
Monthly Archives: October 2014

18 Oct 2014

A.H….Alpha Omega…G.Ode…

A.H….Alpha Omega…G.Ode… Ah the Alpha Omega…Ode to Existence in Key G Major… G A B C D E F… The Peoples key.. Conclusion of Codes… The Universe is made up of Keys… Notes of.music… In order to explore the universe science made an error in using mathematical symbols and equations…. Instead the universe should have been understood through music and words should have been put to music of the universal harmonics as I have done. I, of course did not […]

18 Oct 2014

10/18/2014 3:12 – Facebook Post

2.09. 18/1O…2O 14 Emily… Emmy… Might as well Face the code quickly and get it over with… Stimulated by N.D..Dina Dina Singh …who mentioned Emily Emmy her Espirit knows I know what she is referring to.. Then my former host put two films.. Jinn… and Possession the main character is Emily. We watched that. It is the story of a girl called Emily who is possesed by a Disjointed Spirit of Evil which lives in a box. Very much like […]

17 Oct 2014

Feminine Equation Completion

Feminine Equation Completion Reps Onu Nnonyelum Eunice E O.N.E. 3 E.N.O…meaning 4 in O.I.Nri Igbo 3-4 7 And A…AA..Angela Albert Alpha…1 Harmony 8 Infinity I. 9 89.. H.I. 17…Q…Omnipotentence 8…1… Ha.. Its me Original Facebook Post: Click Here

17 Oct 2014

I, for one have nothing to proove to anyone…

I, for one have nothing to proove to anyone… ….I do not feel there is anyone out there worthy enough that I or anyone need devote our very existences to meet requirements for your approval… What extraordinary audacity and presumptiousness… I recall about 6 yrs ago when I wrote to.my sister telling her what was going.on and how I was being compelled by a force within which she is one of the only persons whom could relate to this truth. […]

17 Oct 2014

October 17….

October 17…. 17-1O…2O 14… Q.A-G…A.O….T.N..C.D…G Oh, I see… The its about the Alignment Gathering and the Q..Queens…The Q as the Goddess.. And the Lords of Love.. The Brightest… Look at my two.posts… The First is about the Q…Omnipotent Beings.. Beyond Time and Space.. The Second post was about Gathering…G.. The Family not just for me but all of you and your familes loves companions since the begining of Time and Space and for some of you even beyond…. A Family […]

17 Oct 2014
17 Oct 2014

Friday 17th October 2O 14

Friday 17th October 2O 14 17/1O….2O14… Q.A.O….T.N…C.D…G..O.D E. Last Equation of Time and Space And The Gathering… The O.I.Nri Market Days 4-7..28…13 month.year Dedicated to.the Goddess The Roman Germanic Astrological Calender The Mayan Calender… Hello… I awoke to the code 1 message 8 likes on my F.B messages Before I went to bed it was 6 likes Both represented by Angela Marie Alexander 6 And then Dina Singh… The code was 1 68… Just before that I heard a conversation […]

17 Oct 2014

10/17/2014 2:59 – Facebook Post

1.35.A.M. I just watched the latest Captain America…C.A It was put on by my former host… I just finished the codes of that..did I not. Consciousness and Awareness… Required Exemplification of Being.. To complete the code A.B..C… D.E seems to be aligned… I am not sure if anyone is or has been following the gist and logic of all this connecting the dots… But it is of no matter, I have to continue linking..I have no choice and it is […]

16 Oct 2014

10/16/2014 22:14 – Facebook Post

16/1O…2O..14… 8.2Opm. New York Hello… Strange…there is not much impulsing me to write today… Which would be great apart from the fact that O am not home. I have spent 29-3O months using words streaming from my being, while.my physical body convulsed, jerked from binds locked in a genetic coding which the more I released expressed, solved. The more free my body became. But it became a tug of war.. Literally, I have risen before and use to do so […]

16 Oct 2014

Facebook Post..

Hello and Welcome.. Original Facebook Post: Click Here