
Monthly Archives: July 2017

13 Jul 2017

7/13/2017 14:47 – Facebook Post

From Michaël Trahé… :Still I rise…. Does My Confidence Upset you…?” Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

13 Jul 2017

And the last of the message from Michaël Trahé and his E-Spirit.

And the last of the message from Michaël Trahé and his E-Spirit. Honored forever as Ms Brenda Boothe, Flor Elena Elizabeth Clarizio Lisa Natalie Johnson…and all the lines who contributed to the Beautiful Truth… B’Eau De Vie Water of Life… Water For Life… W.F.L…. W Flor Lisa..B B E C… Jean Michel J.A.R..R.E… J M J… Full Circle… 10 13 10… 33… Original Facebook Post: Click Here

13 Jul 2017

From Michaël Trahé

From Michaël Trahé …To tell the Truth. Original Facebook Post: Click Here

12 Jul 2017

7/12/2017 21:40 – Facebook Post

1001 Arabian Nights. 1001 Face Book Friends…. Imagine, someone writing a Script and then forcing you to play that Role. And the role, is extraordinary but so unrealistic, so unfeasible, and so full of Hatred, Evil Malice from the Indifference and lack of consideration at what it demands from the Actor. That the Actor is made aware, that role which he has been forced to play which if he can succeed in interpreting reveals the True Heroic nature of the […]

11 Jul 2017

7/11/2017 19:13 – Facebook Post

3:59 p.m. C.E.I…. 7-11…2017… 37…1 O. 11-7-1O… Consciousness Eternal Infinite. Seven Eleven.. Always Open.. C.G..( Creation Grace) Alpha Omega. Keith Grant bed 53… E.C..Elizabeth Clarizio, Kristen Green… ( K.G…E.C.K.G…. K.E.K…G.C.G…) My Name is Chukwu Emeka Ikemefuna…. C.E.I. I.E.C… I am the example of Infinite Eternal Consciousness. I have carried the weight and the wait of the World. I am not an Ape. Humanity was not descended from Apes. or Gorilla’s A.G…E as Darwin stated. I am not a Bathing Ape. […]

10 Jul 2017

7/10/2017 21:28 – Facebook Post

7:26 p.m. 7:27 p.m. 7-10-10…. 7-1-1. 711 Seven Eleven .. Always Open. 10-7-10…. 1O-7-1O… 1 7 1… 9… Hello… The Alignment of Energy through the use of Expression ( not even Sound, since none of you can hear me, and thus I am by passing Sound Vibration and using Silence and Quiet as True Sound. As Well as Moving 6th Sense to Fact… Physical Fact. Which I have done, moving Sixth Sense Represented by Ms Brenda Boothe, to Flor Elena… […]

10 Jul 2017

7/10/2017 18:19 – Facebook Post

4:09 p.m. 49. D.I. Hello.. Before I begin to recount and link the events of today, I wish to make it known that this is a Universal Script not of Love Light Laughter and Luminosity… It is not the play of E, the Eternals. Which is why I came, and what I came to do. But as the time indicates of Todays Post, 49… * B.R.C Assessment Shelter, bed 49 which I occupied which linked to 268 East 4th Street, […]

09 Jul 2017

Well Folks…. That is it…

Well Folks…. That is it… There nothing left to do… The Equation of E.S… Emeka Steven is complete… Earth to Sun… E.S… Expression Splendor… E.S…To 2 4..6.. Played to perfection to by Brenda Booth… And then Robert Jones… who played Fact. I really have nothing to say… Ms Brenda came in and is sitting besides me the Double V… She the Original Little Sister Harmony… Sacred Portal 53… A Long line moving through so many until finally Lisa Natalie Johnson […]

09 Jul 2017

From Flor Elena Medina… F.E.M..I..N I N E…

From Flor Elena Medina… F.E.M..I..N I N E… Honor to her and her Life and her Line And let the General Public.. G.P… Be now aware and understand that, that which manifests for those who supported, did the work… Investigated and then supported this work receive all the Extase Glories and Manifestations of Eternity and the 5th Dimension. That it was merited and earned. I was given the lowest of the lowest roles to play- which made many people dismiss […]

09 Jul 2017

7/9/2017 20:03 – Facebook Post

6;51 p.m. Sixth Sense… F as in F.A.C.T…is Area 51… Expression Awareness… Energy A.H.Tom… Paul Franklin who wears the number 51 is leaving the Delta Manor and thus, reflecting the test and Challenge of the 1-4 Dimension as to the source of the Story called the World Existence. His leaving proves in this viscous test of the E.T.C…Emeka;s Truth Consciousness/ Creation C- Speed of Light, Constant. 51 is E.A… 5+1=6… 6 51/ 15 6… It is the greatest tragedy of […]