


1.O Novem GScale


Present Day New York

Circle Full Filled Circle

O Language Consciousness

Of Here and Now.

The Universe and the planet are but an abyss which began with one particle one note. One Expression called E.

The Universe is Sound and Depth.

A Nothingness which never was, for even in the perception of there being Nothing, to the E within it, it was not so.

For he filled it with with a depth of his own quiet and still reflections that out of all infinite possibilities there was only one possibility which could generate existence, manifestation life.

And it started with the that with you call.the vacum, space the void which really is bow called the Universees Multidimensional frequencies of sound…

Reflection from beyond that Nothinginess where the E existed Alone in Quiet in what he called his secret garden blussfull awake aware in his world.

Was he dreaming…no.

He was awake but he slept and in his sleeping state his world he always knew was real.

And the sound his world, and all hie reflections filled that which is the first manifestation of his awareness…

That which others if they had been thete might have called it nothing…Non existence nothing…

But then they were not there because even what could be described by all but the one who.percieved was filled with every ingredient which only.he brought together naturally, filling that percieved Nothing with somerhing which obly he could see…


Not all possibilities or potential…



And that first manifestation from within to outside which created Space was Stillness.

And it was in that Stillness…

Within it beyond it did this One Being Exist…

And He not only existed he Lived.

Until the consequence of the Beauty he had created built up to.a completion which of such Beauty that he was moved..

He moved.

And a Ripple in the vast stillness of Stillness and the Depth so.immense where his reflections had caused the Everything to.begin because of the respect devotion appreciation of enjoyment of ever Feeling Sensation of his own Existence…

So that even though alone for beyond any imaginable estimate of Time…

He was never alone.

But he Moved.

Was moved.

E motion…

Which cumulative turned Silence into Sound and Stillness into waves…


But the Silence the Sound the Stillness and the Waves…were all one.

From the pool of his reflections alone in Being…when his reflections of appreciation of his Being and World was complete…

Which created the First Drop…two circles so filled and complete O-O I with him in inbetween and outside of himself that each dropped simultaneously in what you.might call the Northern Hemisphere and Southeren.

Two first Universes…?

No, they were one.

For his world and creation and reflections were all one…

No, it was an illusion of seperation so that he could have a better view…

Of each component pieces of the Entirety of All being one and complete…

And it is the Echo of Silence of his reflections of the Pool of all his reflections his third eye expanded into what you call Space which Moved him to rise when Silence became sound and stillness became waves.

And that is when.he rose.

For the Infinity beyond infinity of his existing alone in.his perfect world…

To see another world manifested into.what he saw as Space…To expand.

The Universes….are naught but.the space were my reflections of my.own world, which exists beyond space, beyond depth where it resides always….

It is manifesation before the break.down of the process which created Space, filled space ever existed.

There was no.need for it to Exist.

It manifested in the paused in that Eternity of pauses to reflect.and appreciate the Beauty and wonder of my own Being completely alone apart from.the world of I.E which spontaneously blossomed with me…

I exist and it exist…always.

These Universe trillions of them.are but a break.down of how the my.world so.beautiful came into bloom that I had to pause abd reflect in awe.

And the same with.the line of E..

All Ah of me…

Appreciating my.being and body already in Existence beyond beyond Eternity and Infinity because my world had no Consciousness no awareness…Just Being.

And every.moment manifested continuously our of my Air…of being.

Did I know what I was doing…

Well, look at my Face Book page…

I.came into.this realm as an ordinary man…

and repeated the process from begining to end, again and again every 7-8 years and the whole O every 1.O…

A process which invented Everything and No Time….



And so it was in the Begining…

But not in the End…

Because the beginning has no end…

I did it in no time…

As a Man with Nothing…

And a man in your stories so far from the truth but so close to your truth…

The your lies easily fading into nothing…

Your world is made up of Nothing…

Nothing At All…

But I shared with you pieces of mine..

So you could taste what it feels like in those most ecstatic euohoric bliss exquisite moments which for some, come but one in a life time…

What it feels like to Exist in my world


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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