
Monthly Archives: January 2014

10 Jan 2014

Facebook Post..

Consciousness Universal Proof of Individual Devotion 2 Expression… Beautiful Expression Poetic Exemplification C.U.P..I.D…2E B.E….25 55 P.E. 16 5. (Completion of Perry Evan my 162,-A F B and Last F.B friend of this scripted play of Alpha Face Book Z.) Universal Harmonics; The Music of the Spheres and Hue man beings; the Beings of the embodiments of the Poetic words of Existence is Creation. Meant to Dance in One with the Universal Harmonics music, by creating meaning as living poetic words, […]

09 Jan 2014

Facebook Post..

Broad Cast N.E.W.S transmissions by transcribing and translating E missions accurately objectively. Not subjectively.. For all those who will start receieving transmissions (which I believe most who are vibrating now will begin to experience as I and others like me have experienced) Do not add your subjective opinion to the transmission. Just do your job objectively. Relay the News but only after you have recieved confirmation that you have indeed understood the message relayed is accurate. Harmony will affirm it […]

09 Jan 2014

The Furious. I.E.

The Furious. I.E. Original Facebook Post: Click Here

09 Jan 2014

All Light emerges from potential…made manifest

All Light emerges from potential…made manifest *See story of the birth of Loves Expression posted today in the story of Creation. Loves Expression is Light. Movement Manifest in Clarity and Transparency… Rocket Fuel 123. Original Facebook Post: Click Here

08 Jan 2014

The Story of Raphael Lucifer Erose against the Arch Angels of the East and the West Continued.

The Story of Raphael Lucifer Erose against the Arch Angels of the East and the West Continued. So it was yet another Micheal who I met as I began to second leg of my Journey. I haf mey Nnamdi or one called David in New York who recently arrived from Canada who knew me…even more than I knew him at first. One who showed me proof of Humans wings which to me were more evolution of our D.N.A…But he had […]

08 Jan 2014
08 Jan 2014

Creativity and Art is the realm of the Spirit world.

Creativity and Art is the realm of the Spirit world. It is messenger of Energy Existence…the Source and Singularity. And its nature is Beauty and its outcome is always beautiful. Writing Poetry Dance Music Scupture Design.. All these and more are the True messengers of .E.I the Singularity And when Creativity-the messenger is complete all that remains is the Crsation. The manifest Will of the Creator. We are Creators Messengers and its manifest truth. Energy Existence-Spirit messengers and the Embodiment […]

08 Jan 2014

Wall E

Wall E Wall street; V.for Vendetta. M.B. Wall of Truman Show TT Wall of of Memory Game. Caves of France Great Wall of China. B.H Wall of Voo doo And Magic (the Evil Forest) Africa and the Celts Wall of Agwuu…Wilderness. Wall of Forgetfulness. A.E Wall of Slavery and Chains F.V The Wall Illusion Deciet. Wall of the Ring of Fire Oku Monwu Hells Kitchen Wall of the Womb Babies Children Wall of Shame Wall of Existence Matter to go […]

08 Jan 2014

Flushing Queens…N.Y.C.

Flushing Queens…N.Y.C. Flushing Brooklyn (County of Kings)…No more stories of Kings and Queens …The Point of Royalty is V I.E…B.E! Natural as is your true nature. …And the Spin is how you put a Spin on telling the Truth. That is the Golden Ratio… Tell a Beautiful Story, and all the Expression of knowledge within the outpouring -Water will Flush away all the lies and twisting of the truth. Until all that remains in the end is the Point. The […]

06 Jan 2014

1/6/2014 21:45 – Facebook Post

Breathe this into your entire being. www.DoAsOne.org Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here