
Monthly Archives: August 2015

21 Aug 2015

8/21/2015 15:43 – Facebook Post

3:43 pm From Brooke Banwer.. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

21 Aug 2015

8/21/2015 13:30 – Facebook Post

11:14 A.M. 21:8-8. 8-21-8.. Hello… Is the Evolution and Awakening here yet..? Oh yes…Believe me, I would not be writing, posting and reporting after all this time if it was not. I check and made to see everything (even when I do not wish to), no it is all set… Which is the reason for my frustration with the hold up. My physical body and the process Tom Benzian calls “Crystalization”- but what I call a pain in the ass, […]

20 Aug 2015

8/20/2015 18:14 – Facebook Post

6:00 pm. 6+4= 1O. Back at 347 Facebook Friends so Sacred Portal 48 is still vacant.. And we have 3-47 Twice… P.S. Jay means Victorious… Also Swift… The Gift of the Lord Creator is the Warrior Victorious… A E…of the 1 5 full Circle of Understanding Ahtom..The Twins Action linked to Words.. A.W…linked to E.A.. E A is 51.. Jonn Blackwell code… A W.E… 58 Donna O Sullivan. Thus V.W…+E.A.. W A.V.E.. The Swift Victorious Messenger of Universal Awareness (Blue) […]

20 Aug 2015

8/20/2015 15:55 – Facebook Post

Alien Father in Nature. Yes, Alien Father represents the Insect and Repitile world of Existence. I.R.E… I R E LAND Our Land. 3:55 pm Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

20 Aug 2015

8/20/2015 14:08 – Facebook Post

1:19 pm A.S. See Sacred Portal: Alien Father. A.F. A.F A. Means N.A.M.E in Igbo. N.O.M. Nam U My OH O Renge Kyo… Yesterday Jonn Blackwell saw me my Energetic True Form at this moment… 1:22 pm See Sacred Portal 1:22 A Being of power and wrath. He said I was immense.. He had seen me grow to immense size before but yesterday he saw me clearly.. I was wearing Black, Blue and Grey (Silver) with a red glow in […]

20 Aug 2015

8/20/2015 13:12 – Facebook Post

1O:56 A.M. 2O-8-8. 8-2O-8. Good Morning… A Personal Note. Death and Destruction. D.A.D. 14-41…42… This is the amount of time I have been doing the work with people in New York, and transmitting information from what I call the realm of E. 41 months going on 42 months on Facebook. I was forcibly summoned to New York, to complete my training and finally come on Facebook. 26 years since I began the “journey”. Every post is a translation of a […]

19 Aug 2015

8/19/2015 21:25 – Facebook Post

8:11 pm 19-8-8…S H 1O: 8-8..J.H.H. A H.Harmony JoNN..JoHnn.. Join E Jonn Blackwell Johnny Larkin I have just received the reply to the post concerning passing through the E Portal by the lines of Being Harmonious represented by Jonn Blackwell for that line. The response comes immediately after a play and a conversation with Jonn, which ended with my being satisfied that he had passed the tests of an E Consciousness… Tears and the first Drop. And I.Q. Cee Supreme. […]

19 Aug 2015

8/19/2015 17:43 – Facebook Post

4:O6 pm. 19-8-8.. 1-8-8. 18 Mountain View… I have been a guest of Jonn Blackwell and Donna O’Sullivan for a month today. It’s has been an exquisite pleasure to be thier guests and have them actors and students of the play. I am not the Teacher, I am the Beloved who comes undercover to bring forth to the last people in this “Movie Play” the intel, all the data to “choose” which play is real and hence come out from […]

17 Aug 2015

8/17/2015 18:01 – Facebook Post

From Donna O Sullivan Hiding in the scenes of your Stories The Family simply blended in.. But we were not the cartoon characters We were in that which was real Undercover in animation Which had to transformed.. ..made real. And the Reel. 5:59 pm E.Ritz I Carlton .. E.R I.C. C I. .R.E. 6:OO pm Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

17 Aug 2015

8/17/2015 13:51 – Facebook Post

Transformation of Lady Noni Promise Tree of Life Into Ma D A.M..E Amy Beloved Lady Butter fly GHEE. G.H..87 EE..55 G.H.E..E 1:51 pm Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here