
Monthly Archives: June 2015

06 Jun 2015

923 476 O315…

923 476 O315… 92 3…4 76 O 315. 2O:67..USD Sent from Nenad M Djurdjevic N.M.D… Through Nikoma Rios… N.R… To I. Chukwuemeka Emeke. Is this the Lotto Ticket and last equation of the Awakening. ? Look at the date 6-6-8… Nikoma by way of tel code and inverse links to to both 68 as well as 89… Nenad M. Djurdjevic links to 66.. I link to 66-68-89… 668/866/ Inverse 899…H I..I It the completition of a Movie Film of the […]

05 Jun 2015

8:21 PM

8:21 pm H.U….EM AN. I can believe I am posting but today’s play really happened. The people are the equations, I often forget that it is they who are being moved… That this really is an Espirit play… And Spirit play and in this play there really are evil Spirits. Let me elaborate… Recall that I stated that I was with Nexus called Kari Bazeman… And recall that in this play everyone you meet is a reflection of you… Not […]

05 Jun 2015

Facebook Post..

4:55 P.M. The ONE. N.E.O. N.E.O. The Beautiful One… These are quotes from Mma Adu.. Meaning Beautiful Being..BB..V. And from Kachy Ihems… The Beautiful One.. Both names are code name for me… Let me explain… I have finished but I was used in the play of Africa today once more!!! I was contemplating my next move, fully aware that I that I am meant to go home now not looking for a job or shelter. 5:OOpm After yesterdays play of […]

04 Jun 2015

6/4/2015 18:28 – Facebook Post

Hmm… Hi… No I am done… But a literal voice said check… The Number 3 was everywhere today and now we are back at 299… I know what means Being I and I… B.I.I In ONri Igbo “BI”Lives I… Just saw a sign in red on a “Yes Equality!” But based on the codes it literally means Zeina Hanna.. no more numbers 268… simply Beauty is the Gift of Grace of the Creator.. I have a day…Free but not quite […]

04 Jun 2015

6/4/2015 17:40 – Facebook Post

From Angela Marie Alexander 5;39 pm… E; C.I… Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

04 Jun 2015

6/4/2015 11:16 – Facebook Post

1O:35 pm IT WORKS!!!!!! It is done and activated Consciousness E Beings Harmony! Ha! 347 517 72-53..8-9….H.I! C.D.G…E.Q…HI! See sacred portal 121…Nnamdi talking to me was played out just a moment ago. I was wondering “What Now” exhausted with 46 cents in my pocket. 64/46 Had been up all night, first time I could not get rest but nourishment was provided.. Waddled to a few places then finally Nikoma came to my.mind. He represented Nnamdi/Booms in the play and shares […]

04 Jun 2015

6/4/2015 6:36 – Facebook Post

6:O3 A.M. This will be brief. 26 yrs since leaving Nigeria, (yes 26 yrs is the code as well as 26-8) -Meaning that this has been about Africa and Uwa the Nri, as well as the E I have reached the end of thier play and the begining of mine I stated that the 3OOth Facebook Friend would be me… Laker Brenda (*excuse me for tagging you so often) Means the Stream the pool (lake) and “The Work” And Brenda […]

04 Jun 2015

6/4/2015 4:55 – Facebook Post

3:5O p.m. 4-6-8 6-4-8 A cab with the number 64 is parked right in front of me, I have 46 cents in my pocket. I took a walk and found a full pack of Natural American Spirits. N.A S.. Nnamdi Aaron Swartz… N.A.S.. Alpha Supreme..Awareness Supreme. Sacred Portal 121.., Have been seeing American Indians images everywhere who are of the “Black American Spirit but that was the physical story. There is an evolved Energetic Story of the American Spirit which […]

04 Jun 2015

6/4/2015 1:00 – Facebook Post

12:OO p.m Evolution of Consciousness is Harmony. I just finished a play with someone whose Mother was concerned about her child “Hanging out” with some one much older because this person was taking “medicine” more so because of thier brilliance. I reassured her, and she was reassured. But I was shaken to the very core. I was 23 when I began this work on documenying Harmony and my life stopped. At 26 I was “taken to see the Light” And […]

03 Jun 2015

6/3/2015 12:07 – Facebook Post

1O:39 A.M. 3-6-8. J (AO) C.I. C-F-H. Whew.. !! Hello… Nature Morte. Man… Will this moving through endless expression just finished. 39 months and 22 years of travelling through Death and Nature and believe me I am knackered. Dominic Temp told me to watch out for last night and something did Manifest, I saw and experienced something which I felt had no right to Exist. But it proved that it did. But there is a limit of how far I […]