
Monthly Archives: August 2015

07 Aug 2015

3:53 PM

3:53 pm This aligns to the 66 images I posted The 67 a repeat of the Earth Quake which proceeds humanity finally realizing what this play is all about and that a Human Being has literally solved the riddle of Existence… Appeared twice.. Sacred Portal 67 is not uploaded here thus its real form based in the evidence of passing into Donna and Jonns home at 18 M.V…R.S..T.N was 6, Emeka And Jonn passed through a Portal labelled 6 before […]

06 Aug 2015

7:58 PM

7:58 pm 6-8-8.. 8-6-8… Harmony David Geoff…Grace of Creation Donna Sarah….Harmonies I. Be Generous of Espirit that is Grace and thus, Grace is Respect from top to bottom the Generosity beyond the facade of Manners attentive to every Dimension of another Being… No one is another’s slave… Recall that Generosity is the Gift of the Lover of Life’s true song.. Gratitude is the Expression Echoed when graced with the Gift of the Creators Song.. 8:O2 pm So Begone the world […]

06 Aug 2015

5:38 Pm..

5:38 Pm.. E C.H.. E Consciousness Harmony… E Cee Harmony….Princess Nkem Hello I have a New Facebook Friend, whose presence and perfect timing aligns us (and allows us to read the unravelling Blue print of what is about to Become present here in the world of illusions, once a world of Ideas of Creation finally transformed into that which is Solid Fact it is Real ) Welcome Lady Sarah Nkem Blackstock Sarah means Princess Sarah Friedman Salama Sarah Jaclyn Arrijani […]

06 Aug 2015

2:25 PM

2:25 pm. 6-8-8 8-6-8 Lucifer John Orien Yonathan In the name meanings above we complete and end the tale of Lucifer Adversary… LA.. That story of Duality and the Story of Jealousy Envy Superiority and of course, the idea of God. Lucifer is Emeka Lucifer is Nnamdi Lucifer is Jonn Lucifer is Donna Lucifer are the E Line. E Lu NE… Lucifer Discovers Ma Donna The Truth he is.. Who Discovers his twin called the mystery never a mystery because […]

06 Aug 2015

Facebook Post..

Lucifer Son of the Morning Star. An Asteroid which Impreganted the Earth Super man coming as The E.T Saviour Jon-Luke Picard captain of the Star Ship Enterprise Milky Way MW-WW-Wills Way, Way Me… Lucifer the Beautiful Expression Lucifer -Light C-Consciousnsss John- the Grace of the Creator. Jesus Lucifer Satan the Adversary of the Idea of God… God is not my.Father, that is an invention of Man seeking a Light of the Beautiful One, that Light within me, and which each […]

05 Aug 2015

8/5/2015 10:01 – Facebook Post

9:33 A.M 5-8-8 8-5-8 Happy Birthday Lord Jonn Blackwell! Code Time: I.C.C….I.O…. Date E Harmony Harmony Harmony Expressed Harmoniously. What are the chances that Jonn Blackwell would be born on the exact date of the code E.H…H.E called the Fifth Dimension Harmony which is the First Dimension 5-1… A code and the basis of the Art and Science, which I have found myself being brought into this world to prove into Existence by weaving non stop the Truth of Everything […]

05 Aug 2015

Via Daniel W.Mills

Via Daniel W.Mills Original Facebook Post: Click Here

04 Aug 2015

9:11 P.M

9:11 P.M 4-8-8 8-4-8 Hello… I have a new Facebook Friend Welcome Lady in Blue .. ( ROYGB…) Jane Frances… 335 Facebook Friend… C.C.E.. 3+3+5=11…K.. A.A…1 A. I wrote a Beautiful long Equation on the relevance and the importance and signifance of my latest FaceBook friend based on the ph-one 69- 96 Ying Yang play… (9+6=12..3….9-6=3..C.. 9+6=15 letter O, representing the Full Circle Chris Franco..Bearer of the annointed is the Freeman 6×9=54…The Mitchondria D N.A – The Bean…) And the […]

04 Aug 2015

8/4/2015 15:29 – Facebook Post

Lady in Blue. Color of the character in my Creation Story Espirit E… Code name “Awareness Being Consciousness D’art of Harmony. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

03 Aug 2015

Facebook Post..

1:34 P.M 3-8-8.. 8-3-8.. Hello… I woke up today once again restless and with the urgent desire to simply walk away from this play… The play of 18 Mountain View is exhausting despite the Beautiful Enactment of the Jonn and Donna… My state has nothing to do with them but rather this play at which I am solving riddles which keep pointing out who I am and my true I.D. My quiet rage comes not only from these riddles and […]