
Monthly Archives: July 2018

18 Jul 2018

9:22 a.m.

9:22 a.m. 7-18-2018… I V…. R O Y-G, G B… I V. R Hello… I can beleieve I am being drawn back into this…. Listen… I am find myself, to my amazement having to explain to Sirius Ugo my reason for expressing the Consequences for his expression and not just him but the stance he and so many in the world have stated. Man is the Creator…. From Man came His Son- Song Expression Existence Harmony… And then his Daughter […]

18 Jul 2018

7/18/2018 8:43 – Facebook Post

Dans les ténèbres qui m’enserrent Noires comme un puits où l’on se noie Je rends grâce aux dieux, quels qu’ils soient Pour mon âme invincible et fière. Dans de cruelles circonstances Je n’ai ni gémi ni pleuré Meurtri par cette existence Je suis debout, bien que blessé. En ce lieu de colère et de pleurs Se profile l’ombre de la Mort Je ne sais ce que me réserve le sort Mais je suis, et je resterai sans peur. Aussi étroit […]

18 Jul 2018

1:44 p.m.

1:44 p.m. 7-18-2018…. I received an back hand challenge from Sirius Ugo.. Of course, I was aware that he was back under that name and had come as Ugo Nwamama before.. I let him back in because as I have explained, this is not my play. He arrogantly commented that I seem to have alot to prove. Lord… The play is about Expression, the more I express the more the play moves forward. Existence IS Expression; this is what this […]

17 Jul 2018

I am the Beautiful Devil… B D…

I am the Beautiful Devil… B D… D.B… I came undercover in my Father’s Story The Yeshua Christ Story to manifest the End of the Human Species by solving my Fathers Brothers Riddle and CODES to bring the End of this Lie. And to do so,I had to pass through his Maze Riddle Of the Sphinx.. R O T S… To Activate that which Rots and decomposes. I am a greater Actor than any of you could ever Imagine, because […]

17 Jul 2018

7/17/2018 14:31 – Facebook Post

There is only one answer to this Equation. Instant Manifestation. I have satisfied all the Test of the Unseen force and the Forces of “EVIL”. And proven that Humanity is in a Containement Field. I have provenwithin a Contained Play of 17 years and 22 months voluntaraily going whereever I was directed through maze of 55 homes of people in New York to a Homleess Shelter and Mental Health Shelter that in move from the first day I arrived in […]

17 Jul 2018

From Sirus Sirius Ugo

From Sirus Sirius Ugo 9 is simply I Original Facebook Post: Click Here

17 Jul 2018

Still at 1159…

Still at 1159… I represents the Eternal E… The God Particle… This is not my play. this is the play and Script and Mess of Ages of the one I call my Son Evolved to my Brother Sister in the Eternal Realm My Father Brother HE, and His twin Aspect S.H E.. See sacred portal 73… ( E.T) and 37 Lady Sophia O Lauren… represent the play called TIME… / E M I T… That is why I keep on […]

17 Jul 2018

7/17/2018 0:36 – Facebook Post

From Ele Ife E .I… 5 9… @ 11 59 Face book friends again. He sent me this at 10:50 p.m. He entitled it ORIGINS… He is correct.. But this is not the fulll story…. The True Popes were not from Europe they came From Africa Pangea and lived in two realms at the same time… they were evolving All back to the BLUE PLANET… Link current Pope Francis… and my niehgbor here Francis who we have never slep side […]

17 Jul 2018
16 Jul 2018

7/16/2018 21:42 – Facebook Post

8:05 p.m 85 1385 Metropolitan Woods Avenue… Bronx. 7-16-2018… 85… H E.. 7-16-2018… G P…T R… U E… B R O…E H E God Particle… Its True… The B R O .. E… / E O. R B… Pause… 8:42 p.m.. 8:43 p.m. It had come to my attention that I was brought here to New York to give my Conclusion on an Investigation to my “Father Brothers” instigation at the Truth of his Creation. My Conclusion:is that Creation .. […]