
Monthly Archives: March 2018

31 Mar 2018

3/31/2018 21:42 – Facebook Post

7:01 p.m. 71 3-31-18… 3-31-2018… G.A. C.C.A.R..E. Hi…. I traveled again while lying on my bed. I had commented a few days ago on how I had traveled while on that same bed, and had found my “Little Brother Jon”- whom I had come to New York with, Jon Jason Lee- J .J.L. ( 10 10 12…32…5.. 1O 1O 12.. 14… E.N.) It was from his home that I left, and apart from a brief stay in the computer guy […]

30 Mar 2018

8:41 p.m.

8:41 p.m. H.D.A.. Hello… I just went over to Randall Wiltz and asked if he wanted a a coffee, he politely declined, calling me Sir, ( he usually calls me brother) I asked him what he is doing, he said that he is working, many things at the same time, but presently that he is working on a letter of commendation for a storage unit which had helped him with his property… M M S… That is the name of […]

30 Mar 2018

3/30/2018 11:22 – Facebook Post

From Joy Jane…. Joy is the Gift of the Creator.. The last thing Micheal ( Sulieman ) said to me was I look at you and feel Joy… I was sitting besides Kwame… E.K.. Now I have taken his place… Angel is sitting to my left… A.K… K A… Yes God is the Music of the spheres it moves through all of you… And the Author Conductor of me the the Music is me E.. Angel no free will? No, […]

30 Mar 2018

3/30/2018 1:58 – Facebook Post

11:00 p.m My Word! Is there no Limit to how far this script was allowed to go. I am not really sure if I have the energy or the desire to go any further, with these absurd riddles in such absurd conditions, 11:15 p.m. K.O I am now convinved that this is more and more of a sabotage than anything… Who would agree to such a Script Riddle and testing…? I can not help but ask rhetorically, what is this? […]

30 Mar 2018

2:08 AM

2:08 am 2:09 am. 22 OO 89 V (B4) O2 H I….Harmony Infinity. Vie Before was OXY GEN H I Story. N.O.W…E O.. Life is Eternity. Dawn. And to conclude… The O I Nri Igbo name for Iblis Ebliss. Was EKWE. N S U… The Call to Rise On E N SU.. The Call to Agree of the One or Ones who Knew Know … To Rise.. Bio Father and Bio Brothers middle names OBIEWE.OBIEKWE.. My Late Bio Father and […]

29 Mar 2018

8:02 p.m.

8:02 p.m. 82 3-29-18… 3-29-2018… H.B. C.B.I..( 26+3 Z.C.) R… Harmonious Being B. I.C… Being I.C… ( BIR means One in Turkish. 1 is the code which has been appearing all yesterday… I had 9 usd and then 3 3… Sacred Portal 33. I now have I usd left after spending 2.. 1 is the code on my World Icon. Time 8:08 p.m. 88… See Sacred Portal 88…:Ascension of The Living End, H.R.H. Queen of Existence Death, Supreme and Ultimate. […]

29 Mar 2018

3/29/2018 11:42 – Facebook Post

11:41 am K D A.. A A D A… there a better portal for the landing of the Y E MEN O E Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

29 Mar 2018

9:06 p.m

9:06 p.m 96… 69… Dark Energy Dark Matter Ying Yang. Dark Energy 96% 4.6%, 5%.. 101… 11.. 1.. ( 2) a theoretical repulsive force that counteracts gravity and causes the universe to expand at an accelerating rate. Einstein’s theories So what is dark energy? Well, the simple answer is that we don’t know. It seems to contradict many of our understandings about the way the universe works. We all know that light waves, also called radiation, carry energy. You feel […]

29 Mar 2018

3/29/2018 9:25 – Facebook Post

Only 5% is visible… 4.6% of the Universe is made up of the building blocks Protons Neutrons Electrons… the rest is Dark Matter… 96 Is actually the correct figure…and 4.6 to 5% which makes 101% Which you might say “Hey that does not make sense” But it does in the simple equation 101… 11… 2… 101 11 1… There are 101 men at Delta Manor.. The Microcosm of the Universe represented in the Universal Simulation Awareness Manifest… U S A.M… […]

28 Mar 2018

3/28/2018 21:00 – Facebook Post

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here