
Monthly Archives: September 2015

18 Sep 2015

9/18/2015 4:43 – Facebook Post

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

18 Sep 2015

9/18/2015 0:19 – Facebook Post

Yeah…Thanks..O.R.B But NWA NEM Nwoke -NNA-NNE (NNNNAE) don’t you think it about time to end it…After all 42 months, 24 yrs is a long story… Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

18 Sep 2015

9/18/2015 0:12 – Facebook Post

From Andrese Harris Burton AH..( C ) B… First Drop… FD 46 Containing the Nature of Everything Transparently.. Lavender Intuition Lord Li… I.Love… A Drop, A Ripple to a Tidal Wave O… D.R…T.W.O…IN O.N.E Beautiful Share Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

17 Sep 2015

9/17/2015 22:35 – Facebook Post

At Last a New Lady Atlas- Ladies who carried the Cee of the world and the wait of the World on their Shoulders with wide embrace of arms enfolded in amazing grace and hospitality… Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

17 Sep 2015

9/17/2015 22:20 – Facebook Post

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

17 Sep 2015

9/17/2015 22:15 – Facebook Post

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

17 Sep 2015

9/17/2015 22:01 – Facebook Post

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

17 Sep 2015

9/17/2015 20:29 – Facebook Post

.. 7;53 PM.. Now, on a lighter note.. A Poem from the C of a Lady…B.I..R.D. The MaDonna Line. INFINITE LOVE… I dare not speak the word, I love You” Without knowing what it means to utter it… To mean it whole-heartedly, Means, I have to first say these words to myself. Until I hear the echo of “I Love you” reverberate Fill my Being. Truth recognized. I AM LOVE… Embracing all that IS. Love is the light that sees […]

17 Sep 2015

9/17/2015 17:49 – Facebook Post

The Source of the Spring.. The Brooke.. The River The Ocean Neptune Poisedon 8th planet.. The Fountain Head…FH..68 And the Foundation Of Existence.. F.O.E of the lie of the Monstrous Feminine Nature within man.. Now identified as Aphrodite.. Afro di E T.. Steven Biko.. The Son of Neptune Zeus Water Rain See of Men.. the Winged Horse God. Returns to his Source in Cloud 9 Long over due and missed. Mist and Dew.. M.A.D…? Yes..Mad as Angry.. D..A.M.. D+A-M 4+1+13… […]

17 Sep 2015

9/17/2015 12:33 – Facebook Post

Great picture. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here