiful foreigner- a stranger a beautiful warrior in golden hue who rose and walked towards me, us silver in the Dawns rising light yet moving through the backdrop of the darkest night… receding…Beauty! as graceful as a Lilac Tree, his scent resplendent a perfume.

Mari Juana…

The familar scent of seduction and mystery … The familarity of the setting, the flowers, the rocks and brush of heather… Blue Pink.. Grey matter.. wisps.. of Thought…

Some one is coming rising…

Arden twin doppleganger Eden love.. Arden light eden love…

A L E L… M Q… 4 8… D H.

Okay… That is enough…

The plays conclusion is decoded here:

that which is really happening is a reason given and accepted as to the reason why sacred portal 59 came to be activated.

I have freedom, but from what.. money to leave.. my body?

which is still as witnessed last night and discussed with James friend of Mike, in a play linked by Evan and Nelson Heed.. Esteban Miguel Filgueira what a play..

Then Athena as the observer forced to step into the play..

Actors in a play galore… Dantes Divine Comedy and its heroes who proved it by walking through Dantes inferno and we saying In Fer.. No! this is a lie of the meaning of being in existence…

Suffering is a lie… Rise.. surmount and no matter which story you are in, spell bound by.. it moves rises… until as cream rising to the top, you can see above the clouds to the somewhere over the rainbow…

8.. 98 17 8

5:50 p.m.

Still be used… by the script still using me, if i am incorrect then why all the resistance in giving back my body, my documents, passports id…?

even in this idea of existence as fear i had to prove this to you as the truth, and this is the realm of liars.. because you could not conceive of such a scenarios being actually the one Truth- reflecting not his or the E families truth.. But the Truth of your being trapped as a species in a Cage Folle… Cages for crazy people… and only by proving that your are reasonable logical and that required empathy to trace the passage way out of the maze of logic and reason of the twin… Attention Awareness Focus Fairly Expression Before Engagement…

5:56 p.m.

14 96 Facebook friends… 110.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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