
Monthly Archives: October 2020

12 Oct 2020

10/12/2020 21:55 – Facebook Post

8:19 p.m. H S… Holy Spirit…( Satya ) He Sings Truth Beautiful Truth. Hello… as you can see, some one is speaking for me…. see it in my latest facebook Friend- which brings us back from 1486 and back to 14 87 Facebook Friends. See the meaning of his name and the post on his page which I shared.. but for my own reasons.. William Jedidiah IkeChukwu W.J.I… I J W… 9 10 ..23. Yes link to Kamora Herrington code […]

12 Oct 2020

From William Jedidiah IkeChukwu

From William Jedidiah IkeChukwu Original Facebook Post: Click Here

12 Oct 2020

From Jodene Minnis

From Jodene Minnis J M. Is. Please see Jesse Macias Orejuela post today.. Articulate Expression A Question Original Facebook Post: Click Here

11 Oct 2020

Since it will made into many films and each of the E family and then the E Naturals will make their own versions and books from this Blue Print – interactive play.

Since it will made into many films and each of the E family and then the E Naturals will make their own versions and books from this Blue Print – interactive play. I find myself not able to withhold the Joy of the play .. not share the beautiful news of Terrible Deaths play and letting that Ray -Degree Line pass through… by proving to the C Supreme C S .. that there is something in the perfect symmetry of […]

10 Oct 2020

14:03 Hundred Hours

14:03 Hundred Hours This is what that original art here transformed into.. Just realized it yesterday and read it. Its easy to read. Link the facts of what each thing literally is.. Original Facebook Post: Click Here

09 Oct 2020

10/9/2020 22:03 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 86.. 8-6-2020… October 8- months at 6th day… 6-8… Stephen – Esteban Filgueria returned. 1 is beyond the Trinity.. the C Planet Earth and the C Speed of light… beyond even Sol…5th note. 14 86 Facebook Friends. Wong Koplk. W K… D VV.K.. Kim ( Tree Sage) Kamora Herrington … Beyond Os of Woman… E O S.. Dawn 10:01 pm 14 86 =100… 10.. 1 / 1 10 100 Roman Numbers 100 is C.. Sacred portal 110.. A […]

09 Oct 2020

10/9/2020 21:44 – Facebook Post

See Sacred Portal 16… MOM.. WOW a 16 years of is LAD Y L IB E RT…Y… Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

09 Oct 2020

Sacred portal 9

Sacred portal 9 Kamora Herrington line is next to the one wearing the Lotus Flower she is wearing a turban..and she chose The Prince and Aurelia chose the Pharoah Triple Corwn.. Fair-Oh Original Facebook Post: Click Here

09 Oct 2020

From Olusanye Bey.

From Olusanye Bey. O B. 20:49 p.m After Tree Sage shared the Modernized version of Eyo as me Toi This popped up on my Facebook Friends suggestions As you know, I hardly ever take Facebook suggestions or seek face book friends because it would compromise the integrity of the play of ppl choosing to come by their own free will which creates the play of the Response of the people moved by E Response. E R R E. D. R […]

09 Oct 2020

From Liberty C Liscomb

From Liberty C Liscomb Ah.. Joy and Bliss.. Beautiful Mischief and Mahyem. Which brings A H Fun Laughter no Hurt or enslavement Now I can rest… Original Facebook Post: Click Here