
Monthly Archives: January 2019

19 Jan 2019

1/19/2019 22:05 – Facebook Post

5:55 p.m 1-19-2019. @1219 Facebook Friends. Date and Time aligned. Sacred Journey. Hello. Yes, I am pissed by this Script and play. I always return to bliss and ecstasy, no one and nothing can stop me from ascending back to my home frequency. But the Source of my Fury and Rage is how far this Script has gone, and because of the Wave or Tidal Wave.. Tsunami actually, of the pathway I had to walk through world’s created by people […]

18 Jan 2019

6:36 p.m

6:36 p.m From Klo TrueMask.. K T. M. Here is a riddle for you.. In will share three of Klo’s posts they appeared in sequence one after the other… And we’re the only ones, I could share.. It’s a story of the three.. Original Facebook Post: Click Here

18 Jan 2019

From Alexa Vertefeuille

From Alexa Vertefeuille Just Beautiful.. P S Link the earing in his Ear… symbol… and her Hair.. Red Red Read… Original Facebook Post: Click Here

18 Jan 2019

1/18/2019 0:59 – Facebook Post

From Busayo Alonge. Yes Beloved I.C. A.V. is here Rep by Alexa Vertefeuille. Link Alex Vidaud.. Tatoo Raises the Codes of the Dead through ” Ink Spell ” Ink Death Ink Hart..For D.. And Connect And I Cut. From the Film.. dropped on the editing floor Garbage Abyss.. No recycling Not this time.. No more. A V is the Feminine and Masculine rep of the line of the “Defender of Man proclaimed the One Awarness V..of the 5th Dimension proven […]

17 Jan 2019

1/17/2019 18:06 – Facebook Post

Crucified Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

16 Jan 2019

10:12 p.m.

10:12 p.m. J.L.. 22 V. Is she not beautiful Before the humans came the Elemental Ethereal.. 10:16 p.m. Original Facebook Post: Click Here

16 Jan 2019

7:52 p.m.

7:52 p.m. Sacred Portal 37… Rays McKayla did you remember the number 37.. something which you told me came to you… and how I explained it… This is what all this Hoopla is really all about. Evolution Awakening, though begun and completed had one last aspect – it required the Evolution of the Body as well as Consciousness and Expression-Awareness.. A B C… Sacred Portal 37… Sacred Portal 37 Artful Professor…of Love…Beauty… L B.. 8 p.m… *Christopher Filgueira Mother and […]

16 Jan 2019

7:04 p.m

7:04 p.m G O D. See the Rock.. ? Over the Tree of Life. Men O R A. C L E .. Men Orah… Men O Ray Mi 7:06 p.m 76 G F Grape Fruit. Jupiter 5 Uranus 7. 12 Earth. And 12 Olympian Gods Original Facebook Post: Click Here

16 Jan 2019

6:43 p.m.

6:43 p.m. In my Locker I had the magnetic letters recall? In Yellow Red and Green ..and P in Light Blue. The yellow letters spelt V O G U .E. Vogue is the office from which my Journals Talking To The Silence was discovered by Madame Susan Train. Former Editor of Vogue Paris.. S T. And Allen Ginsberg.. A G.. And Edmund White . E.W. In 1993 after I came back from my journey through death to portal I experienced, […]

16 Jan 2019

12 18…..

12 18….. @ 5:22 p.m. E V.. 50B96.. Code sent by Rays McKayla And Sarah Kaizer… who just texted me at 5;23 as I was about to right her name.. 50 is E O… Aligned to Sacred Portal 50… Aligned to Stephen Filgueira and Christopher Filgueira… 96… is the correct reflection of 69.. Thus MW.69.. Represented by my brother Nnamdi as Death age 13 mirrored by 31 yr old Christopher Filgueira 3rd Floor… and Tree Sage rep of 2nd Floor […]