
Monthly Archives: August 2020

14 Aug 2020

2:04 p.m

2:04 p.m 24…E M F 20 4 T D.. 2O 4… B O D… Y 2 64 8-14-2020 H.N TT Harmony Nature Pi. Hello… First I wish to make something Clear to you all .. again. This is a Video Game. Second of all- the entire point of my Life Journey from Birth at St Mary’s Hospital in London, to Alexander Grove where my sister and I were both born, to Arden Geminio and the 4 in one lines he […]

14 Aug 2020

8/14/2020 13:45 – Facebook Post

From Facebook Memories Today Andrese Harris Burton 11 43. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

13 Aug 2020

8/13/2020 16:17 – Facebook Post

14:47 Hundred Hours N D G 8-13-2020. H M. TT. The Power of the Lie False Accussation And Blame. Sacred Portal 59 Confirmed. 14:49 p.m I recieved a message read verbatim from Esteban Miguel Filgueira it was from Liberty C Liscomb I had just gotten up, I was fine. I have retreated from this play, but once again found myself dragged back into it. I was aware of Stephen simply being a message of Terrible Death but when he asked […]

12 Aug 2020

6:29 p.m.

6:29 p.m. Okay.. I literally felt the heard what I can call the Universal Body, literally just speak through me. The Universal Body, by the way is the Universal Truth O.. Full Circle. It said, Can’t you understand that I am Evolving Alone Can you not Pause for just a moment to imagine what that must be like, after all I endured to bring you the Truth. To understand my feelings.. to have that moment of Empathy, to simply put.. […]

12 Aug 2020

From J J S.

From J J S. This nature of Humanity Ceases to exist. Original Facebook Post: Click Here

11 Aug 2020

22:24 Hundred Hours

22:24 Hundred Hours As witnesessed ( By those paying attention) I have witnessed myself move Energy Everything to move via Expression Feelings Silence and Sound 22:25 Hundred Hours Even through this self serving script to reach 25 Victorious A forced to play characters and have interactions not as myself, but one scripted conscripted to fill a Need which of course diminshes the Respect people naturally felt and saw for me. In my Being and Doing. As most are aware I […]

11 Aug 2020

22:22 Hundred Hours

22:22 Hundred Hours V V. S P 34. Original Facebook Post: Click Here

11 Aug 2020

Facebook Post..

Hello and Welcome.. Original Facebook Post: Click Here

10 Aug 2020

8/10/2020 21:59 – Facebook Post

21:13 Hundred Hours 9:13 p.m 8-10-2020. 8 50 8-56 8 11 81 H A 9 I Bibiana Fabbri. Is the Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix Maze response to the play on the EA- E M Field Sacred Portal 43 Door of Life.. Joseph .. Sonata 4 4 7 43. ‘ Alive! Life’s Craftsman” He who is the Crafter of True Life. Being Alive B A. S E. ME. N.T. ( Not Stayin Alive.. S A… Supreme Awareness Manifest Energy – Expression […]

09 Aug 2020

8/9/2020 19:58 – Facebook Post

3:45 p.m. C D E 8-9-2020. H.I 20 20 Vision. * I really enjoyed Kachy Ihem definition and expression of the number 20. In my sacred Portals it represents Lady E.C H O “True Clarity… creates an Echo response from the Universe to ones expression as being Fact. Liberty C Liscomb decided to use that sacred portal on her phone the first few days of our interaction. And was given an echo response every single day of every expression and […]