
Monthly Archives: October 2019

11 Oct 2019

From Memphis Charlie

From Memphis Charlie Link Stephen Johnson And I. Mr Nobody told the Truth. Original Facebook Post: Click Here

10 Oct 2019

10/10/2019 18:03 – Facebook Post

From Chance Birdick Liscomb. C B L From Liberty C Liscomb L C L C L. B C. L L. ( 24. X. T.E.N) Beautiful Huh? Full Circle O and o Looks Like a Man Holding a Circle And a boy, as the smaller one. A Juggler. It reminds me of Sacred Portal 73. 37/ 73 Jugglers.. Handle Many Things. Gifted with Grace.. Devotions Dedication Gain Rewaed. D D G R Golden Ratio. 6:03 p.m Original Facebook Post URL: Click […]

10 Oct 2019

12:49 p.m

12:49 p.m From Heather Dowling H.D. 48 Sacred Portal Beautiful Death. As Transformation. 12:49 p.m. Liberty C Liscomb this should answer your questuon as to what is going on with me, and why I am so irrirated by this play. Saw this the moment I came down stairs. And there will be True Hell to pay, for using this power of an illusion on me still to get what they want from me. No matter the Cost. 49th State Two […]

09 Oct 2019

I watched this with Liberty C Liscomb today.

I watched this with Liberty C Liscomb today. She and her sons had watched this before but I hadnt. Aug Tellez linked to Liberty. A.T. Abby Temple.. A.T. All linked to A.I. As most of my older Facebook Friends are aware, I have been proving amongst other things. Life Consciousness And Death As Transformation Eternal and Absoulte Ultimate End. Not for this public, but rather for you as being witnesses. * Which is why I never required your belief, nor […]

09 Oct 2019

Psalm 104

Psalm 104 Sacred Portal 104 Terrible Death. Victor M.Erlich V .M.E… 🙂 2:04 a.m Original Facebook Post: Click Here

09 Oct 2019

From Busayo Alonge

From Busayo Alonge Praise Him Jerusalem Samaria ( The Good Samaritan) Judea. J S J 10 19 10 39 C I 12 Limitless 3 Consciousness 1:08 a.m. Acts 1:8. A H Anastasia Hart Post She liked today Ringing Cedars A R C Proton Electron Neutron P E N O P E N April means Open. Spring. Rebirth Anastasia 1;11 a.m. Holy Ghost. H G 8 7.. MW 87 Power. Thats Me.. I carry it Lightly Elegantly Gracefully.. L E G. […]

08 Oct 2019


From Nnaemeka Ifennanna Ezeufonna If a True Link to the Expression of the Black.Panthers.. They will be set free at the same time as my body. E Original Facebook Post: Click Here

08 Oct 2019

From Nnaemeka Ifennanna Ezeufonna

From Nnaemeka Ifennanna Ezeufonna N I E / E I.N. Standing Bear Walking Bear Splitting Rock Standing Rock Solid on the Truth 3:12 p.m Original Facebook Post: Click Here

08 Oct 2019

10/8/2019 0:19 – Facebook Post

A Quick note ( So much like a video game) I have a new Facebook Friend Lisa Aberu LA.. Sixth Note 6th sense. 12 1.. Its means ” Gods Oath and vow satisfied to the Abraham, 12 Tribes 12 Tribes -“Father of many”, Fromo the Portuguese Catalain Ancient noble house of Normany. 12:12 p.m Abru also means in Arabic ” Dignity, Fortune Honor and Good Nane.” 12 12 L L And that links to code Lisa Levine Liberty C Liscomb. […]

07 Oct 2019

8:35 p.m

8:35 p.m H. C.E. Harmony C.E. Chukwuemeka Emeka. Fractaling As Emeka Eze Chima Ezejiofor Cynthia Eze Thank you Abby Temple for doing the courtesy and respect, ( Fair Exchange) of personally researching the Origins of my name ( you will be amazed at how few returned the courtesy, I have done this with every new Facebook friend since I began or entered this Play Theater, In 2012. T.L) Yes, my name is an expression of Praise. The Creator, Lord God, […]