
Monthly Archives: December 2020

31 Dec 2020

From Stephen Johnson.

From Stephen Johnson. B A P H O M E T. 11:22 pm Original Facebook Post: Click Here

31 Dec 2020

From Stephan Johnson

From Stephan Johnson Original Facebook Post: Click Here

31 Dec 2020

8:29 PM

8:29 pm Ha! Max Well. Ascension Original Facebook Post: Click Here

31 Dec 2020

3:43 PM

3:43 pm. 12-31-2020. Hello. It’s no coincidence that on New Year’s Eve, that I ( We) have reached 15 33 Facebook friends at last. 33 is of course Sacred Portal 33. It’s the age code of Tree Sage, Chiefy… Kim. And it represents 33 Vertebra the Spinal cord of the Body as Infinity standing up. Many of you may recall the play of 2015 and 2016 at the Assessment Shelter which began with my being assigned bed 49. * It’s […]

31 Dec 2020

The lower East and Westside was called Little Africa.

The lower East and Westside was called Little Africa. I spoke about this for years, and why I came to live in the lower east side when I came to New York, with Jon Jason Lee in 1998 Dec. And then stayed with Safter Taskent brother in his home at Greenwich where my sister reached me and sent me my Canadian landed immigrant status. And why I was moved to go to The lower East side to East 4th street […]

30 Dec 2020

3:02 PM

3:02 pm. 12-30-2020. Hello. Something strange is happening, I had another dream vision last night. But it wasn’t a vision, it was a visitation. It involved Esteban Miguel Filgueria, Durrek Verrett, and Myself. And something which Durrek did to me 20 years ago while I was sleeping in a space where Krzystof Solek, and his then-fiance Lisa, in abid to cure his then condition. But in the Flash or projection, it was Esteban who was in my position but he […]

30 Dec 2020

1:35 AM

1:35 am. i was never lost… only something one someones trying t con me that i was lost. Original Facebook Post: Click Here

30 Dec 2020

Facebook Post..

9:51 pm Contd. In the dream, I went to a place, where I saw Brad Pitt. Yes… It was as if he were Joe Black where he played Death. He was my guide but then I was in a room and there was a Woman there. And there were rows of people lying down. I had been in this place before and it was the sort of place I would not really call home but a resting place. But this […]

29 Dec 2020

12:30 a.m.

12:30 a.m. Eternal Law. Natural Law. Divine Law And even the Law of this reality. As long as a person is forced, coerced, tortured into doing something against His free will and Choice, it is that which it is that which forced him under such duress to be the one who must pay the Price. And if that person is still through that play where all the Laws are suspended to see if he succeeds then all who did nothing […]

28 Dec 2020

From Che LaMora.

From Che LaMora. C L… 3 12 Original Facebook Post: Click Here