
Monthly Archives: March 2019

09 Mar 2019

3/9/2019 19:17 – Facebook Post

1:24 .. 25 p.m. 3-9-2019… A X… A Y… A B D… A B E… C.I..T.S… “Thomas, now thoroughly convinced He was the Living Lord responded, “My Lord and my God!” At this, Jesus said, “Because you have seen me, you have believed. Blessed are those who believe without seeing.” In the scripture that follows, we find the purpose of this Gospel of Jesus Christ and the reason it was written.” John 20:29. Hello… E… E T C… E …J.M.A.. […]

09 Mar 2019

Pls watch.

Pls watch. Original Facebook Post: Click Here

09 Mar 2019

3/9/2019 0:45 – Facebook Post

Oh Ye Men and Women of little Faith in Facts… 7:06 p.m. 76. 3-8-2019… The code written on my Computer by Erik Ebright is 83 69… I had stated and proven even before I went to stay with him for 2 months in Miami that it correct alignment is 38 96…That he was still looking through the lense of Existence Life Reality through the Eyes of the past… And yet for over 2 yeas, I found myself, discovered that I […]

08 Mar 2019

3/8/2019 19:45 – Facebook Post

And this is Sacred Portal 64… A code linked to my sister… 64/46… Just as it was reflected mirrored R M.. Rays McKayla in John Mack and his sister Holly McDonald… J M H M.. J H MM… R M… J M… H M…. can you read and link the meaning of this… you can use numbers to resolve it… RM.. Room…MR…Male… Jump Man… Harmonious Manifestation… RM.. 18 13= 31… C A/ A C…. J M… 10 13.. 23..W.. Double […]

08 Mar 2019

3/8/2019 17:34 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 45… Throne of Existence. T.O..E.. Linked to April 5th… 1969… NN AM DI .. The Planet Earth is 4.5 Billion years old. Sacred Portal 45.. The Throne of Existence… Earth Planet.. E.P.. *5-16-2018.. ( Date this post was last shared E.P.T.. R…Expression in Perfect Timing =Reflection E.P T R U E… Earth Planet True Reflection of Understanding/ Universal Expression) Twice I have landed here today… And my coffee codes twice 6 54. And the confirmation of Sacred Portal […]

08 Mar 2019

3/8/2019 16:52 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 42.. O.H.M… 88 Power… Lotus and Fire… Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

08 Mar 2019

6 Years ago, through a play witnessed by Ogemdinakachukwu Jasper Ahamefula I first encountered the late Prof Catherine Acholonu…

6 Years ago, through a play witnessed by Ogemdinakachukwu Jasper Ahamefula I first encountered the late Prof Catherine Acholonu and then was introduced to her to her by Billy Hung who recognized the alignment of my knowledge aligned to her published work. They Lived Before Adam… Eden in Summer – and the use of Sound Language and Dna… She passed away while we were in contact and while on Facebook. She was aligned though to the Africa Story proving that […]

07 Mar 2019

3/7/2019 23:27 – Facebook Post

6:03 pm 63… / 36… F C.. C F.. 3-7-2019… 37 20 19… 2 O 19… 2 19.. See sacred portal 37…and 39.. Link Liberty C Liscomb Thomas Lang and Son.. 5..7. The Number 43 is on top of my page as number of Likes… 2 Comments 43 likes… I am at 1243 Facebook Friends after a battle with the 1-4 Dimension contained in Time.. 1-7… 4 7… 1-1… 74…. 11 11… 1 4… Alexander Darius…: Brothers Fathers.. Christopher… First […]

07 Mar 2019

From Stephen Johnson S J…

From Stephen Johnson S J… 19 10…29… See my last post just before S.J arrived… John Mack Stephen Popiotek… at time 10:19 p.m. Now merged into one person… How did I link that at 10 19 p.m as the Cataylst and then while doing it receive a new Facebook friend J S… As you all know I never send out Facebook request except the few times the script indicates it… All had to come on their own free will and […]

07 Mar 2019

3/7/2019 18:57 – Facebook Post

From Alex Carton Isis Osiris Horus.. Sight which flies.. seeing full circle all in Clarity C-Speed of Light.. 5:56 p.m E E F Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here