
Monthly Archives: June 2019

15 Jun 2019

Still at 12 67 Facebook Friends

Still at 12 67 Facebook Friends … 8:50 p.m B.K. E. 67. I opened the Book of Nature so you can read… Allah told Mohammad to Read Read the book of Nature. Read the Sign of the Times.. Write it down my Script, truthfully honestly, following carefully, not blindly.. Odera once, it is written, having obeyed my Script to the letter and number, and accurately precisely, and obediently waiting, pausing for for my confirmation, I will promise you, at its […]

15 Jun 2019
15 Jun 2019

6/15/2019 13:40 – Facebook Post

From Angela Marie Alexander & Anirbas Lem “Strawberry Fields of Forever” Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

15 Jun 2019

From Ogemdinakachukwu Jasper Ahamefula

From Ogemdinakachukwu Jasper Ahamefula And Ada Ezza Ezekuna Considering this Play and Script and it’s break down into numeric codes, This post is relevant to the Truth of Manifestation. Original Facebook Post: Click Here

14 Jun 2019

Sacred Portal 79

Sacred Portal 79 Blue Print of Existence Two Men J J On John Thomas .. Rocket Jesse Macias John Mack Tom-AZ H Tiger Man Woods. Atlantis See Cee Men They enter the mystery of S.H.E.. Original Facebook Post: Click Here

14 Jun 2019

9:01 p.m

9:01 p.m I O A. I Omega Alpha. I, am the 6 -1 I. F A. TH.E. R. 6-14-2019. F N T S. Father Nature The Script. Hello, My day started with a text from Sarah Kaizer and my meeting with John Mack. S J.. K.M. John arrived with a message from Father- A sign he had read along the way, and turned back to read, knowing it pertained to our meeting. Father opened up the Book of Nature for […]

14 Jun 2019
14 Jun 2019

From Laura Walsh

From Laura Walsh Sent to me at 8:24 pm E M F = 24. Yes, after 18 years, of moving through a predeterned Scriot of People and places, reaching recently a portal with two code 317. And 5 17. 17 is Q. It equates to Quantum Leap Jump Change And is the thread of using my own equation for Quantum Mechanics, E =C M.e.4/3. Which I have been using to consciously transforming blackness of the idea of a random universe […]

13 Jun 2019

6/13/2019 21:01 – Facebook Post

2:35 p.m B C E 6-13-2019. F M T S. Focus Attention Awareness Focus Attention. F A. A F A. Good Grief, I have no idea how to start this post today. And the only reason, I am explaining, one more time is because of Sarah Kaizer. If you recall, the last money code play had the name “Sarai” on it. And it linked to Sarah Sarah has the same energy frequency of the essence of my Biological Sister. And […]

13 Jun 2019

6/13/2019 17:17 – Facebook Post

The last Money Code play at 219-217 South Whitney. Linked to Sarah Kaizer Sarai .. Abraham Sarai Hagar.. A S H. * Phoenix rises from the Ashes of a the true version which was destroyed and another a lie chosen to take its place OI Nri HE.Brew. Ham. The Anointed Replaced by the Jewish Islam Christian version. Athena .. Recall the Golden Owl gift from Esteban Miguel Filgueira..? Athena and her Golden Owl. Kaiser means” Kings” Priest Kings. Melchidezick Eze […]