
Monthly Archives: October 2020

31 Oct 2020

18:55 Hundred Hours right now

18:55 Hundred Hours right now R E E. AH EE 6:55..56 p.m F E E. F. E F From Liberty C Liscomb What if I told you that this is the way the Alien Council of Alien Father Alpha sent intel? Perhaps you might begin to comprehend my aggravated state. The 4th Dimension aa in South Whitney where I first met Jeron now born, is the color green. A Dimension I have been in Jan 2006. Every space actress I […]

31 Oct 2020

10/31/2020 18:15 – Facebook Post

17:37 Hundred 5:37 p.m Please See Tree Sage Elijah code 37. .. Its Sacred Portal 37 Sophia Oscar Lauren” S O L S F L … S F L O W. E. R I N G S F L O O R. At 1485 Facebook Friends And the confirmation of the only other persons openly living on the E Family Frequency Esteban Filgueria Stephen Filgueria Is Kim Arthur Hines And Arden Gemino proven by the play btween he and I […]

31 Oct 2020

10/31/2020 12:27 – Facebook Post

Sent to me by Kasien Thompson Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

31 Oct 2020

From Alicia Norris

From Alicia Norris Happy Birthday.. code E A And thank you for this, It just made my day.. I am constantly being provoked to ferocious anger and fury, and forced to contain it.. And not express it to the ppl around me who are rising with me. That I am still being compelled to post and listen to ungrateful, selfish expressions of the those not meant to be… You have no idea until you and the rest awaken at just […]

30 Oct 2020

10/30/2020 19:25 – Facebook Post

62. B Sexual Revolution 62. Not 26 26. Z Z 52. That is me… Zen Zoon ZEN. ZOOM. IN FOR THE KILL E A G L E. E. U S. A Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

30 Oct 2020

10/30/2020 19:09 – Facebook Post

They were looking for the Source of Magic.. The Infinite Energy Source Atom and Energy E A Conversation F M Band. And the Fountain of Youth My Grandmother Lucy Ojugo earned the highest title for an O I Nri Igbo woman by remembering that in her past life she had buried a pot of itensils and things from her past life. When it was discovered in a big ceremony it was confirmed as true fact and she was given that […]

30 Oct 2020


P.S. This War. Is not ..or no longer Ghosts Ancestors of the past. It is right here and now Present. In your homes, offices, jobs, personal lives, private lifes, public lifes… Hence G-Ode’s Army .. Harmonies Army I Amy. Me on Facebook Those who joined in with Full Awareness And those about to Esacape This Night Mare On a 747 Jet Plane. Last Call Boarding Pass B P Beautiful Pride…Core Family Door Closed. Now boarding Flight Light A.M. 5 11 […]

30 Oct 2020

10/30/2020 16:33 – Facebook Post

16:19 Hundred Hours right now P.S * Post Script Please Stop 16 19. = 35. C E. @ 8 Sacred Portal 8 See sequence S T. Stephen Filgueria. Tree Sage 39. C I. 39. 12. L. Life. Light Lightness Luminosity =Loves Expression Iluminate then, Enlighten I L Serenity Erabella ( Anirbas Lem Dillon RobertDillon A L. R D. Eztabon Miguel Filgueira Kim Arthur Hines E K . M A. F H. 56. E F = 11 K. Kim. 112. K […]

30 Oct 2020

10/30/2020 15:23 – Facebook Post

Stephen Esteban took me to 114 Grant Moor Motel on arrival in Connecticut 23 months ago. Kim Arthur Hines was born 11 -4 Mission Impossible 8 to Extract Stephen Esteban And Tree Kim Arthur Hines S T. E K. From the clutches of the Great Wizard and Warlock… Spells and constant War. Kim was in the Army.. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

30 Oct 2020

10/30/2020 15:02 – Facebook Post

Kim is still 32. 3 months 2 days at 29 Lincoln Esther Isabel Cecilia Jonn Jason Lee JJ L = 32 Tree Sage is as Stephen Filgueria Line of Wisdom John. 5 6 principle of Existence Family of T E N Eros Kali. E K Emeka Kim E K Esteban Emeka Hines Kolo. Filgueria Kolo. Emeka Kelsie Bissell Edward Kelsie E K E K Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here