
Monthly Archives: March 2019

18 Mar 2019

3/18/2019 20:33 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 39.. I was looking for this portal in my albums, wondering why it was not present… I looked down on my phone and saw I had three messages from Liberty C Liscomb with some valuable intel.. on the meaning and name of Jeron.. ( also Geron) He was born the 25th.. ( I was not sure, I asked but got no reponse until now… 24 or 25… 25 is more correct because it is Y Y Chromosome as […]

18 Mar 2019

3/18/2019 18:16 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 54. Super Nova… #54 Super Nova! Mother and Father Father and Mother finally Dancing in Universal Harmony Infinity Song.. Child Birth and Labour” Played out in room 5.A… with Ceasar Rivera.. C R/ Ray-Monde Carver.. Ray at the Shelter…8:28 p.m.” The Planet Earth is 4.5 Billion Years old. England 5-4-1969…Born Oldham Manchester England ( O M E.. H O M E) 4 5/ 5 4… Expression from the 5th Dimension manifested the Stage 4 Corners and the play […]

18 Mar 2019

3/18/2019 17:46 – Facebook Post

3:58 p.m. C E.H .. 3-18-2019 C-R-T.S At 1239 Facebook Friends. Hello, It’s way too late to explain anymore how a small group of people from all around the world are each part of a Micro Macro play of the astral plane or 4th Dimension are acting out without awareness, are moved and acting out Humanities right to Evolve. The people were Elected Chosen, just as I was used to prove that all these people are part of the play […]

17 Mar 2019

From Melia Lord

From Melia Lord Dragon of Existence Phoenix D P. 4 16. 20. D P.T. Original Facebook Post: Click Here

17 Mar 2019

5:36 p.m

5:36 p.m Original Facebook Post: Click Here

17 Mar 2019


J.M DOORS Riders of the Storm R O T S. Riddle Of the Sphinx. R O T S.. / S T O R. E S T O R Y. Janus What is in Store And what is Left Behind Diamond Clarity … D C Green Life. G.L. Played out yesterday Geron Liberty C Liscomb G L 7 12.. 19 84 Portal Completed And risen to 4-7-1985 Rep Thomas Lang Nadava. T.N./ N.T. 2014.. 34. 7 Nikolai Tesla Aligned .. 85 […]

17 Mar 2019

1:54 p.m

1:54 p.m Excellent Healer E.H. E 8 E Infinity Healer. Original Facebook Post: Click Here

16 Mar 2019

3/16/2019 23:47 – Facebook Post

He Sings! H.S.. E H S S H E The Sacred and Holy one Sings! Liberty Freedom Liberty C Liscomb And so Lady Livery has been found Lady Liberty ‘LL 1212.. 24. Her Son G. E R. O N. – E G E. 7 5. Reflects R =18. 99. = I. I. Two Reflection Mirror WORLD 7 Contents 5 Sees Crown Chakra C C. 33 And Voice -Expression V.E John Mack dream his throat E V 5:22 p.m Elvis Visi […]

16 Mar 2019

Sacred Portal 56..

Sacred Portal 56.. ( not 25) 56.. E F E Family 56 ..11. 2. 1…. Completed with K.B.E/ B K E Kelsie Bissell Christopher Filgueira ( Wallet E.T ) 2:20 p.m. 22. V. Yew Dey shared this Tree Sage commented. Y D .. 25 4.. 29. 11 2. 11 1 (3) T.S 2019. 39. 11. 3. 33. M.R B . 6..F. And with the play of Andrey Klebanov A.K. 1 11. I knew it was time to post this Sacred […]

15 Mar 2019

6:15 p.m.

6:15 p.m. 3-15-2019…. At 1243 Face Book Friends… 6 15… F O… 3 15… C O… T S… 12 4 3… L D C… Life and Death is C… Hello… I got up vexed and irritated, when I realized I was still in the Script of Woman as the Creator versus Male. Still… ? After all this… I was suspicious after the play on 3-12- 2019…with the British Embassy… How much further.. I could not take in of how once […]