
Monthly Archives: March 2019

04 Mar 2019

3/4/2019 17:15 – Facebook Post

2:27 p.m. 2-4-2019. Still at 1240 Facebook Friends.. Which aligns in my Sacred Portals as 12 Which represents the Hologram,and Sacred Portal Africa Pangea which represents the completion of the worlds History. It links to the history of the Planet Earth and the Universe. From what I have read linked and had confirmed, the completion this last scene of the play film, script which I have found myself explaining and demonstrating, points to Rays McKayla and John Mack returning on […]

04 Mar 2019

3/4/2019 14:35 – Facebook Post

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

02 Mar 2019
02 Mar 2019

From Busayo Alonge

From Busayo Alonge Breathe Rest Shelter Yoga… Esteban Miguel Filgueira Working on the foundation of Human Consciousness grounded in this reality Requires Breath Umeano! All is Breath and to understand breath is to gain the rest The square root is to sit and breath Air. That is the riddle of the Buddha. The Stillness Breath Air.. Space. A.H. .. Do you really think I care who believes me the Source? Do you not know that I am perfectly aware of […]

01 Mar 2019

3/1/2019 22:32 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 84… Link it to the Can of Beer.. Do you see the Pine Cone behind the Lady carrying the man… Link to the Two Roads can of beer.. C O B… From the name Yacob… Jacob… J A..John Alexander C O B.. Meaning “Yaweh may protect” See the Demon lurking behind and the Sad Pine Apple Face Girl… This was the Nature of the Script… it included everything in your life, everything happening around you weave it link […]

01 Mar 2019

8:55 p.m

8:55 p.m The Universal S ensie School Breath Rest Food Water Shelter is complete. Esteban Miguel Filgueira He gave me all 5 of these things. As well as Space Time Friendsip Luxury Devotion and Love as Faith a Feeling. And thus through these simple items Using Natural Magic- the E have manifested the New Schools to be built and manifested all over the world. Nothing can now stop it from manifestation This is Ancient Wizardry Which is what first inspired […]

01 Mar 2019

8:54 p.m

8:54 p.m E.t Voila! The Final Equation Original Facebook Post: Click Here

01 Mar 2019


Meaning. Convergence of facts Link the meaning Particles Anchored Meaning = Understanding Silence Is Contemplation M U S I C. Gold. Sarah Kaizer Athena came at the end at my behest Esteban Miguel Filgueira in the Beginning Both have no clue as to what they were saying but E steban was a aware making a point to state that on the can of Beer was a code a message And it was because of that and our subsequent conversation that […]

01 Mar 2019


C.AB. ALA.. A LA is the Igbo Earth Goddess K. A B B A. L.A.H Do you see the correlation between my Creation Story written in 2004 at 57th and 33rd Street Manhattan The Original Story of the Family of TEN And this one of the Judaic Christian riddle Rep Sarah Kaizer Esteban Miguel Filgueira And me used for the Igbo O.I.Nri. E in Sof.. E S. Read if you will, TEN manifestations of God from the Nothingness. Naturalness Nature […]

01 Mar 2019

From Busayo Alonge

From Busayo Alonge Please take a look once again at Stephens Esteban MiguelFilgueira s Altar See the Flight of the Unicorn through a Pysvhsdelic Fantastic Magic Mushroom world and then see the Stag facing the other direction – as Nature- being grounded in the Earth. Two Dimension, Fantasy and Fact.. Moving in opposite directions And completion is when the Fantasy and Fact meet in the Center and merge as one and complete Where the two meet and converge… it forms […]