
Monthly Archives: June 2015

22 Jun 2015

5:56-7 pm

5:56-7 pm 22-6-8 Responsibility… Hello… There is no doubt that I am shocked, stunned, speechless by the role designated for me to play and the purpose given to me. No doubt, as most freedom lovers, such an idea of fate, destiny, predesignated roles creared before you were even born is an anthema to your ears and sense of being… Why even exist if we our destinies are controlled? To fulfill some higher purpose, a plan perhaps… Because we decided to […]

22 Jun 2015

12:55 PM

12:55 pm. 22-6-8.. My Way.. That is the film which Krarr Alfatali sent me. Krarr is from Iraq (Baghdad) where it was formerly Persia and the Kingdom of Babylon … It also represents Allah… The last of the prophets from the Trinity of Religions which has torn this world to shreds… Allah admonished the Prophet Mohammed and the people to Read. I also see that message as a sign from the N line or that force playing God and the […]

21 Jun 2015

6:25 P.M

6:25 P.M F.B.E. Face Book E. Hello… I have a new Facebook Friend Mica Toms Mica means Humble and Is a form of the name Michah….Which means Who is as God.. It also refers to the prophet Micah and the prophecy of the Lords house with many rooms. A prophecy which not only translates into the Story of the family of E..Equality Evolution but which also is my brother Booms Sons name Michah Nnamdi… I knew literally when he was […]

20 Jun 2015

6:14 P.M.

6:14 P.M. 2O-6-8 Hello.. The obvious reason I am here in the Shelter are being made manifest every waking moment. Still does not make me feel better.. Playing the reporter for GOD who I call Express True Consciousness. E T C ..Energetic Consciousness (Light) Truth. I hardly hear from anyone anymore but that comes as no surprise I feel such compassion for my mother… She has two other children but to loose one son, then loose another… To not see […]

19 Jun 2015

From Orobello Agata…

From Orobello Agata… 8:02 pm. This is Mother with Nnamdi the Cheetah 7O miles per hour….fast cat in the world. Mother as I knew her was called little sister Harmony.. I do not wish to explain any longer how I know this… But it is the Truth … Lady Orobello Espirit in Perfect harmony with her being… 8:O5 pm Original Facebook Post: Click Here

19 Jun 2015

3:O1-2 pm

3:O1-2 pm 19-6-8… 6-19-8.. Hello…. I have a new Facebook Friend.. Welcome Opeyemi Adeyefa… O.A.. Orobello Agata A.A. Opeyemi means To Give Praise…Praise worthy Ade YeFa means Crowned with the IFA… from what I gather it represents the Divination with the Spirit world and the Understanding or accessing the will of the Creator Divine… Which would correlates with this play of my life where I am being forced to play the translator scribe etc…of my Brother Twin aspect Nnamdi… 3:11 […]

16 Jun 2015

5:28 P.M.

5:28 P.M. Chi nelo… The Espirit Reflects. This Person here who is to me uttering a response of challenge reminds me of Kieth the man I met in the Shelter.. Who I knew I was meant to meet. I have given him my message and the rest is in his hands.. 5:3O pm. *Well will you look at that- the time aligns with his bed number. My former hosts actually first name begins with an E though everyone calls him […]

16 Jun 2015

2:32 p.m.

2:32 p.m. Life is not a Bitch. A Bitch is a Female Dog. But in application to a human being it is a Woman Conscuousness asking or taking or demanding more than She deserves, after giving more than she deserves The Womb… A Tomb from which the abnormal elongated head of the deformed Pharaoh emerged from in Nenad M. Djurdjevic vision. A Womb demanding that she be paid tribute to as the Goddess. The Mother cult? The Cult of the […]

15 Jun 2015

Facebook Post..

5:31 p.m. Something is Watching and Listening… Something set this play up from the moment I recieved my British Code number NZ 67 67 46 B. N is 14 yrs.. Time in New York Z is 26 yrs …Since I left Nigeria 26-8….The Address I was led to in 2OO6 opposite a Shelter 269 in Manhattans Lowe East Side. Where the occupant of this studio grew up in Forte Green (F=6,G=7) – the very portal I went down into at […]

13 Jun 2015

3:24 PM

3:24 pm. 6-13-8.. 13-6-8 C X (BD) F M H. M.F H. Consciousness X… Feminine Masculine in Harmony Masculine Feminine in Harmony.. There is only one reason I am still posting.. And that is obviously because My Word is victorious. If you recall I stated yesterday that if I crossed the threshold of the McGuiness Freeman Shelter that there would consequences beyond anything ever dreamed and only the E line would be left on this planet. A weeding of the […]