
Monthly Archives: August 2015

17 Aug 2015

8/17/2015 13:02 – Facebook Post

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

17 Aug 2015

9:45 A.M.

9:45 A.M. I:D.E… Identify of E. 17-8-8 8-17-8… H.Q.. H…. Head Quarters… Harmony. Hello.. I have a new Facebook Friend… Surprise! Surprise! Back to 345 Facebook… Didn’t I say that the Super Computer ( yes, yes Hitch Hikers Guide..-H H.G..8-8-7-, to the Boogie..Gala XY…Female Computer) Has been recalibrated to this play and response to only the True Play.. ? Welcome Kathy Allen…K.A.. KA Thy ALL EN…Elegant Nomads In E.M.E…K.A… Kathy means Pure Allen means Harmony… Noble Stone.. Represented by Facebook […]

16 Aug 2015

8/16/2015 20:53 – Facebook Post

7:O3 PM Jonn Blackwell of N.P….Presented me 7… yes seven papers written by Tom BenzianSan Mateo california (Kali) Erek Eclass Mateo… of Los Angelos California… (Kali) L.A! C… or LACK) E.E.M had a project to create a Mind University… And so Jonn has invited me to peer into his mind, through Tom Benzian.. T.B.. Tom means Twin B… John B….Black O Well B.O.W… Twin Michael…. Michael O’Donnell Sonama California…Son A.M…A… (Kali… Goddes of destruction) Jonn is in New York State… […]

16 Aug 2015

5;18 pm.

5;18 pm. E: A.H. Not surprised that we are back at 344 Facebook friends.. Its is a delay tactics of the play of Nature as J.B… Graciousness is the Balance of of the Universal Simulation Matrix of Existence… Played out by the line of Jonn Blackwell…. J.B…. And the D line DD Full Circle as Harmony… E=E.E J.B.H D.O.S.. D.J.E.. O.B.E.. S.H.E… Meaning the play of the Evolution Awakening is not placed on the balance of Expression of the E, […]

16 Aug 2015

from Andrese Harris Burton

from Andrese Harris Burton Original Facebook Post: Click Here

16 Aug 2015

Michael O’Donnell..

Michael O’Donnell.. Blue Mountain View…A.H. Original Facebook Post: Click Here

16 Aug 2015

From Aryana Luna Leone…

From Aryana Luna Leone… Making them feel at home… in their own correct identification of them selves… True Nature…Refined Individually.. T.N..R.I Original Facebook Post: Click Here

15 Aug 2015

4:56 P.M.

4:56 P.M. A Brief Note of Evidence for the record as to which Portal we are moving to in this Awakening… Today’s is Kalli Kelsey birthday.. Happy Birthday My Lady! I honour her and her Espirit with the term My Lady because of her Harmony which I am about to prove to you all as Evidence as to what Lady Echo and Lord E.T are transmitting to me through all of you- The Change in Plan details of the Evolution […]

15 Aug 2015

1O:22 A.M.

1O:22 A.M. J.V…. 15-8-8…O-H-H 8-15-8…. A.C I.M… A Course in Miracles… Ohhh!!! (Orgasm)/ A, Cee I’M The Course of Miracles… The Mirror Key. A Mira-Cle. A=1 C=3 I=9 M=13. 1 3 1 13. Awareness Consciousness Individually Manifest. 3-45 April Marie Malone.. Code A.M…M. Hello… I woke up to 5 likes, then 11 likes… Which I noticed are the Intials of my name and the time I ended my yesterday’s post. I further saw 16 likes…P.. And noted the time as […]

15 Aug 2015

A Rainbow with an E..M…

A Rainbow with an E..M… Original Facebook Post: Click Here