
Monthly Archives: February 2016

19 Feb 2016

From Alexandre Mamo

From Alexandre Mamo Fey Mirach Black On White… B.O.W..I.E.. A.M.. Brown On Brown… B.O.B… Robert.. F.M..A.M… back to 5O1 Face Book Friends.. 51 Area 51.. E-A… 12:36 p.m Original Facebook Post: Click Here

19 Feb 2016

2/19/2016 0:34 – Facebook Post

From Will Hunnitpercent Real Face Book friend lord Ye…! Code Panda.. from China -Taiwan.. Black and white true rep.. he just turned 51.. Code area 51.. though he still looks like a youth.. Ye means ‘Light Happiness Harmony” ..But I don’t know about the chubby part both he and I are quite Slim.. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

18 Feb 2016

this imagery is Brilliant..

this imagery is Brilliant.. And aligns to the last Riddles and Sequencing I have been solving from the Namaste-E Consciousness from Beyond.. Full Circle, L.P Music Sound Color Do re me fa so la ROY(G)GB.I.V..E Harmony 4.3 Million Albums.. 43 Sacred Portal True Life’ 43 7 12.. 1984…Big Brother Watching’ 1O3..13.. 4 D. Everything checks out Kosher even the code L.S Larry Sax.. code 19..47 1O:O1-2 p.m Sword Crowned with Laurels of Victory.. over Sight Sound and the Dark side […]

18 Feb 2016

From Richard Schooping

From Richard Schooping The Gravity of Grace Not only is this literally manifest correct and attuned with actuality.. it IS the expression of a Beautiful Mind Heart Being 6:5O p.m E Praise.. Original Facebook Post: Click Here

18 Feb 2016

2/18/2016 18:50 – Facebook Post

Excellent Intel.. AN Electrical W.A.V.E.. A Flooding of Invisible Electrical Wave- Yes Hue A.H’s Ark? I wrote an equation about this two two days ago which prompted and play and conversation with Alex Reyenga.. Code meaning and undercover in him, is the A.R…E/ E..R.A.H of the”All Seeing Eye” Defender of Man, Do Rey…E.N GA..5-14..7-1″ The second Sound Wave… The first is to “Do” – The conversation led to the answering of a question as to my own secret undercover identity, […]

18 Feb 2016

From Shane Michael Robinson Sr.

From Shane Michael Robinson Sr. More from the realm of Elves Fairy’s and Fair-E’s. The Realm of the Magician… Infinity and his sister Harmony-Pan Door-AH… And Ohhh yes.. Spells if you are asleep but which have much less effect once you are aware that you in a play where you are about to come out from undercover.. Getting your Awareness Memory (A.M) back.. See sacred code in the meaning in my last Face Book friends name Alexandre Mamo… A.M.. Defender […]

18 Feb 2016

From Nnaemeka Jude Charles

From Nnaemeka Jude Charles Oi! I am seeing Beautiful Fairy Princess’s everywhere.. I think they are trying to tell us something.. See sacred Portal 87.. And Nasa M87 Star… Original Facebook Post: Click Here

18 Feb 2016

From Maryanne Savino…

From Maryanne Savino… Another Lotus Flower form… Flower Power.. Its Essence.. And great Intel adapting the body to Ascension for people beginning to sense the the Quintessential Quantum change going on in the Universe and Planet E Original Facebook Post: Click Here

18 Feb 2016

From Richard Schooping R.S..

From Richard Schooping R.S.. The Blue Gate.. B.G…27 C.I.. 3 9 12 27..B.G..Blue Green 5 4 Dimension Say E.D..Light…affirmed Blue Gate.. B.G.. 2 7…9..=I.E Original Facebook Post: Click Here

18 Feb 2016

From Aryana Luna Leone…

From Aryana Luna Leone… Power isn’t the Key for the likes of Us.. It is Skill and Training and Will In my Creation Story of the family of Ten.. J.J.J.J.. The 4th Dimension is linked to Noni Promise- Teacher of True Life.. 3:15 p.m. Code Zeina Hanna C.O… The Twin of Non the Teacher is Devi Devoted representing aspect 2.. 4-2/ 2-4… Noni is the Diva and Devi the Divine… True Power is Self Mastery.. Sensei… Original Facebook Post: Click […]