
Monthly Archives: October 2020

03 Oct 2020

V M.

V M. 10 10 = 20. As most are aware I have bern coding for the last few years using Virgina as the 20th State. I.am not sure where I got that data but I always check. So I wish to illustrate the play of the Body taking over the Being And how this has been a play of Perfection and Imperfection I P 9 16 I P I A F.. 9-16-2016 Entered Delta Manor Play 9 + 19 = […]

03 Oct 2020

From Jodene Minnis

From Jodene Minnis The Heart came before the Brain Original Facebook Post: Click Here

03 Oct 2020

16:12 Hundred Hours

16:12 Hundred Hours From Jodene Minnis J M .. Original Facebook Post: Click Here

03 Oct 2020
02 Oct 2020

P R O. P.H. E C ..Y

P R O. P.H. E C ..Y M R. E E M R E. M E R.L. I N. E M. A.G. I C.I. A .N. / N ..A I. C. I. G .. A M. T. A R. O T T O. R A T. E M E. R A L D. I S L E .. E I. 19:48 Hundred Hours Infinity Sign IS M A G. I C Morgan and Morgana. MM.= A Same Person. Yeshua Yonathan […]

02 Oct 2020
02 Oct 2020

13:29 Hundred Hours

13:29 Hundred Hours As I headed out of 29 Lincoln to pick up a few things, I had noticed that Stephen Filgueria ( Eztabon Miguel Filgueira ) had liked Sacred Portal 87 which is the numeric equation of TRUTH Played out with Chris Filgueira born 1987. C F And Tree Sage Confirmed at the completion by Christopher Filgueira. Fil Gueria.. Warrior who sustains the Thread.. Sol! A neeedle pulling a thread .. 12 14 87 ..26 87 A Z Athena […]

02 Oct 2020

12:16 hundred Hours

12:16 hundred Hours Reflecting the play yesterday at the Dollar store. 11:75 U S D. And my being compelled to respond Love and Power. The Lay Men and Women. Original Facebook Post: Click Here

01 Oct 2020

10/1/2020 14:34 – Facebook Post

From Ali Samadhi AS Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

01 Oct 2020

From Ali Samadhi

From Ali Samadhi We have reached A.F And we are currently at its Completion Full Circle. F C First Contact wity 9 I Original Facebook Post: Click Here