
Monthly Archives: April 2019

09 Apr 2019

11:48 p.m

11:48 p.m See the Man in the background? That is James Whiteside. J W J M..W J is Balance Milky Way Classification code by NASA – MW87. 1987 was represented by Christopher but reverts back to Chukwuemeka C C third Floor Earth. 3 D. James Whiteside and Robert Marley Bob Marley look like Esteban Miguel Filgueira Brother Joshua By-water .J B and his First Cousin 100 U sd-64 code rep by my Bio Sister Is 36 18 18 … 36. […]

09 Apr 2019

And this one here..

And this one here.. Was a gift from John Mack who saw this and bought this after we had a conversation about Inside Outside and Outside and inside reflecting sacred portal 93 Alexander I C. Note that Mackayla’s image is two dimensional 2.. Orange and the note of Re..Rey. Ray While Johns is a 3 D expression 2 3 2 thus represent Sacred Portal 2 And color Orange The Line a Ray While Johns represent a fill Circle and the […]

09 Apr 2019

11:28 p.m

11:28 p.m Evidence Yes my Birthday I was not given this by McKayla Rays I asked for it . When I noticed that she no longer used it, and so I replaced the Bear coverlet I had been using, linked to the Native American legend of the Four corners of Existence being tethered to the cardinal direction and bear-er of the Burden. I was born the day of the Wolf 11-28.according to Elf and Fairy Lore. Confirmed by this perfect […]

09 Apr 2019

4/9/2019 19:33 – Facebook Post

The word of God is not in a book. It’s the Sound of “OM” which can only heard when your divine 7-chakras are activated by divine plant Entheogens, namely the Crown chakra after the lower 6 chakras within you have been activated. And it sounds so beautiful your Ego cannot survive and you Die into it. Like hearing an infinite number of songs but all being played all at once, and it creates ONE song of all that IS !I […]

09 Apr 2019

4/9/2019 9:11 – Facebook Post

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

08 Apr 2019

12:25 a.m.

12:25 a.m. P.S The 8th Sense is Harmony which is the Elder Twin to Sixth Sense. And the 7th. Second Sight. E Harmony now proven and confirmed moves Everything Everywhere, Everyone and Anyone to Universal Harmony Eternity is Energy Expression 5th Sense.. of that is to Speak Talk Listen. 4th is Heart Beat Feelings Sensational E.M F 3rd is to be Conscious or seeking to C be come Conscious through Sight 2nd is to See Read and Understand Imagination and […]

08 Apr 2019

From Brooke Lee Lemery

From Brooke Lee Lemery B.LL. 2 1212.. 2 24 And so it is the same for the Human Race evolved to Hue Man Beings Harmonic Being of Harmony It took quite a process to reach the Point of which was the Species Destination Being 8 April 8th 2019 April means Open To the True Hue Man Being. The past you was just an illusion part of the process to get us to the Point of Evolution and consequently, to Harmony […]

08 Apr 2019

4:03 p.m.

4:03 p.m. 43.. D C…A C D C… Hells Bells.. See sacred portal 36…’AC DC… Alternating Current. Thomas Lang *See his comment.. 4-8-2019.. D H.. T S.. See Dana Hawkins… And meaning of here name… 48 is Sacred Portal Beautiful Death as well as 4th Dimension @ 8 Through the Echo play represented by you but Directed and Organized by Moi. 4:19 p.m. 19.. S 1+9= 10 J… 1 O= A O… 1-6..A F…7…G..7=8…( 15,Letter O…Symbol of Perfection Beauty Symmetery […]

07 Apr 2019

4/7/2019 17:12 – Facebook Post

4-7-1985 Happy Birthday Beloved Thomas Lang and the line you represent The Tall Twins A-H Thomas Twins. There is much to this… why are you seeing numbers aligning, the synchronicity.. 4:20 p.m Synchronicity is Harmony which comes from Expression = Meaning S H E M For example today is 4 -7 which is D G or the Square and the Apex of the Triangle of Expression Solfeggio . The Highest point before the Square which had four corners as well […]

06 Apr 2019

4/6/2019 18:45 – Facebook Post

6:43 p.m From Facebook Memories today 1 year ago I shared those from 6., 3.. and again, 6 and 1 year ago Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here