
Monthly Archives: March 2018

09 Mar 2018

Aliza Hayley…

Aliza Hayley… A.H Original Facebook Post: Click Here

09 Mar 2018

From Caitlyn Tiara C.T…

From Caitlyn Tiara C.T… Charles Tochukwu my ass… See the correct code of 19 86… Eleuthera Victor… This image reminds me of two girls sailing in a Tea Cup… T.C… C T… E… E T C… I… C I T Y… I.E… CO UN TRY..EE.. I E.. Caitln means Pure Tiara…Origin of the name Tiara: Derived from the vocabulary word tiara (a crown, coronet, headdress). Crown of Purity… ? What nonsense is this? Peter Nyarkô…. Original Facebook Post: Click Here

09 Mar 2018
09 Mar 2018

8:59 a.m…

8:59 a.m… 9:00 a.m. 3-9-20 18… * I noticed that Aiden Bartok my latest Facebook friend has 59 facebook friends. It was a number which kept appearing yesterday as I made my way to Starbucks. It represents Sacred Portal 59 which represents the End of the Story, the Last and Final book of life which is the Book of Filth and Self Hatred- and the departure of the Last guardians and protectors from this realm, leaving it at last to […]

09 Mar 2018

From Aiden Bartok A.B.

From Aiden Bartok A.B. Cool Photograph, like a character in a Movie… of Life Original Facebook Post: Click Here

09 Mar 2018

The Challenger…

The Challenger… Igbo Africa… Woman of the Forest People Original Facebook Post: Click Here

09 Mar 2018
09 Mar 2018

12:25 p.m.

12:25 p.m. L.Y… ( 3 7) 3-9-2018… C-I. T.R…U E… L.Y C .I..T R U E. A.B.B E..C.I…B.O A.H…C E… It seemed somehow fitting that I complete the Equation of the Y-Male Chromosme with my First Cousin Charles Tochukwu Umeano ( C.T.U… 3 20…21) He was born in 1986. And i have felt the pull of the script at which he had figured prominently, his code. In fact, I felt for years that the meddling in my personal script linked […]

08 Mar 2018

Charles T Umeano…

Charles T Umeano… This is my first cousin… I have not seen him since 2005. I have no idea why I was spurred to do a search on him and my sister just now… The date of this post is April 4th… 4-4… yes that tells you all something. He was born 1986… 11:44 p.m. right now, Yes, I had, and still have great love for him, but each decides, and chooses their path and what is their Truth. Though, […]

08 Mar 2018

3/8/2018 21:48 – Facebook Post

5:48 p.m. 3-8-2018…20+18= 38… 3 8 38… 38 38… 11 11 4(1) D.A… All One. E.D.H… E is Deaths Harmony.. ( as Transformation to Beauty.. Beautiful) D.A..Y…E All in One. 5:55 p.m. @ 1093 Facebook Friends. With the arrival, re- entry of Teo Miguel Bouça, into the Weave and Equation of this expression and demonstration of manifesting from the Eternal Plane to this one through all the Lines of Time and Space.. T.S.. 2019.. 39 C.I. Teo means : “The […]