
Monthly Archives: September 2015

12 Sep 2015

1:25 PM

1:25 pm L.E…O Dawn Leo… And no, you can not manipulate Harmony. 12-9-8 9-12-8 L.I..H.. I.L.H… Hello… I have a new Face Book Friend, whose name I do not know yet because it is in Chinese Characters… I will find out later… But it brings us back to 364 Facebook Friends..C.F.D…. Consciousness= Fifth Dimension. I watched a movie last night, I could not sleep because I was so exhausted especially from the physical exertion of my Body seeking to rise…. […]

11 Sep 2015

9/11/2015 18:50 – Facebook Post

4:5O pm.. 12-9-2O15…3-9-8 9-12-2O15…9-3.8 C.I..H. I.C..H I did not post yesterday anything on my page… I did not do it consciously but only looking back in Hindsight of the completed play did I realize why.. See Kachy Ihem share yesterday .. 11-9. And Brooke Elizabeth Banwers comment on 911.. That is the riddle of 9-11 solved.. I.K..E… E K..I. I.K- E.K.. Both mean in OINRI Igbo “Power and Strength” Recall the play in 19-99 of Jon Jason Lee and I […]

10 Sep 2015

9/10/2015 21:36 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 99 Crowned with Laurels….V God as True Nature N.T.. Is Satisfied… Earth Luna… E.L Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

10 Sep 2015

Facebook Post..

Hello and Welcome.. Original Facebook Post: Click Here

10 Sep 2015

From Andrese Harris Burton

From Andrese Harris Burton A.H!!! C.B…..See Being.. This is Extraordinary Intel… Now… :).. Imagine this as en energetic journey of the First being, in which became replicated over and over again in the physical symbolic matter based reality we call Atomic Harmonious Cellular Biological expression… Notice how in the womb the process of going within is replicated over and over again at at the end of 9 Months, Pluto moves to the Sun to make it 1 O… A Full […]

10 Sep 2015

From Nenad M. Djurdjevic…

From Nenad M. Djurdjevic… The People Pyramids one light in the dark and one White Arabian Horse Espirit transporter …58 EH.. waiting to the 123 home Original Facebook Post: Click Here

10 Sep 2015

From Maryanne Savino… M.S…S,W…

From Maryanne Savino… M.S…S,W… Saw Supreme Wisdom.. Thank you for inviting me… and the code Intel from your Espirit E… Okay, Lets see what this means… Blue is Awareness Uranus Neptune Earth.. U.N.E…One Femine principle.. Blue and Indigo Violet… I.V…6-7th Energy point uniting at 1-8 in universe within- the body, creates the Sacre Couer Sacred Heart and Hearth.. which creates the transformation of the back ( Shoulder Blades..S.B..Supreme Being) through the Butterfly Effect- B.E, Beautiful Expressions… Which transform your back, […]

10 Sep 2015

From Leonard O Ramirez

From Leonard O Ramirez Mona Lisa…M.L…12-13..11 23….5 Leornado Dav Vinci’s Vitruvian Man.. V.M Mountain View.. M.V. Marcus Vitruvius Pollio Master Builder..M.B Vestibule- Hall way… Vitrine…Window… Nose and Eyes of a House. Father of Western Architecture… Knows how to Cee.. Full Circle Every Thing..E.T. Every One…E.O 2:39/0m Original Facebook Post: Click Here

10 Sep 2015

9/10/2015 11:38 – Facebook Post

I will drink water……. I must drink……. And I’m watching! Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

09 Sep 2015


contd… Ouranos Zeus…O.Z… It is the 4th largest by mass..3-4 The 8th planet and thus, the representative of the 7 chakra meeting the 8th is Neptune.. N.E…PT..U.N.E…Natural Expressions point is One Evolution O.E it is the 4th Largest planet and third largest by mass…4-3… Zeus Neptune…Z N…Beauty is Naturalness Exemplified through natures expression of Heaven and Earth… Order Harmony Cycles infinity…The only planet found by mathematical prediction, M.P, rather than Empirical Observation..E.O..Because it represents Harmony, Seen- Unseen, and true Harmony […]